Man & heaven.

Heaven & hell are two awe inspiring words in human dictionary. It is these two words which influence good & bad in the world. A man is often under the impression that he would be in heaven if he pleases God & would be in hell if he displeases God. Further a man is of view that his life would be fruitful if he would be able to secure berth in heaven.It's these concepts Heaven & hell which make one tread right path & leave wrong path in their life.If heaven & hell were not there there would have been anarchy most probably.There would be always a beeline for entry into any preferred place . There would be always rush for entry into heaven. Heaven is elusive & evasive. It is not nearby. It is far far away.No one goes to heaven straight away. It is a gradual process.Step by step one proceeds towards heaven. Man isn't merely concerned about life that's now,he would be more concerned about life that would follow too.Though not all many men are visionaries & dreamers.

Human behaviour is the key to achieve success in life.Man & man differers in the world. Some think of present only.Some think of present & future. Some think of present & past. Some think more of future than of present & past.Those who think more of future think more of heaven usually.What heaven & hell denote is that a man reaps what he sows.Heaven is for honouring & applauding a man . Hell is for punishing a man. They are for two different purposes that oppose one another.

Who doesn't want to be in heaven ? Even great devotee of God PurandaraDasa asks God which is the way to heaven show me the way.Otherwise, he says it is everywhere darkness only .Heaven is a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky. Religions may be different on earth. But heaven is only one. Everyone wants to be in heaven. Everyone has their own thoughts & imaginations about it. Even sinners want to be in heaven .It is when death is fast approaching man often thinks more of heaven & hell than while doing something that is wrong. In earlier part of life majority people do not bother much about either heaven or hell. They spend their life according to their whims & fancies. They commit all sorts of sins. In the latter part of their life concepts heaven & hell appear before them. They presume that they can wash off their sins by resorting to charities & donations. They perform many rituals to please God too.

What one doesn't do to be in heaven.How many sacrifices and charities they do. How many prayers they offer to Him. One of the goals of a man in life is invariably to be in heaven. Through out right from birth to the end man does not spare any pains in this regard at all.Life is a struggle to be in heaven. Success isn't the only a criteria to be in heaven . Success is many times achieved by hook or crook.One who passes all His exams would only have entry into heaven.Its believed that one who does good would be in heaven.Heaven is the reward of victory in the warfare of life.Heaven is the crown of victory . All those who are there are crowned with immortal glory. A man cannot go with physical body into heaven .Heaven or Hell to a man, this only God can judge & decide fairly.

What is heaven ? When everything is fine it is heaven. When everything is worse , it is hell. Heaven is only an imagination. It is not anywhere . It is in the eyes that see. The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven. Every poet , every saint tries to describe it .It is said to be a beautiful place. It is a place where there is nothing but happiness & joy where is there is no sorrow whatsoever at all. It is where there is no suffering of any whatsoever at all. Only comforts & comforts. It is where everything is available in plenty & nothing is unavailable at all too .

Nobody has seen heaven & come back. This world itself is heaven & hell.Nobody can send one into heaven or hell. They only can walk into heaven or hell by their deeds. There is no bounds to a man's imagination at all. Basavanna rightly says "Truth is god and good habits are swarga(heaven) & bad habits are Naraka." Often it is state of mind that creates " heaven & hell". When man comes across cool breeze, scenic calm & quiet place feels that he is in heaven" Life is strange ,some people are so tired & their state of mind is such that they do not think either of hell or of heaven , they just wait a peaceful end.

Heaven or hell it is only tomorrow. Here remember Edward Fitzgerald who says " unborn tomorrow, and dead yesterday; why fret about them if today is sweet!” Do not worry much about heaven or hell. Live your life happily in a right way. It is heaven.It is better one always tries to make their home a heaven. It is better one tries to make their country too a heaven . When home & country are in heaven they would be in heaven undoubtedly.They wouldn't think of heaven at all. Heaven is nothing but a man's day dream. Faith & imagination make a man mad. One need not go in search of heaven , they can build heaven where they are. If one is contented & happy they are in heaven only. Heaven is an exclamation that emanates from the bottom of heart when one is fully satisfied.