A Smile.

Do not mind what others think smile smile smile without any reason also smiles. What one has gained they cannot measure. Smile Smile Smile. When everyone smiles, it is a beautiful scene. There is no border to smile. A smile is an expression that arises on account of upturning of the mouth. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. When one smiles eyes too speak. A smile is the most beautiful weapon of life. Nothing is more captivating than a beautiful smile. A smile can do wonders. It costs monetarily absolutely nothing but gives much. It can make one mad. It can hypnotize or mesmerize anyone. It can fool one also. It has magnetic power of attraction. It spreads happiness. It is the biggest enemy of sadness. Smiling is an incredibly important part of our lives. It is a sign of a good gesture. A smile cannot be either ignored or brushed aside. A smile is always food for thoughts. A smile is only a clue. How many thoughts arise in us when somebody gives a smile & we don't understand the motive behind a smile. A smile is precious. It has great value and significance. The value and significance of it cannot be either easily assessed or measured. It cannot be concealed for a long time too. A smile takes only a moment. A smile can be had in the blink of an eye. In fact, it happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime. No doubt, jokes make one smile. It does not mean that a joke is always necessary to make one smile. No occasion is important to smile even without any reason also one can smile. It is the smile that always signals that all is well. Nothing else indicates that all is well better than it. A man may grow old but his smile remains as it was. Young, old, men, women, and children all can smile. The absence of a smile augurs that something is wrong and all is not well. Its absence no one can bear long. A smile is not always plentiful. Sometimes it is scarce too. One has to go in search of it. One has to create it too. A smile brings back the shine.

A smile is normally a ray of hope. It is a smile that marks the end of anger. It is a beautiful expression . It makes a photograph beautiful. It is it only makes life beautiful also. Sometimes, a smile is like an oasis too. A smile is capable of making a dark day seem brighter. A smile often creates a goodwill also.A smile can make a difference. We can smile and make others smile also. A smile has an invisible healing touch. It is an exercise.A genuine smile acts as a stress reducer. A smile is a clear indication of cheerfulness, which keeps a person healthy and mentally stronger. Even a deaf and dumb can exchange a smile.They can return a smile for a smile.Generous and kind heart people always wear a smile on their face .An exchange of smiles is a simple act.An exchange of smiles brings one another closer. The world is strange. There are people in this world who can only smile but cannot laugh also.A person without a smile cannot be considered as fully dressed at all.

One need not say anything or do anything, a smile does everything for them. One of the best ways to hide ignorance is to give a smile. A smile is one of the best ways to convey that all is well. A smile generally depicts our feeling. It shows that whether we are calm ,not angry and have friendly attitude towards the others and many more things. Smile depicts different meanings according to the situation, past experience, mood, body language etc. Smile is deep within our primate nature. A smile can be real or fake. A smile is “mysteriously ambiguous” from a legendary one to a common one. A genuine smile is usually more symmetrical than a fake smile and does not last as long. A genuine smile lasts for up to five seconds, while a fake smile can last much longer. One of the best ways to spot a fake smile is to look at the end of the eyebrows, which dip slightly when a smile is real. When a smile is fake, blinking is more in eyes too. Both men and women give fake smiles. In fact, women give more fake smiles than fake smiles that men give . It is always better if one has knowledge of face reading to grasp a smile quickly and thoroughly. All smiles are not alike. A smile of a child is different . It is full of innocence. It is magnetic. A smile of a learned is different . It exhibits intelligence. Whereas ,a smile of an ignorant depicts ignorance and smile of a villain is sarcastic.

Smiling is one of the simplest, easiest, and cheapest way of improving not only our looks but also our moods. A smile is the number one feature that makes people attractive. A smile always gives a face a lift. A smile lasts long in memory. A genuine smile always emanates from bottom of one's heart. If there is no smile what is there in life. Whether it is a man , a woman, or a child everybody smiles in this world.The ability to smile is a gift to humans. A smile is not confined to any age group too. In fact, majority people in this world give a smile. Only a few people who are of very serious nature do not give a smile. There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness, and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivacity. A beautiful smile has the power to light up anyone’s day. When we smile, our brain releases endorphines that make us feel happy and better. We need only 17 muscles to smile, but we need about 43 to frown. A smile relaxes one's muscles . A smile reduces tension. A Smile is not merely physical but it is mental also. A smile is a product of positive thoughts. Smiling is a good habit. Smiling does not need practice. A smile not only builds confidence in us but also a smile builds confidence in others. Not only we must smile we must make others also smile.Generally one greets another with a smile. It is always better if a smile includes warmth and cordiality. A relationship develops with a smile. A smile is a sign of love. A love begins with a smile.

A face with a smile is liked in this universe. A smile and happiness are inseparable. They always go hand in glove. When we frown and we frown alone, but when we smile and the whole world smiles with us. When everybody smiles, it is a cheerful atmosphere. In fact, smiling has become a custom . A smile is a motivator. A smile is more reliable than wealth. A smile is more reliable than words. Why a man toils ? It is not merely for a bread or butter for him and his family but also it is for a smile on every face in his family. We can make out value of a smile if we compare the face of a normal person and face of a depressed person. Depression steals a smile from a face. What does Mahatma Gandhiji means by wiping out tears from every face. It is making every face smile. Buddhism also tries to spread a smile.There is no statute of Buddha without a smile all over the world.

A smile may not make one richer but it never makes one poorer too. One need not spend anything for a smile. A smile costs nothing, but gives much. A smile is a source of joy. Of course, a joy is a source of a smile too. If one cannot not give anything to others it does not matter at least they can give others a smile. One cannot smile alone. One needs at least another person to exchange a smile. If one smiles alone when there is nobody, others generally think that something is wrong with that person. It is easy to share a smile with others. Definitely, one will not lose anything when they smile but gain many things. A smile is within a man. Some exhibit their teeth with a smile. Some have dimples on their cheeks whenever they smile. A smile is powerful. A smile is attractive. A smile can be spontaneous or artificial. A smile often does wonders. But, everybody is not blessed with same quantum of smile in life. That is why some smile more and some smile less. A smile is quite essential for everybody to keep themselves hale and healthy. It is said that a smile increases longevity. Of course, way one smiles differs from a person to person. Many people do not know that their smile is the greatest asset that they have.

A smile often indicates happiness ,friendliness and approval. A smile can be otherwise too. Except a customary smile behind every other smile there is always an intent. One smiles under different circumstances with different intentions. It is impossible to understand fully and accurately a smile. A smile expresses quite a lot. A smile can create a more direct message than dozens of words. More than how long a smile is what it conveys is always important. A gratitude is expressed through a smile also. A smile can say so many things. A smile can be understood accurately and fully only subsequently through actions that follow it. In fact, actions that follow speak more than what a smile conveys. A smile at times reveals less but hides more. On differnt occasions smiles emanate in the middle. There are different reasons behind a smile which emanates in the middle. A smile can be elusive. We should not be always carried away easily by a smile. Appearances are deceptive. Shakespeare says "A man may smile and smile yet be a villain". A friend smiles and an enemy too smiles. A man in difficulties also smiles. It is not a real smile. It is generally due to compulsion only. If one fools the other, one who is able to fool the other also smiles. Some smile just to make others believe that they are still hopeful and they have not either lost heart or the battle. Conspirators smile within as if they are not aware of anything until everything comes to open and light . A smile always appears simple but sometimes it is a riddle to solve . Elders advise " Be cautious even with a smile ".

One must not smile at everything. There are many occasions when one must not smile also. A smile must be appropriate to an occasion. A smile is not a permanent one in life. It also vanishes. One must be aware that when they smile others observe them. One must not smile at another's failure. One must not smile at a person who falls. Whenever one is humiliated , we must not smile because it adds salt to injury. Under such circumstances, a smile tantamounts to an insult. At times a smile is inhuman too.

Whether one smiles or does not smile, many are not bothered. Whereas there are some who think others are angry if others do not smile. A smile belongs to an individual.Only we can smile, nobody can smile for us. Smile or do not smile, it is one's sweet will only . Nobody can compel one to smile. Every individual has an undisputed right over their smile. Even under adverse conditions, some smile. They do not make others know of their difficulties or problems. They keep aside their difficulties or problems and give a smile. They think "when we cannot laugh , we can at least smile". It is a great quality. It seems that India's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru used to smile even when he was in adversity. Many times, an individual earns a smile only after overcoming many hazards in life . In fact, such an individual deserves why a smile but numerous smiles. Wiping off such a smile from an individual's face is a grave sin. Even stealing a smile from such individual's face is not pardonable. Whereas if an individual does something wrong and instead of repenting for what had been done gives a smile. That smile has to be wiped off from his or her face without any hesitation. That is what one feels in The Ruchika Girhotra Case which involves the molestation of 14-year-old Ruchika Girhotra in 1990 by the Inspector General of Police by name Shambhu Pratap Singh Rathore in Haryana, India. After she made a complaint, the victim, her family, and her friends were systematically harassed by the police leading to her eventual suicide. On December 22, 2009, after 19 years, 40 adjournments, and more than 400 hearings, the court finally pronounced Rathore guilty under Section 354 IPC (molestation) and sentenced him to six months imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1,000. Mr S.P.S. Rathore instead of accepting court's verdict was smiling. Such a smile undoubtedlydeserves to be wiped off from his face.

In modern world, day by day smiling faces are dwindling for one reason or other. Prosperity are not associated with the smile. America is one of the richest countries in the world.In America mental depression is spreading by leaps and bounds. Major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population aged 18 and older in a given year. Similarly we come across people affected by mental depression in other parts of globe too. Mental depression always steals a smile from a face. Major depressive disorder is more prevalent in women than in men. Changing a mentally depressed into smiling person is the challenge that confronts the world to day. Besides, treatment that one would have for mental depression, they must "go the extra smile". The extra smile definitely accelerates recovery.