The World.

“This curious world we inhabit is more wonderful than convenient; more beautiful than it is useful; it is more to be admired and enjoyed than used.”

― Henry David Thoreau.

World is such a big school that everyone finds it difficult to locate their classroom in it. It's where more one learns, it is where more remains for one to be learnt. In fact, many times one enters a wrong classroom and life becomes topsy turvy. Quite often, after much stress strains and search those who are fortunate only would be able to locate the right classroom. It's nothing but a mini world. It is full of knowledge. It makes life beautiful and loving.

The world isn't confined only to four walls of a house.It's much more. It's so vast that none can see & describe it totally.There's nothing like your world, my world and his world. World is only a one. It's home for all. It is very beautiful. It's where one is born, one lives and one dies. It's where one's happiness & sorrows lie. It's one's past, present and future too. Mountains , oceans ,deserts, forests and rivers are only natural barriers. They don't divide the world.They are part and parcel of it. It's man who has divided it into continents ,countries, cities,towns, & villages. As a consequence,there are different governments different languages &different religions in the world.At one place there's capitalism & at another place there's communism .socialism,Nazism and imperialism and are also found in the world. There are still kings and emperors in it. It's never has been a calm place.It's full of activities. It's full of suspense.When and what would happen in it,it couldn't be predicted at all. It is a mystery. Nothing is permanent in it. People come and go in it.

Population of the world is mammoth . It's over 7 billion. It's spread over an area of 510,072,000 k². A man can't look at it from a plane.Even if man climbs mountain neither world can see him nor he can see the world completely. One has to open their mind's eye to look at it. It is when one comes across different scenes one after another. World is not merely geographic.It has many faces.World isn't merely what we see. There is more & more to see in it.The world looks beautiful or ugly depending upon the way one looks at it. It appears different to different eyes.

Every man has their own opinion about the world . A man's views about it seldom remain the same. A man changes his opinion as his life progresses. Young have an opinion about it and old have an opinion about it .It's better one understands what the world is than knowing what's it from others . More one roams, more one deals with people more one knows it. In fact, it's a free school to everyone from young to old and where nothing is compulsory to study too. One can study whatever they want. Everyone is a pupil in this world. However, world develops a dilemma in man and man won't know what to see & what to understand in it. The world is an unfinished story. The story would continue with twists & turns. How far it would continue it isn't known.

If everything goes on well ,world is beautiful. It's a heaven and life in it is sweet .However, it is horrible. It's a hell and life in it's a bed of thorns if everything goes topsy turvy. At what time what would happen in it, it couldn't be said at all. It isn't free of calamities &catastrophes. World is a movie.It can be a comedy or a tragedy . What the world is that time only tells. Basavanna rightly says " People worship serpents carved over stones but when they come across real serpents they shout" kill kill" . Similarly, when a man is alive people subject him to torture in many ways but when he dies people sing his praise. World is strange.

Variety is the beauty of the world. What's there in one place isn't normally there in another place. World isn't brightness everywhere. It isn't green everywhere too. When a hemisphere is lit ,it's darkness in other.When it's joy in one place, it's sorrow in another place.Population isn't also evenly spread all over the world. Some places are densely populated and some place are sparsely populated. Wealth isn't evenly spread too. That's the reason we come across economic disparities in the world . Nothing falls from the skies or nothing comes on its own in the world one has to earn. World has different climate at different places too . People and their lives aren't also alike in it. Everyone's life is a different story in it. As such ,all types of dramas and stories are found in it.They are neither fictitious nor imaginary.They are real one. Many of them even great writers can't pen. Only He can scribe them.

Literacy is improving day by day all over the world.Social behavior is too improving in it. However,some have the habit of poking their nose into affairs of others which they aren't concerned in any way at all. Some are not bothered even when someone is dying, Some have abundant money but no heart to help others. Some have no money but have a kind heart. There are as many different types of people as there are number of people in the world. People aren't merely different in appearance but also they are different in behavior. A man isn't like any other man.Tastes differ from man to man. Besides, people have different attitudes also. World is strange. Hence, we come across in it great people , heroes ,villains and all types of people.

It's impossible to find out how many kinds of people are there in the world. It's a mix of innocent, intelligent and ignorant people.World has not merely man in it but also it has animals & insects in it too. It's it that gives shelter to everyone and everything. Besides, all the needs and essentials of living beings are there in the world in one form or another.What isn't there in the world it couldn't be said or imagined. Whether one likes or dislikes one has to live in it and there's no other go other than it.

Some are busy and some don't have any work at all in this world. Some of them whatever they may be, they don't bother anyone. Whereas there are some who are nuisance. In order to survive in this world it isn't enough if one has intelligence they must be equipped with other capabilities. Though, some have their own problems, they are interested in problems of others.In this world one cannot remain either too quiet or too busy.World comprises of good,bad and everything. It's where love ,hate jealousy what not everything is abundant. All that glitters is not gold in it. Life is struggle for existence and living is an art in this world. All don't succeed in it. Success and failure are common in it.

The world doesn't remain still. It moves on. It's where wars, thunders ,lightening,earth quakes floods and all take place.It goes on developing in one way or another.There's unity in diversity in it. It is impossible to describe fully either people or the world. It's difficult to understand the world totally. The world,God only knows completely. It has many unsolved mysteries. It gives us more than what we give it. It's where we enjoy, suffer, experience and do everything. It's our play ground. Elders say there is world beyond world.

We may change or we may not change but the world changes.Old people say it isn't as it was before. It is true also. Though not all, many changes take place from time to time in this world. Surely,today's men aren't going to be there in tomorrow's world.Man made changes are more than the geographical changes in it. Man has made the world small. What one hasn't even has dream ed have taken place in it due to scientific & technological development. Of course, men may come men may go certain things never change in this world at all. Anything of value doesn't change immediately. Even if it changes it changes gradually.World is truly a more and more wonderful and exciting place with each passing day.

World doesn't remain as it is as it develops . It undergoes transformation. But the concepts rich &poor would continue to be there in it as long as it exists. At the most,there could be only some improvement in standard of living in the world and there could be less gap between rich & poor. Craze for richness would recede very less in the world. People do not realize that that they shouldn't be after richness and rich also have to eat rice only and not the golden bar.When anything is full don't try to add to it. When it's full there would be no space left at all. In fact, there would be nothing but an overflow when even little added. It's a waste only. It could tantamount to an adding fuel to a fire also. It could be a foolishness too .Elders say "Feed the hungry and not those whose stomachs are full " That's to be human rather than trying to be rich. It fetches more contentment than richness.Contentment is worth more than riches.