Human Mind

It isn't enough if one is beautiful to look at ,one must have a beautiful mind too.Human mind is an important organ of human beings. It allows one to dream anything.It can take one to heaven, hell or anywhere. Mind is wonderful.Nobody knows what's going on in it except the individual. It's mysterious.It's potential couldn't be gauged completely at all. It's a magic box. Everyone thinks that they have full control over their mind. No one could have control over it unless they strive very hard. Mind is a battle field where all kinds of battle take place. What's solicited quite often by everyone is peace of mind. Man must be a dictator and shouldn't allow the mind to dictate him.In fact, only a few can achieve victory over their mind and be happy and contented. Human mind too requires like any other organ food and exercise to keep itself fit & trim.A mind could be beautiful. It could be ugly too. A man is as his thoughts are.

A man with mind filled with good thoughts does good only. A man filled with bad thoughts does bad only. Mind is an asset as well as a liability to a man. It's human mind that's responsible for all the deeds that took place in this world and would be responsible for all the deeds that would take place hereafter and also responsible for all the deeds that have been taking place in this world. Human mind is very very powerful.

Human beings differ not only in appearances but also they differ in their minds too.There are as many minds as there are heads. All minds do not display all qualities. Every human mind is unique in one way or other than the other. A human being sans mind is a nonentity.Mind is everything.It's because of mind human beings are considered superior race.Many philosophers think that human and animal minds are radically different from one another.Human mind is mischievous & naughty. It doesn't remain quiet for a spit of a second even.It is very sensitive.It grasps everything.One may try to forget everything but it doesn't allow them to forget anything at all.Mind remembers good or bad everything.It's which is responsible for the problems that one would have. It is also instrumental for all the solutions that one would arrive at. Many strive to make it thoughtless for at least for sometime through meditation and prayers. Souls unite one another whereas mind divides one another.

It is impossible to evaluate human mind accurately. Sometimes it is a boon and sometimes it is a curse to anybody. Its nature is unpredictable. As such sometimes it's constructive and sometimes it turns out to be destructive. That is why great poet John Milton says "The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven." It is mind which controls ones activities like talk, walk, eye sight, hearing and everything. It is one’s secretary. It is the best friend to one who conquers it and it is the worst of enemies to one who can't control it at all. If mind doesn't work well all the activities of a man would be affected. It is with mind only one can know thy self or know others. It is not only one’s controller but also one’s remote controller too as far as one’s behavior or action is concerned.

It is mind that changes one’s moods. It is one’s judge too. It decides what is right or what is wrong. It's supreme. It's very sensitive. Its health is as important as health of any other part of human body. An healthy body should have an healthy mind.Otherwise one can't function properly at all. Body & mind are interrelated. One should not only maintain the health of mind but also one should try to develop it with proper inputs.Every human mind doesn't receive same inputs. That's why man to man intelligence, knowledge and other qualities vary.

A computer reproduces only whatever data that has been fed into it. Similarly human mind reproduces only whatever data that has been fed into it too. If one’s thinking is wrong, if what one understands is wrong, if one has no proper knowledge, the mind of such a person leads them on to a wrong path. Everything becomes topsy- turvy. That which is more elusive to human mind than anything else is peace of mind. It is that most of the people would love to have. Majority of prayers to Him is to acquire peace of mind. It has become a scarce and the most sought after commodity in this busy modern world. In fact ,more often world enjoys more peace than that a human mind generally enjoys. Peace is not an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind.The best and most troublesome part of human body is mind.

Is it possible to read completely a "Human Mind “?It is impossible to gauge the capacity of human mind fully.It's human mind that understands everything.It's human mind where all the decisions ,conclusions are made. Human mind is a wonder. It can do havoc. It's supreme. It's where great ideas generate. It can create or destroy the world. It's behind all the inventions and destruction that have taken place in this world. Great thoughts occupy some human minds whereas in some human minds mean and silly thoughts are found too. Similarly feelings of love or hatred , and jealousy originate and grow in human mind only. Bottom of heart, wholeheartedly, heartily ,even in dreams, stomach is full of, every nerve is filled with, heart is full of, even in my breath, such other words and phrases used to express one's intense feelings arise in human mind only.

What thoughts are making rounds in a particular human mind; it is very difficult to guess. Nobody can make out the intellectual contents of a mind of a person unless it comes out in the form speech, writing or action. We find everything mysterious. Though in composition and appearance with arteries and veins, blood, bones human mind seems to be same in the body of every human being and though it does the same function for everybody, its capability differs from person to person.It plays dual role.It plays sometimes role of a teacher and sometimes role of a student too. It never misses an opportunity to learn something that it does not now. No one is fully aware of all contents that their own mind would have.

Mind does not develop uniformly in human beings. Development of mind varies from person to person. Development of mind depends on various factors. That is the reason why we find people with different kind of nature. That is why some are intelligent, some are dull herds,and some are cunning and crooked too.

State of mind does not remain as it is for a long time. It varies from time to time. It varies from person to person. Anxiety, fear, happiness, sorrow, anger etc are nothing but one's state of mind only. Psychology is the science of the mind or of mental states and processes. It is the science of human and animal behavior too.

Human mind generally oscillates between past and future. It does not concentrate much on present. This is one of the reasons for one's problems or unhappiness. Its efficiency differs from person to person. Study of human mind is very complex. Every human mind is a workshop, which controls all the activities of the respective individuals. Human mind is a nerve center. All the nerves of a man converge in his mind. Our feeling, vision and every movement are controlled by mind. Every human mind is made up of different mettle. Every human being possesses different amount of intelligent quotient, common sense, and presence of mind. Grasping power or understanding capacity too differs from one individual to another individual. Some understand situation or anything quickly whereas some take time to understand and some do not understand at all and one should try to make them understand. That is why there are different kinds of personalities in this world.

Intelligence originates in our mind. Mind is the store of our knowledge too. Quantum and contents of knowledge stored in mind differs from person to person for it depends on the efforts of individual and also on the field of interest of individual. There is no limit to individual for acquiring knowledge. That is why human mind is compared to super computer. We ourselves do not know fully the contents of our mind. That which is stored in our mind without our knowledge is said to be in our sub -conscious mind. Sub-conscious mind is a part human mind only. When we face a situation all of a sudden the required information surfaces in our mind. The mind automatically caters to our need. This is said to be the work of sub conscious mind. Reflect action is an act of sub conscious mind .If a person remembers a lot people say that the person has very good memory power Human mind is store of our memory also. Everybody try to develop his or her memory power. Memory power is not the same for all the people. During accidents sometimes person's brain gets damaged and the person's memory power seriously gets impaired. There are ways and means to develop memory power too. All thinking takes place in our mind. Chain of thoughts emerges only in mind. Sometimes it may be possible to empty an ocean but it is impossible to empty a human mind. Thoughts emerge in it like waves without any interruption. Sometimes mind is beautiful whereas sometimes it is turbulent. Look at a scholar. How many books a scholar has written? Each book contains thousand of pages which are nothing but thoughts of that scholar only.

Human mind is always busy. It is a workshop. It works round the clock. In fact, it works more than arms and legs of human being. There is no doubt about this fact. The concern is that it should be properly busy. If it does not get proper exercise that it needs, it becomes stiff and weak. A healthy mind is able to move in different ways. To be at best one need to exercise all of his or her mental muscles, and it is only a well-rounded workout which can bring about this result. Either good thoughts or bad thoughts occupy human mind.

Where does the thought, “I can do it" arises? Is it not in a human mind? Is it not one's confidence? Thus our confidence lies in our mind only. Similarly, our conscience lies in our mind only. It is where the thought “what I have done is wrong” arises. Good thoughts are called positive thoughts and bad thoughts are called negative thoughts. Similarly thinking always good is positive thinking and thinking the other way round is negative thinking. Most important thing in life is that we should learn how to replace negative thoughts by positive thoughts. It is said, "Idle mind is a devil's work shop" We should develop a healthy mind. Positive thoughts should dominate a healthy mind.

If we possess a healthy mind, it is a blessing to us whereas a sick mind is really a curse to us and all types of negative thoughts dominate us in that case. We must not allow our thoughts to make rounds and dominate us. Some animals are to be controlled by reins and cudgel otherwise they behave as they like. Human mind has similar nature and needs to be controlled. In case of former men control them whereas in case of human mind it is the duty of an individual to exercise restraint. That is the difference .Whenever a mind of an individual becomes restless and unsteady, it wanders. That mind should be restrained then and there itself and brought under control by that individual at any cost. It is the mind where thoughts emerge. We should have control over our thoughts.

One can bore a diamond with a bristle; one can tie an infatuated elephant with a slender silken thread. One can bring the sun down for the play of their child; one can make the flame of fire burn always downwards. But it is difficult to control the mind. For gaining mastery over the mind one should know what it is, how it works, how it deceives them at every turn and by which methods it can be subdued. As long as the mind restlessly wanders about amidst objects, ever fluctuating, excited, agitated and uncontrolled, the true joy of the Self cannot be realized and enjoyed. To control the restless mind and still perfectly all thoughts and cravings is the greatest problem of man. If he has subjugated the mind, he is the emperor of emperor

With deep introspection alone one can understand a little about the mysterious workings of their mischievous mind. Probe and probe into the mind. Do not be lenient to the mind. The mind will try to compromise with one. Relentlessly hunt out its hidden motives. One has to subject themselves to keen self-analysis everyday without fail. Oust all sentiment in this process. Become an intelligent, serious and earnest self-C.I.D. Carry on a ceaseless search and a vigorous enquiry inwardly. Pray for the Grace of God who alone can vanquish the mind and enable one to master it. Thus alone, through introspection, analysis, discrimination, vigilance and prayer only one can understand the subtle jugglery of this wonderful thing called ‘mind’ and transcend its deceptions and its tricks.

If one has control over one’s thoughts means one has control over one’s mind. One should never all allow thoughts to occupy and rule them. One should be selective in giving room to thoughts. If one has no control over their mind, then all type of absurd unwanted thoughts arise in their mind and make them dance to their tunes and ruin them. It is experience and knowledge that enables us to know which good thoughts are and which are bad thoughts. If one starts taking drugs regularly to control one's thoughts, one becomes drug addict. Similarly habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco etc make them servant of their mind. It is difficult to come out of these habits once one falls a prey to them. Those habits spoil one’s life. The addict slowly loses one by one all the instincts and becomes useless. We should try to master our mind and give directions to our thoughts. We should not allow all thoughts to occupy our mind. We should understand which thoughts are good and which thoughts are bad. We should throw out all bad thoughts and allow good thoughts to remain always. Once this develops into a habit everything is easy. All that is required for this to happen is determination and practice.

If we use our scruples right from our early age and give adequate work to our mind, then only it would sharpen. Otherwise it would be blunt like a razor, which has been seldom made use of. It is human mind which is responsible for all the inventions that have taken place so far and also it would be responsible to those inventions that are likely to take place in future too. Similarly, it is human mind that is behind many of the that have taken place in this world and it would also be behind destructions that might take place in future too. The root of all ideas is our mind only. All plans and roads to success are carved by our mind only Human mind should be always fresh and lively to meet any competition and clinch success. Human mind can smell dangers, hatch conspiracies and do wonders. Human imagination has no bounds at all. Mind works havoc through its power of imagination. Imaginary fears of various sorts, exaggeration, concoction, mental dramatization, building castles in the air, are all due to this power of imagination. Even a perfectly healthy man has some imaginary disease or other, created by this juggling power of the mind. Imaginary fears involve a tremendous loss of energy. Give up all forms of fear.

Human mind can be either creative or destructive. Human mind is responsible for all the problems that a human being faces. If there is no mind, there is no problem at all. Human mind is behind all our problems. Of course it is our mind that finds solutions also. It can do or undo things. It is the quality of mindset that one has makes all the difference between a person and another person. That is how we are a superior race compared to other living beings on this earth. Development of mind is as important as that of development of body or may be even a little more important too. Nobody wants their mind to be in disturbed state. Everybody tries to have peace of mind. Then only one could be happy. Happiness is a state of mind, which everybody strives to attain.

Anxiety is also a state of mind. If we are more anxious, anxiety develops mental diseases like fear psychosis, tension etc in us. Anxiety must be just like salt or pepper in a recipe should not be either more or less but to required extent only. Study of mind or human behavior is called psychology and is assuming importance day by day in this modern world. Our behavior is controlled by the thoughts that emerge in our mind. We can study a man by closing following his behavior. We could also know what types of thoughts occupy the mind of a person by closely observing the behavior of that person. We should not allow same thoughts particularly negative thoughts to occupy our mind again and again. We should never brood over matters. This may make our mind restless and agitated which in turn may slowly lead to development of anxiety, tension etc in us which are roads to depression or mental illness. Once we give room to depression, it is not easy to drive it away. It is better we forget as much as we could, particularly trifle matters. We should not suppress our thoughts We must give expression to our thoughts in a subtle way. We should try to empty the mind as far as possible. That is we must allow the thoughts to drift. Even forgetting is not easy. It is an art. Diversion of thoughts from time to time by engaging ourselves in different activities is quite necessary. Those who are more desk workers they must allow their mind adequate rest at regular intervals. All intellectuals should have some kind of recreation one way or other .

Meditation, yoga etc make the mind calm and rejuvenate it. We can have recreation by attending to musical concerts, dance parties, dramas, cinemas etc. They can play some out door games too. They can go for walking or involve themselves in discussions, lectures. That is better if they devote adequate time for other activities other than their routine work in a day. Moreover they should have adequate sleep. They should sleep in such a place where there is sufficient ventilation. They should get fresh air when they are asleep. They should sleep in such a posture whereby their brain gets ample blood and oxygen supply. It is better the individuals devote some time in a day for meditation and prayers too. Practice of yoga, pranayama and other, breathing exercises do wonders to one's mental health in lieu of tranquilizers, antidepressants etc. Breathing does tremendous impact on a human mind. Breathing exercises have influence over functioning of human mind. Our inhaling of oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide does not take place at the same rate when we are asleep as we do when we are awake and the result is if we sleep for quite a long time, there will be accumulation of more carbon dioxide inside our body. It acts as a slow poison. That is the reason why we feel morose even after having a long sleep. More time in the bed gives room to thoughts to make rounds. That is why it is better we restrict our sleep to 6-8 hours a day. Presence of mind is not losing his or her cool, not getting disturbed or perplexed by the situation and doing appropriately what is required at that particular moment. Everybody does not have this in same quantum. Similarly common sense which means that one should apply his or her mind and know what one should say , what one should do or what one should not say or what one should not do and when, how etc and one would have this by experience, observation, education, and such other means.

Some human beings are fickle minded. Shakespeare has narrated this characteristic of mind in his play “Hamlet “. Character of Hamlet reveals this quality of mind very well. Fickle minded persons do not have firm decision, opinion etc, they change their decision, opinion from time to time. They could be easily persuaded. There are other human beings who are called absent minded. It seems one professor who was deeply engrossed in his thinking went to college wearing coat on half pant and was unaware of his mistake and came to know only when pointed out by somebody. Numerous such incidents of absentmindedness take place in this world. All kinds of eccentric people are found in this world and the reason for the same is their state of mind only.

Senses are any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium. It is they which stimulate a mind and as a result only a chain of thoughts arise in a human mind. It is declared that senses are superior, but more than senses the mind is superior, but more than the mind, intelligence is superior and more the intelligence that which is more superior is individual consciousness. The senses are so turbulent they can forcibly lead astray the mind of even a vigilant person of sound judgment. Whichever among the various senses the wandering mind becomes engrossed in that sense leads astray his intelligence like the wind snatches away a boat on the water. Mind and senses work hand in glove. There is close coordination between mind and senses. It is essential that senses as well as a mind should function normally in a human being.

A poet has written a book called “Ten facets of a mad mind” The study of human mind is in exhaustive. We can think properly, feel properly or do anything properly provided our mind works properly. Sometimes mind does not work at all even though it is not dead. Thoughts do not emerge in it at all. We do not think what otherwise we would have thought even. ARE there ebb and a flow in a human mind? It is all a mystery. A proper functioning of mind is quite essential for anybody to succeed in life.