Pride is always in one's heart whereas ego is always in one's head.

We needn't go in search of ego at all anywhere it is in every man, it is in us. We wont be aware of it. It is more in some people & less in some people. Here is a story which I came across while surfing.

There Was Once A Learned Scientist.

After A Lot Of Practice And Efforts, He Developed A Formula And Learned The Art Of Reproducing Himself. He Did It So Perfectly That It Was Impossible To Tell The Reproduction From The Original.

One Day While Doing His Research, He Realized That The Angel Of Death Was Searching For Him. In Order To Remain Immortal He Reproduced A Dozen Copies Of Himself. The Reproduction Was So Meticulous That All Of Them Looked Exactly Like Him. Now When This Angel Of Death Came Down, He Was At A Loss To Know Which Of The Thirteen Before Him Was The Original Scientist, And Confused, He Left Them All Alone And Returned Back To Heaven.

But, Not For Long, For Being An Expert In Human Nature, The Angel Came Up With A Clever Idea. He Said To The Scientist Addressing All Thirteen Of Them, "Sir, You Must Be A Genius To Have Succeeded In Making Such Perfect Reproduction Formula Of Yourself. However, I Have Discovered A Flaw In Your Work, Just One Tiny Little Flaw."

The Scientist Immediately Jumped Out And Shouted, Impossible! Where Is The Flaw?" "Right Here" Said The Angel, As He Picked Up The Scientist From Among The Reproductions And Carried Him Off.

The Whole Purpose Of The Scientist And His Formula Of Reproduction Failed As He Could Not Control His Pride And Lost His Life.

So While One’s Knowledge And Skills Takes One To The Top Of The Ladder And Makes One Successful, However The Three Letter Word "EGO" Can Pull One Down Immediately.

No one is born with ego. How & when it occupies a man,it couldn't be said at all. It never remains as it is. It either increases or decreases. It isn't permanent at all. Ego is often reflected in one's behavior. One with it is arrogant & overconfident. Ego leads one to wrongful ways and do senseless deeds.It gives rise to incidents & stories. Ego makes one blind even though they have eyes.

Man always studies another man. He seldom likes the other man's ego at all. Why an egoistic man himself doesn't like ego in others. Ego in an husband, a wife doesn't like usually & ego in a wife an husband doesn't like too. Ego is improper thinking. It is addicted negative thinking. It is just like a dust in the eyes. People always try to cut an egoistic man to his size.

A man with ego approaches another man to get a work done. Ego doesn't seldom allow the mind of a person to function either properly or gently. In his egoistic tone he enquires charges . Latter immediately demands exorbitant rates. Some other humble man approaches latter for the same work & latter quotes him normal charges only. Behaviour makes a lot of difference. Ego makes life expensive to a man.

Man doesn't remain as he is .He undergoes changes physically as well as mentally with the time. One needn't to do anything to others ego . It itself gets reduced as the time elapses. Ego is one of the reasons for the downfall of a man usually. Life is the best teacher. There's always a sea of difference between yesterday's man & to day's man. Pride is always in one's heart whereas ego is always in one's head.