Cheating is a global phenomenon

In life there are more bad paths than good paths. A truthful path is always good. It is said that truth always prevails. It is a right path too. But it is always not an easy path at all. It is really an hard path. Sri Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita " Tell truth which is sweet . Do not tell truth which is bitter "

Shakespeare says " A man may smile & smile yet be a villain" In world it isn't merely people who smile cheat but also we find all kinds of people who cheat. Why do people cheat? People think that cheating isn't a great crime at all what's there if they cheat when they are going to be benefited to a great extent without much stress or strain. Circumstances compel many to cheat. Nature of some is to cheat too.Cheating isn't confined to anyone category of people at all.Educated ,uneducated rich, poor, man & woman all cheat.

In 2014, I had an opportunity to go around Europe through Thomas Cook travel agency. Europe consists of affluent advanced countries. What my tour manager repeatedly used to caution at that time was about cheating . Cheating hasn't left any country untouched at all. It is everywhere. It is a global phenomenon. It is an evil .There is a saying which says whether one steals an arecanut or whether one steals an elephant they are called thief only. So also, whether one cheats anyone in a small way or whether one cheats anyone in a big way, they are a cheat only. Cheating is an epidemic spread all over the world.It is not merely a man cheats a man. Fate is always deceptive. When fate is good nobody can cheat a man or nobody comes to cheat a man . When fate is not good anybody can cheat a man. Cheating can do nobody good. No matter if anybody cheats let fate not cheat a man. If the fate cheats a man his state would be inexplicable.

People say "Honesty is the best policy " Society hates cheats. But it's full of them. In what all ways a cheat cheats it couldn't be dreamt . It always comes as a surprise. A cheat stoops to any level. In Shakespeare's drama Julius Caesar , Caesar exclaims " You too Brutus ". Brutus was an intimate friend of Caesar. Who cheats whom it couldn't be guessed in life at all. Cheating are the immoral ways that are adopted to achieve any goal. Some say it is easy. Cheating some people no doubt is easy.It isn't so in case of some at all . In fact , it's really difficult to cheat some people. They are hard nut to crack. Cheating is always intentional. It's not at all a deliberate one. A mistake is pardonable but a cheating isn't pardonable at all.Cheating is one in which a cheat wont leave anyone without being cheated at all.The cheat wont leave even mentor without being cheated.Man wont have become wise if cheating weren't there at all . Its cheating & other incidents in life make one wise & intelligent. It is cheating which develop suspicious nature in a man . He begins to doubt everybody.Cheating others make some people happy & contented too. They consider it as an achievement also.In the beginning of world cheating might have taken its birth, it would continue be there as long as sun & moon are there.

Man must be confident but he shouldn't be overconfident. Majority of people are overconfident & don't take due care. Overconfidence always leads to negligence. A cheat always makes use of others overconfidence. A cheat always explores others weakness & makes use of it. Usually, it wouldn't be known who is the thief. Similarly, many a times it wouldn't be known who is the cheat too. They are all clever or cunning. Catching a cheat is as difficult as catching a thief.

In newspaper daily we come across one or another incident of cheating invariably . Not only innocent get cheated again & again but also intelligent too get cheated in the world .Whether it is tourist centres, whether it is pilgrim centres , or whether it is secluded places they have become heaven to cheats .There may not be a man who has not been cheated in his life at all. One may have been cheated more and one may have been cheated less. Many times in life one in whom man keeps more faith only cheats him. Time has become so bad that people exclaim that they cannot believe their own right hand or left hand. One is afraid to believe another man because of cheating. Cheating isn't confined to monetary transactions only. Where it wont take place it couldn't be said at all. It has spread over all fields. Cheats are generally so clever that they do not either give any clues or leave any clues.

Suspicious nature is growing day by day everywhere in every field. It isn't easy to trust a person at all. Man wouldn't trust one who cheats them even once however good they turn subsequently.Formerly, people considered cheating as a sin & were afraid of cheating. If a man gets cheated , he used to feel ashamed & never used to share it with others at all. Days are changed now. People think these days that one can't survive in this world without cheating others at all. Today, cheating has become a way of life.

Elders often say " In which pothole which serpent is there it couldn't be said at all " It couldn't be guessed who is in which garb how they would cheat us in this modern world. It is impossible to describe a cheat. Cheats are never straight forward at all. They are always cunning .They are always deceptive. Their true colours wont be known easily at all. Days are such that one needn't search also they would find cheats here & there but one wouldn't find good people even if they search day & night too. Cheating is a bad dream. One cannot forget it easily. It remains in their subconscious mind for a quite long time. Cheating is against the rules.This everyone knows but majority of people don't understand how serious it is. Cheating may need more brains.It needs no teacher necessarily.What it needs isn't intelligence but perverted intelligence. It needs is courage to cheat others. Everyone does not possess courage to cheat others. Cheat is one who makes a man feel ignorant. Only after cheating a man becomes often clever & doubly cautious.

Cheating seems to be a lucrative profession to many. It needs no capital too. It's winning a battle by dubious means. It is throwing dust into others eyes. It's a temporary gain only. It no one appreciates.It pleases only the cheat. A cheat can be only proud of it. Cheating is hurting others. It is not a fair way. It is seemingly fair way. It isn't winning a person but losing a person. It is making mockery of one's innocence & ignorance. One can forget anything but they can't forget easily they being cheated at all. It would be deeply rooted in their memory.More than gains cheating causes cheating causes more losses .Guilty conscious always pricks. Cheating has never been an honourable way of living at all.Every cheating is nothing but an headache, problem & a riddle always. Nobody wants it to be repeated at all. Nobody wants to leave it as it is too. It is a lesson. It is an experience. When near & dear cheat it hurts one the most.

One can cheat anybody but they can't cheat themselves.One can cheat anybody but they can't cheat Him at all.What all feelings cheating arouse in a man who is cheated, it makes him angry, humiliated , revengeful and what not. Only those who have no conscience can cheat. Cheating isn't intelligence at all. It is a crime. Sometimes, it's a minor crime. Sometimes it's a grave crime. Cheats forget that they would be behind the bars one day or other.They forget that they can cheat one once or twice but not always. They forget that they enjoy at the cost of others & others always curse them. A cheat never thrives in life. Many a times man doesn't realise that he has been cheated immediately . It takes time to him realise that he has been cheated. This realisation differs from man to man. It depends upon man. Cheating is a breach of trust.

If anybody cheats in life it doesn't matter to a man, he may bear it . If he feels that God has cheated him he cannot bear it at all. His heart would be broken. It is disappointments in life which make one feel that God has cheated them.

There's always a reason or reasons to cheating too .A cheating is always with one or another purpose only. By hook or crook we must come up in life. By hook or crook we must become rich. The thought "hook or crook" makes a man crook. Same joke won't evoke always laughter. Same modus operandi wont be fruitful in cheating too.Thinking that one would cheat is negative thinking only. However,one must be always on guard against cheating. Prevention is always better than cure. There is no use of crying after getting cheated. While cheating others one would not generally feel that cheating is bad at all . It is when they are cheated they feel that cheating is bad.If a cheat realizes or feels guilty how much he makes a man whom has cheated suffer for no fault of his the cheat may give up cheating or may at least reduce it.