What to do

After sending a man into orbit, question what to do definitely pose scientists.Similarly,the question what to do pesters an active person always invariably. Numerous questions haunt every human being during their life span. Of course, human beings confront questions under different circumstances. However, majority of those questions that they face are more or less similar. Who has not faced this question what to do? Everybody at one time or other during their life span faces this question. Of course, some face this question a more number of times and some face this question a lesser number of times depending upon their nature. It is a question which arises more in an individual than it is put to them by others. More the number of times this question arises in one, it exhibits their weakness or shortcoming. Capable persons seldom confront this question. Further, situation under which this question arises may be different from person to person even. It cannot be predicted when one would come across this question also. This question creeps up especially during adverse situations where one is helpless and desperate. It is during those periods one faces uncertainty, dilemma, ambiguity etc. When odds are against one this question raises its ugly head too. At that time one is in a state of confusion; and one is not confident too. In short, it is circumstances which impose this question upon an individual. Many times one does not have an answer to this question. They know not what to do. They are perplexed. As a result, they fail to respond to this question too.

Though, the question what to do appears to be a simple and short one, its importance cannot be undermined. Whenever and wherever a task is difficult, this question appears without fail. It is not easy to evade this question. It cannot be brushed off easily too. Once this question arises, it persists until a satisfactory answer is found or until the situation melts down completely. Whenever and wherever there is a problem generally, this question appears without an exception. It is always better to answer this question before one thinks of their next move or next step. The question does not allow one to remain calm and quiet at all. It often disturbs one’s peace of mind. One should think coolly deeply and use all their scruples while attempting this question. This question should never be attempted in haste. At national level or international, there are think tanks comprising of eminent people to think what to do next .There is consultant in every field to guide regarding what is to be done next. But there is nobody except the concerned individual to face this intricate question in certain cases for it relates to them only and it is to be answered or solved by them only and cannot be shared with others also. Answer, or reply or solution to question what to do is seldom same. It is this question that many times prepares one to meet a contingency, plan their strategy and what not. This question should never be considered as a botheration. This is an useful question. This is a simple but an important question. Whenever and wherever there is a dilemma the question "what to do" appears without fail. The question what to do is sometimes a problem. We get perplexed when we do not know what to do. In fact, we do sometimes at that time that which should not have beeen done also.

When life is in danger and if one murmurs what to do. It is futile. One should never keep quiet and say what to do especially during such periods. One must switch into action without wasting anytime during precarious moments. Further, when what to do is not a question, it is an instruction. It guides anybody. It is a solution to one's problem. It guides them as to what they have to do under various contingencies like snake bite, burns, heart attack, accidents etc.

Whenever when one could not make out a head or a tail of something question what to do stands before them.Question What to do definitely counters one when they could not dispose off that which is of no use and which could not be destroyed.Only an honest worker asks what to do after a work is finished. Whenever one is leisurely, they would not know what to do and naturally the question what to do creeps up and bothers them invariably. If there is more work also this question confronts the concerned. Similarly, when there is excess or shortage of anything occurs, one faces this question. Whether one is opulent or bankrupts this question never leaves them. No sooner did one comes to know that he or she has committed a mistake, even if the mistake might have been committed by oversight, and may not be serious even ,yet a series of questions pose that person and one of the questions among them would be definitely what to do ?. What a question is this? Some say giving more scope for this question to occupy us tantamount to worrying. There is nobody in this world that has not faced this question. It is the situation that quite often imposes this question more on us. More successfully if one responds to this question, more confident and successful one would be. More one is unable to respond to this question positively more one becomes desperate, nervous etc. and one’s position would be really pitiable one too. This is a key question. Sometimes the situation is such that we feel that we are at gun point and the trigger is on there is no time to the question to creep up even. It sends shivers into our body. One that has more interest; enthusiasm in life is ready to face this question in either way any number of times in life. Sometimes, by the way one utters the words what to do we could make out their state of mind. Sometimes by experience one learns what he or she should do as soon as the question what to do arise. Similarly, one who has the habit of thinking ahead of times or one who has the habit of critically viewing a situation from all angles, and who is well prepared to meet any eventuality seldom comes across the question what to do?. And even if he or she does come across that question for they know how to counter it. A person who dares and acts does not bother to this question too; instead the person simply acts while encountering it. It is always advisable not to worry more but to use one’s wisdom more while countering this prime question. It is on account of circumstances only one faces the question what to do, a majority of times. It is circumstances that make one more vulnerable to this question.

Whether one is rich or poor, whether one is a boss or a subordinate, at one time or other, one has to face this question what to do in life irrespective of their status. Similarly whether one is young or old the question pesters. It bothers even a child. Not knowing what to do a child simply cries. A smart child always finishes whatever job that is entrusted to it in no time and retorts to its mother with question what to do. It feels bored if it is not busy. Question what to do leave nobody. It is a question which follows us through out our life. What a companion! Actually the complete question is what to do next. Some may have faced it more number of times and some a little less number of times. Some may have assistance to take care of what to do and some may not have. That is the only difference. Sometimes it appears like a bolt from the blues, sometime slowly as the situation goes out of control it creeps up. Exactly when we will face this question we cannot predict even. Though it is the same question what to do it appears before us under different circumstances. Every time the answer or solution for the question is not the same. In some magazines, expert doctors, answer our queries with regard to health, married life, and beauty care etc. Sometimes when we are facing the question what to do, with regard to those matters we can refer to them and get their views and suggestions. We may even consult the experts in respective fields directly even. In case of snake bite, scorpion bite, burns, accidents what to do, there are training programs or first aid classes. There are books also on these subjects. It is better for one to master them and that will certainly be helpful to them one day or other. We can please God but not some people. Whatever one does is insufficient for them. It becomes futile too. Naturally, the question what to do with such people arises in us at that moment. One must remember at that time that it is foolish to try to please one and all. Every problem has a solution. But, we have to think seriously and devote our attention fully, otherwise it may not be possible to find a solution or an answer to our question. It is also important to note that as far as possible we should always think positively and never give room to negative thoughts to occupy us while tackling this question.

Whenever we face this question, seldom we can remain quiet. We have to swing into action. Of course, it is always better if we pause for a while whenever we face a dilemma or whenever we are in two minds to decide what to do next. Generally whenever we have no work we question ourselves what to do. Whenever we are helpless and whenever do not know what to do, we blink. Whenever we are perplexed and are in danger, this question arises in our mind. That is when we are caught in a fire or about to be drowned in water. In short, on numerous occasions in life we come across this question. Here the question is short but the complexity of the situation makes it all the important. Sometimes the question becomes a puzzle which we cannot solve easily. We have to scratch our head a number of times still the answer or solution eludes us. Sometimes we do not have time to think and find an answer to this question. We cannot take any decision. We leave it our fate to answer this question. Moreover, at the nick of a moment we may not be able to take a right decision. It is nothing but searching for water when a house is on fire. Sometimes, if we do not question ourselves or do not think what to do next and act and we keep everything pending, as a result things do not move further. Everything may come to stand still. More the time, we take to answer this question a situation may go more out of our control or may get more complicated too.

Sometimes what to do next we must think before hand. We must be ready with a solution. We should be ready to meet any eventuality. We should have answers to all pros and cons. It is a good planning. It is a good strategy. By planning only we can avoid recurrence of this question which otherwise would have pestered us. Sometimes we commit a mistake or a blunder knowingly or unknowingly in fit of anger which we normally otherwise would not have committed. In fit of anger our common sense or presence of mind does not work. We do know what to do? We have to take proper corrective measures. How best we can set them right would be a question. Thus sometimes along with the question what to do, we have to meet other questions. When difficulties come they come in battalions and not in single spies. We generally take a step after much contemplation, deliberation etc, yet we go wrong, we fail, we try again with another more calculated and thought out step, we fail again we do not know what to do? We do know whether to try again or discontinue. We have wasted a lot of time, lot of energy, money etc. We face a dilemma. We consult somebody. They come out with various suggestions and plans. According to which we have to bring in additional resources, manpower etc. What to do? Once we take up something until we successfully finish it, it is a mind boggling exercise. It is a struggle.

We have only one son and we have tried all ways and means to educate him, we fail. We even tried to set up a business for him, he failed. What to do? He has become a problem. This is not the only one problem. We face a number of such problems in our life. Sometime problems have solutions and some so do not have. We have to learn to live with problems. The recurrence of what to do is common in life. When we face what to do, we should not sit quietly with two hands on our forehead. We should act. If we are ready with instant solutions, if we are confident, if we are intelligent, etc., we need not be perturbed with this question. Let it appear any number of times. It is always part of a game. If we get perturbed at a situation, our ability to think properly gets affected, as a result we lose control of the situation, things may get worsened and we may not be able to arrive at a right answer or a solution. One has to develop one’s knowledge by leap and bounds to face this question less number of times. If one is ready with answers and solutions, when something happens, he or she need not be perturbed at all. There is a little scope for the question what to do to arise. We are ready with answers. We are well equipped. Prevention is always better than cure. After allowing something to take place, if one does not know what to do. It is just like crying over split milk. It is ignorance that gives more room for this question to arise in one. We may become mad, if we have leisure, and do not know what to do next. An idle man’s mind is devil‘s workshop. We should be busy and should not allow this question to arise in our mind. Behind many good and bad, it is this question what to do plays its role many a times.

Here is an episode in this connection. Those rogues posed themselves as if they are from respectable opulent well settled families of Bombay. The parents of brides also could not make out their guise; gave hands of their daughters in marriage to those cheats. By the time the girls realized where they have landed, it was too late. They were pregnant. Those persons were running brothels at Bombay. What to do? Some how they managed to escape from the clutches of those wicked guys and returned to their parents. They had to lead miserable monotonous life. After some years Kanishka air crash took place; one fellow had lost his wife and children. He was still young. He did not know what to do. He married one of these girls. Thus there was a sigh of relief to one of them.

Who commits suicide? Generally one who is unable to respond to the question what to do., who is desperate, who is frustrated, who is perplexed, and who finds that there is no other go but to end their life, commits suicide. Generally who resigns, one who thinks that is the best answer for the question what to do for he or she has failed in their job or he or she feels, that they are not fit for the post and they cannot continue in the position. It is with success, definitely creeps up the question what to do next. It is natural success brings in encouragement, confidence etc. As long as success continues let the question what to do creep up any number of times, nobody minds. It is always only when complications arise, it becomes difficult to face this question and it becomes unwelcome.

Wherever there is uncertainty and the question what to do arises without an exception. They often go hand in glove together. If there is sudden fall in demand and if there is excess production, the situation of an industrialist who has invested a lot anticipating higher demand becomes pitiable. He will not know what to do. Similarly the plight of a farmer too, if there is a good rain, if there is a good crop; there will not be much demand or rate. Or sometimes there will be no rain or there will be excess of rain and the crop fails and he will not know what to do. Thus we can trace close relation between uncertainty and the question what to do. What to do, this question usually confronts when an unmarried maid becomes pregnant. The question becomes more complicated when the lover abandons her at that moment. The question whether to abort the child or deliver the child also arises at that moment. Life is very complicated. Similarly, when one is caught red handed unaware while stealing or in a conspiracy, he or she will be dumb founded and will not know what to do. Either they have to meekly surrender or have to attack.

Sometimes, we don’t know what to do. Generally, we in our anxiety try to share our thoughts with somebody. Here we should very careful, if the person chosen is wrong; instead of our move helping us to ease our tension it boomerangs.

Here is an event which I remember even to-day with gratitude with regard to what to do. My father had a very big family consisting of ten children to maintain.. He could not save anything.. He had celebrated the marriage of my eldest sister only. Another five sisters were to be married. My second sister’s marriage was settled in 1950. He had no money whatsoever. He was much worried. He had tried his maximum to augment resources. All his attempts were in vain. He did not know what to do.. A friend who came to his rescue at that critical juncture was Mr. Narayanaswamy .He made available thousand of rupees at the disposal of his friend to enable him to meet the wedding expenses. There was no demand promissory note or any written agreement for that transaction. Now it is more than 54 years, my father is no more, my sister is no more, and Mr. Narayanaswamy who responded to what to do situation of my father is no more. Tears roll down my cheeks when I remember that occasion.

Many such incidents are there in one or another’s life which prove how critical the question what to do is. It makes or destroys a man. Under difficult situation to face the question what to do, one should have courage. Generally one perspires under such circumstances. He or she would not know what to do when everything goes against them. Indeed their stars are bad. It is a testing period for them too. Even the most powerful man has no answer at that time to this question. They too get agitated during that period. It is at that time they are generally vulnerable. Many people commit suicide when they have no answer to question what to do? Experience of everyone to question what to do is varied one. One who faces this question generally faces unrest. We can see persons running from pillar to post when they come across such a situation because of this question only will be making round in their mind. It is a short query but very powerful one. Is it not? Of course, when one is exhausted both physically and mentally and when one needs complete rest, no question arises