Talking is an art.

In olden days kings & emperors used to keep jesters in their courts just to talk & make others laugh. Likewise, we find buffoons in circus & comedians in yakshagana to keep audience lively & not bored. Talking is an art.Talking can make one laugh, or angry.It can convince one.It's one that makes one friendly or unfriendly too. What it cannot make? One of the reasons why man is a superior race is talking. But for talks,many discussions reconciliations, marriages would not have been possible at all.Talking isn't between man & man only, it's between countries & countries.It's that leads to settlements, understanding & whatnot.It isn't mere unburdening of thoughts,but it's soothing also.It mustn't be either too much or too less. It must be balanced.It's an art.It can be a tool to perform & develop. It can be magnetic. It can attract or influence others.

What's inside a man could be brought out through talking. It is an art that can make a man even,forget where's he & the woman what's kept on the owen.One who knows how to talk can get any work got done.Talking is an art that makes life beautiful. It isn't an one way traffic.It's listening & learning too.God has blessed man, animals,birds, insects & all mouth to talk only.

Improvisation of talk has no limit or end.Talking needs no subject what it needs is willingness & enthusiasm rest can be had or created.It's talk that can make moving anything that has no movement also move in the world .Talking gives one a real picture.It is an art that could create a heaven or hell on the earth. That's what great orators do too.

With talk one won't know how time passes, how the night turns into a day.Mark Antony speech in Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" brings out very well what a wonder a talk can do. It changes the mind of people against conspirators. Talking can be on any matter under the sky. It is a mode of communication. It is a God given gift.It isn't the mere killing time.It's sharing thoughts,opinions, knowledge. Sometimes talking makes matters don't move, sometimes makes matters move.We must know what,when & where to talk.

Talking is an art. It's a tool to conquer both minds & heart.It doesn't fall from the blues.It's one often to be developed. It means expressing everything neither more nor less,but in a few words convincingly.It isn't thumping podium,raising fists or voice. It's gentle & meaningful.Kalidas is an all time great poet. He teaches us how to talk in great drama " Abhijnanasakuntalam." What pregnant Shakuntala says when Dushyanta denies in open court having met her & humiliates her. She retorts with only a single word " uncivilized".

How effective is Bhagavad Gita discourse between Arjuna & Sri Krishna, it prepares Arjuna for the great war Kurukshetra. Talking is really an art. There is a saying " One who talks well would have no quarrels". One who cannot talk well would have usually problems in their life. Great leaders were often great tireless talkers. One can impress others not only through their personality but also impress others through their talk. Newton says "Every action has got an equal & opposite reaction."A man must be doubly cautious while uttering a word too.One who knows how to talk would usually have no quarrels at all. Words please or displease others. Remember "If the words are spoken once it's over & pearl if broken once it's over." Sweet talk one would like to listen again & again. Talking is an art.

It doesn't matter what's it whether it is joy, sorrow, anger or anything can be expressed via talking .Talking is a God given boon. It's a feature that makes man different from any other species on earth.It must be appropriate to a situation.What that cannot be carried out manually can be carried out many times with talking .Talking wins many wars. It settles many matters amicably.Knowing how to talk to people is one of the most important virtues one can possess. It is through talking a man communicates whatever he knows. Some communicate whatever they know in talk as it is. Some communicate adding cheese & butter.

One can win others heart or displeasure with their talk only. Talking is always positive. It is more for convincing than for arguing.One who doesn't talk is often considered dangerous.Talking spreads knowledge. It could be a source of anything. It gives many times clues. It can make things move. It can make things come to halt even. Of course, talking has bounds. Sometimes it is a waste of time & sometimes it is useful utilization of time also.

It is said tongue has no bones . It has mean qualities too. It remains stretched in a man's mouth ready to abuse anyone without any thinking at all. In short, Sri Purandharadasa great devotee of God says that a man must make use of his intellect & make the best use of tongue at any time while talking .C Jones, Cardiff says " A great deal of good, and a great deal of harm, can result from the ways in which we use our tongues. The Word of God tells us that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

Talking is essential to lead a life successfully.Some are of opinion that one must have a plausible tongue to talk well. What one talks is always more important than how he talks. Some are unfortunate. They cannot talk. They are dumb. Man shouldn't talk whatever he likes because he can talk. Better one who talks possesses knowledge & intelligence . It enables them to talk sense otherwise there is every possibility of them talking nonsense also . Languages are formulated by man as a means to talk . As such, there are numerous languages all over the world. Some know a language or two or some know more number of languages .

Talking is a weapon. It is only as good as its user.It needs no subject. It can be either long or short. It has no bar. Constitution of every sovereign country where there is democracy allows freedom of speech to its every citizen . That's to talk whatever they want. It's talking only that allows one to express their opinion without any demure . Talking is inexpensive. One needn't spend anything for it except their time , patience & energy . It is an effective ,easy way of handling a problem.Talking either builds or mars relationship between persons depending upon it's success or failure.Talking nicely makes life easy. It's which makes life difficult too. What's there in mind comes out when one talks. Control is quite essential when one talks. The tongue is boneless.When to talk, where to talk, what to talk, how much to talk one must know. Not only matter, but also words are to be chosen. Talking is an art.

It's well said a broken pearl is of no use at all & a word spoken can spoil everything too.In Bhagwad Gita Krishna tells Arjuna "Satyam bruyat priyam bruyat, Na bruyat satyam apriyam" It means while speaking a truth speak truth which is sweet & don't speak a truth that's bitter. Talking brings in solutions. It brings in problems too. Talking isn't easy at all. It's a skill. It is a skillful way of dealing with people. What one talks must perform in deeds. It isn't mere emptying of thoughts from the mind at all too.It's better one chooses apt words & talks. It's when a talk would be effective & beautiful also. A talk needs often control over voice & emotions.If one doesn't know how to talk it's really hard to make friends,build a social life & lead life . Talking must not give room to controversies.One must be careful while talking because some people have the habit of giving it different colors.

There is a way to talk too.Talking being an essential & important part of human life,everyone tries to improve it There is no one who hasn't faulted while talking at one time or other. Talking isn't the one to be taught . It is the one to be learnt.As such many practice talking .They do rehearsals.They try to develop confidence in talking step by step. A talk must begin with respect & must end with respect. It isn't mere uttering of words at all.Sometimes if one talks two words it is more & if they talk two words, it would be less. It is difficult to talk in a way to please others. Talking is an art.

Talking that some people do has neither a beginning nor has an ending at all. They go on talking & talking. Some persons whether men or women, young or old cannot remain quiet even for a while without talking to others. They cannot have proper sleep if they don't talk & empty their thoughts at all. It's their habit. Here, I remember a story of a barber's wife who came to know that king's ears are that of a donkey.

A talk of a child is always full of innocence. It is always pleasant to listen to it . A talk of a man discloses what he is. It reveals what type of a man he is.It makes known whether he is an intelligent man or a dull herd.It includes his knowledge , experience & wisdom. One who talks must always have presence of mind & common sense. Talking is not a time pass. It must be always dignified. It must carry weight.

While talking how beautifully some narrate an incident or a story as if it has taken place before their eyes. It is oratory. When some talk how the time passes it wouldn't be known at all. Of course,when some talk a feeling when to vacate the place arises too. In fact, some begin to snore too. Talking is an art. Life is boring without talking.Listening is no doubt good. If all listen who is to talk & what to listen. If one doesn't talk everything would be inside only. Talking is an outlet. World has developed this much because of talking only. A good talk always makes a great memory.