There is no life without suspense.

There is no life without a suspense at all. Suspense needn't be initially.It could be in the middle or at the end too. When from where & how it would alight,it couldn't be said at all.Whether a man is rich or poor his life is shredded with suspense . A suspense man cannot ignore. He always wants to get it cleared. As long as it is there thoughts make rounds in the mind of man & he won't have a peace of mind at all. Only when the suspense is over he would have a sigh of relief. Who doe not create suspense . Man creates suspense. Nature creates suspense and God too creates suspense. There is suspense in every walk of life. Even while we try to clear a suspense we wouldn't know what's it & how deep it is and when we would be able to unravel it etc. It is just like digging of a bore well where we would not know whether we would get water or whether the well would fail.

In suspense not only eyes & ears become active & alert but also every nerve gets stimulated and heart stops beating and then starts beating again. Suspense in novels & movies are thrilling but suspense in life are enlightening ,experiencing & memorable. Every mystery is a suspense but every suspense isn't a mystery.

When suspense is cleared only man knows what's it. Sometimes only it automatically gets cleared or recedes on its own. Efforts, intelligence, patience & time are quite essential to ward it off.Sometimes as time passes & as more & more efforts are put instead of getting cleared , it deepens too. It's often a challenge to uncover. It's suspense when unravelled unfolds either some facts or truths or secrets or something. How much worrying, guessing & planning man has to do in life because of it that he comes across in life it couldn't be said. He has to often wage a battle.It makes life busy & him fully engaged.It either pleases or disappoints him generally.It never leaves him without affect at all.It has good & bad aspects. Sometimes, it's advantageous & sometimes it's disadvantageous.

Having known what's suspense better it is not to keep anyone in it on any matter. Suspense doesn't allow one take a right decision at all. It keeps one in two minds. Positive as well as negative thoughts arise often in it. Clear picture couldn't be had as long as suspense is there. However, once the suspense is over man often exclaims " what is there this much only " It becomes a routine. It becomes part & parcel of life. May or may not become important also.

Why suspense creeps up. When anything isn't shared, when anything isn't discussed , when anything is hidden ,when something has happened & so on for one or other reason suspense emerges .The reason & facts often come to light usually only when the suspense is over. Suspense always encourages curiosity.More it's more is curiosity.It doesn't allow a curious person to have a sound sleep at all.

How many types of suspense man comes across in life.There are romantic, comedic, and horrific suspense, besides there is the suspense that tragedies generate too. Some suspense can't be uncovered at all. Some suspense remain as suspense for ever.What we come across in novels & movies are imaginary suspense which are mind blowing & mind gripping. We need not worry about them. In fact, we can enjoy them. But what we come across in life are real suspense we cannot neglect or ignore. We have to face them or uncover them. We cannot enjoy them. Suspense is groping in the dark. Better a life is always a straight line.More the suspense more it is difficult to make out a head or a tail.What emerges out of suspense it couldn't be said or imagined usually. Sometimes it brings out joy . Sometimes it brings out horror.Sometimes pain, sometimes surprise & sometimes it is nothing too. Suspense is always a riddle.God's every creation is a suspense until it is fully understood. Every man is a suspense until he is fully understood too.Man has nicknamed the famous film director Alfred Hitchcock as master of suspense . What is God who is responsible for the countless suspense stories of we human beings has to be named ? He is Almighty.

He is God . We are human beings. God has no suspense whatsoever at all. We are human beings because we have suspense at one time or other. A suspense never leaves a man until everything is over . It has duration. It's duration is sometimes long and sometimes short. Suspense long or short in fact, bothers man. It's always coupled with uncertainty. It isn't merely movies & novels are full of suspense whether one likes or doesn't like life too is full of suspense.It would remain full of suspense through out .What a man would undergo, what a man would not undergo & what a man would be & what a man would not be all suspense only .That is why it is rightly said " Man proposes God disposes. " How long a man would live? What all he would be able to achieve & where he would fail ? Only after something happens man comes to know or realises . A man wouldn't have even any advance clues also of the majority of the incidents that take place in his life at all.Life is full of suspense.What was not even either thought or dreamt also even would take place in it.

Tomorrow is always a suspense. Life is interesting because it is full of suspense . It is all God's play. Suspense never ends as long as sun & moon are there.Life is a chain of suspense It's jumping from one suspense to another suspense .Suspense gives mind of every man work & makes him wise. Mary Mccarthy says "We all live in suspense from day to day: In other words you are the hero of you story"

Suspense differs from man to man. It is it that makes life too vary from man to man too. Suspense of every man makes up his story. The stories are different from person to person. Suspense account is not much liked but extensively used in accountancy .Suspense nobody likes in life but man cannot live without it. It is a part & parcel of man's life.

What is there in life if there is no suspense .It would have been a routine one only. It is suspense that has made our life unknown to us. That is why we have a lot of surprises in it . Nothing can be taken as granted in life because of it. Everything we have to expect in life. The biggest suspense of life we never know that whose praying for us and whose playing with us. Suspense keeps man always on the toes & active . It is which creates an awe for the life. One cannot take life casually because of suspense.It is it that creates up & downs in life. In short, it's responsible to all complexities in life. What all sickness,dangers are in store it doesn't reveal.It doesn't foretell catastrophe & calamities also.

Suspense evokes all types of emotions in a person. When what emotions it would evoke it wouldn't be known at all. Always suspense makes the person fed up. Every suspense is an hurdle in life . Man is happy in life when there are no suspense & when everything is clear.

Life would be beautiful only if man handles suspense well .Suspense is tormenting yet it is better than surprises many a time. Until suspense is over there's always a hope but in surprise everything takes place all of a sudden. Surprise is a bolt from the blues.

Life teaches many lessons to a man. One of the lessons amongst them is keeping in suspense. Man being taught by life keeps many things in suspense. He does not reveal his decisions , moves & opinions etc often instantaneously instead he keeps them in suspense. It is habit of some people .Whereas habit of some people is not to keep anything in suspense at all . If they keep something in suspense it pricks and makes them is not wise to share everything with others and it is better to keep one in little suspense wherever necessary too.

Many times some matters can't be published.Suspense is necessary. Suspense makes a man dumb & cautious. It doesn't allow him to go as he likes. It's darkness. It's purposely or intentionally created as part of a strategy .One cannot be in darkness for ever & one cannot be in suspense for ever also. It is human to try to come out of suspense always.Suspense raises a series of doubts & questions in a man like what is it , how is it ,& why is it so etc. It is finding answers to them. A suspense must never be neglected or discarded in the middle.It must be given due importance. It's an opportunity to study. It's always an experience.