An old age marriage.

In the olden days aged people used to marry young girls.There used to be a vast age difference between the ages of the bridegrooms and bride.In fact, the bride used to be of such a tender age which was equivalent to that of a daughter born to the bridegroom had he been married older.Men used to marry a number of times in the olden days.It used to be either a second marriage or a third marriage or even still an higher number of marriage to the old man. Men used to have multiple wives also. As a result, many young ladies used to become widows at a very young age.Women were child bearing machines in those times and the children were considered as gifts from God. There were numerous child marriages . The marriages were like playing with the dolls in the good old days. But the days are changed now.A marriage is no more a joke. It is a serious affair . It is a responsibility.

Life is a bullock cart pulled by a pair of oxen called an husband and a wife. Even if one ox does not pull the cart properly the cart runs haphazardly. Rarely oxen are of equal capabilities or strength. It is always necessary for the pair of oxen to ensure that the cart runs smoothly. When one is left alone and when only one has to share the entire burden , then only one would know what the value of other person is.The lifestyles are changing. The changes take place either for good or for bad from time to time in every field in this world. To-day,when numerous gay and lesbian marriages have been taking place, there is nothing wrong or strange in an old age marriage taking place. A life is incomplete without marriage . An old age marriage inaugurates to the aged people a new life .One can be behind the success of one another. Marriage is normally seen as a union between two young people across the world.It is a social union or a legal contract between two people for companionship or procreation. It is an institution acknowledged around the world in a variety of ways . The preferences of men and women regarding their marriage does not always remain the same. As one gets older one give more importance to inner beauty than outer beauty. What is a marriage that the old people know better than youngsters. Especially, in the old age one undoubtedly thinks twice before taking such an important decision of marrying. It would never be taken in a hurry burry at all. Now a days old people marry for the sake of company to one another at their old age. Of course, they marry for other reasons too.

It is hard to bear the consequences of marriage once. Is it not foolish to marry again and again.There is no age bar for a marriage. There's a reason behind everything.The old age marriages are by and large nothing but marriage after marriage only. An old age marriage is many times an embarrassment also. They are marriages of seniors. They are marriages of elderly. Normally, old age marriages are mutually consented marriage and not arranged marriages. Such marriages are normally marriages of convenience.They are economical and simple. They are not coming together of the bodies but coming together of the minds.They are husband and wife living more and more like friends. It is birds of the same feather flock together.In such instances, generally both are aged and have lost their life partners .They are well educated, like minded and want to share their thoughts. More than anything both of them have seen enough of life. Those marriages are not love at first sight. Love can begin at any time. Understanding one another always takes time.It cannot be overnight. It is always a key to a happy marriage. It is circumstances that bring such people together.It is an union of the people sailing on the same boat.

Human beings always need an outlet in one way or other. A man is a social animal, he always loves company especially at an older age.Only a few can lead the life of a saint.The old age is not of an equal time to all.Some have it long some have it short. Memories haunt more at the old age than at any other time. They make the living difficult. Whether it is a man or a woman they always need someone who is near and dear with whom they can share freely without any fear the joy and the sorrow. In fact, it is their emotional needs. An old marriage facilitates to look after one another or take care of one another at the old age.The old people always require more personal care than everyone else.The old people usually feel more insecure than younger person.A marriage gives the feeling of security in the individual. Old age is boring. It is full of problems. It is during the old age majority of the people come to know what is lonely.How to spend the time is one of the main issues of the aged. In fact, the vast majority of the aged do not get adequate sleep at all. Often an old age is considered as a disease.

The situations at home or the atmosphere at home are not the same to everyone. They are different to different people.Everyone usually would like to have a peaceful and an enjoyable atmosphere at their homes. Often, it is the atmosphere at home and the disenchantment with their life that drives one into depressive mood. A marriage at the old age is a way of life . It often helps one to come out of depression and live happily. A marriage brings status and rights.Now a days longevity of men and women has increased well and hence the span of married life of the aged also has increased. Yet, there is conservative attitude towards to old age marriages in this 21 st century.

Mr Ramaligam was a lecturer in history who retired from Central College , Bangalore.He was a resident of Basavanagudi Bangalore .He was a widower. He had only one daughter by name Sharada.He was living with her. She was married to Mr Srinivasan. Both, Sharada and Srinivasan were working for multinational companies as software engineers. They were always busy with their work. Multinational companies no doubt pay good salaries but they make one toil day and night. They had no time even to chat with Mr Ramaligam. Unfortunately for Ramaligam his daughter Sharada did not become pregnant even though eight years had elapsed since she married Srinivasan. As a result, Ramaligam did not have even the company of grand children also. Many times ,the house was looking completely secluded and quiet to him. Life was monotonous to him. He was not finding any charm in life.Fortunately, he had cultivated the reading habit. He had become a member of nearby libraries. He was borrowing books from them. However, how much and how long one can be reading. Everything has a limit. No doubt the books are very good companion but all the books are not interesting.

Bangalore is full of parks. That is why it is known as a garden city.In order to keep himself busy,Mr Ramaligam used to go round and round in a park near his home. In almost every park there are children's play area.There are generally benches around such play area to sit and relax also. One evening, Mr Ramaligam was relaxing on one of such benches. It was at that time he came across two children namely Harsha and Varsha with their grandmother Vedavathi. Vedavathi was a widow. She was leading her life with her son Anand and daughter in law Anita. She was younger than Mr Ramaligam by a few years. She was also a retired lecturer in history. Thereafter several times they met in the same park. A park is usually a meeting point. It is a place where one meets purposely or accidentally. Vedavathi and Ramaligam always discussed on a wide range of interesting topics and exchanged their thoughts.When kids were playing , they were chit chatting. They began to like one another.Their acquaintance gradually developed into friendship.Once, one begin to like one another that go on doubling and never fall. Smile which was absent for quite some time occupied their faces once again.

The lecturer jobs are highly respected and remunerative . Both Ramaligam and Vedavathi had sufficient savings. On Mr Ramaligam's part , he had invested all his superannuation benefits in the joint name of him and his daughter. Every month Mrs Sharada was getting the bank passbook updated. The balance in the joint account was growing month by month. One day, to her surprise Mrs Sharada noticed a debit in the account running into lakh of rupees. It was in the name of builders namely Sriram Constructions. She promptly inquired with Ramaligam what it was. Mr Ramaligam pleaded innocence. As a result, Mrs Sharada was compelled to entrust the matter to her advocates. The inquiries revealed that it was towards purchase of 2 BHK flat in the joint name of Ramaligam and Vedavathi . In the courts of law Mr Ramaligam and Mrs Vedavathi submitted that they would live as husband and wife. In fact, on one fine morning they went to a Sub Registrars office got their marriage registered too.