
Enlightenment is rare and very precious.Those who are enlightened only can enlighten others . They enlighten whomever they come in contact. Names of Vivekananda,Sri Shankaracharya, Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Prophet Mohamed immediately flash in our mind as soon as we think of enlightenment. Enlightenment is acquiring knowledge.It's nothing but moving away from darkness to light. Enlightened replete with knowledge. Knowledge is the food that mind always desires. It's a food one rarely says enough. Law of diminishing marginal utility doesn't apply to it.It is a food that never deteriorates or diminishes but increases. Some get enlightened quickly and some take time to get enlightened.

Enlightened people always share enlightenment with others. They never keep it with themselves. They spread enlightenment all over. They have answer to every question. Their knowledge has no bounds.They try to banish ignorance from world .They are magnanimous.They are sthitaprajna. They are great people.

Swamy Vivekananda, Sri Shankaracharya, Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Prophet Mohamed are the embodiment of enlightenment. They had instant answers to all our doubts and queries. They were not either after name, fame, money or anything. They are immortal by their deeds. They performed their duties to mankind. They never preached .They just conveyed what they knew and felt. Financially, they began with zero and ended with zero. They never expected anything in return from anybody for their words and deeds . They treated everbody equally in this world with same love and affection. Welfare of the world was their sole aim. An enlightened person always thinks that there is more to learn. However , there is always tranquility in the minds of enlightened persons and they are always happy. There are innumerable volumes of books like Bhagwad Gita, Koran, Bible, Vedas, and Upanishads to be read and understood. They are treasure of knowledge. In turn, on each volume, there are hundreds of interpretations and explanations. Does enlightenment means mastering these great volumes. If one cannot master all of them, it is enough if one masters at least a few of them. Enlightenment must come little by little - otherwise it would overwhelm. It is obvious more and more one reads, more and more one travels,more and more enlightened one would be . More the people are enlightened less would be corruption and other malpractices. Enlightenment is discipline.

Enlightenment implies movement and progress from blindness to sight, darkness to light, ignorance to knowledge. Enlightenment is a very difficult term to describe in a sentence or two. It is very difficult to explain what enlightenment is. Here are a few definitions of enlightenment.

Enlightenment is redefining spirituality for an evolving world. Enlightenment is striving to catalyze a new way of thinking, one that integrates our highest spiritual aspirations with the demand to transform the world. Enlightenment is the right knowledge and it enables us to make a search within ourselves to know what is there. Enlightenment puts one on right path. Enlightenment need not take place at a stretch. It may take place in phases. Enlightenment is not liberation. One knows that the blocks that cloud the mind can be removed, that consciousness an attainable goal. Enlightenment is awareness, not realization. Enlightenment is ultimate knowledge. There is no knowledge beyond it. It is pure and unqualified knowledge. Knowledge is a treasure which has immense value. Knowledge cannot be stolen or taken away from a person who possesses it. Acquiring of unique supreme knowledge through meditation, renunciation and other rigorous practices is enlightenment. Enlightenment is an achievement which is very hard to achieve. It is not that easy. Disappearance of ignorance and emergence of bright thoughts is enlightenment. If one realizes their fault and corrects, then also it is enlightenment. Knowing others is wisdom, knowing our self is certainly Enlightenment. Enlightenment is an unique set of ideas and ideals

A great personality or a teacher or a saint can enlighten a person. More than anybody else, one can enlighten themselves.There must be an urge within a person to get enlightened. I remember to have heard that people used to go to forest or Himalayas and perform tapas to get their selves enlightened in olden days. They used to lead a simple life. They used to renounce all the pleasures of world. They used to wear saffron. They used to sleep on a mat or on bear floor only. It is said great rishis or saints got themselves enlightened in this way only. Gautam Buddha got enlightenment under a Bhodhi tree. A calm and quiet place is always a must for enlightenment. Otherwise, there is every possibility of thoughts being disturbed. Thoughts have a tendency to run in different directions. Thoughts are to be controlled. One has to struggle hard to give ideal shape and direction to their thoughts. It requires complete devotion. There should be absolutely no distraction whatsoever at all. Other requisites for enlightenment are determination and concentration. It is a process of realization. It is finding out of some truths or arriving at some truths. It is a quest. It is in pursuance of a goal. It requires deep meditation. It requires efforts. It is a rigorous path. How long it would take to get oneself enlightened nobody knows and one cannot guess even. It is definitely not in a fortnight. There is no time frame. It is indefinite. It is not easy for an ordinary man to get so enlightened. It is definitely beyond the reach of an ordinary individual. Ultimately, it is a thrill. It is an extraordinary message. It is a divine message. It is a knowledge which only a few get. It is a new school of thought. It is a new invention. It is a bolt from the blue. It is a magic wand. One can mesmerize anybody with it. Those who acquire it are great but they do not call themselves great. They are unassuming. They are simple. Their works alone testify to their spiritual, intellectual and creative powers. These great men will appear to us as God-men, when we understand their works. Their actions appear as superhuman. As they are beyond our ability to understand, we tend to think of them as miracles. But these extraordinary men are far above those miracles also. In order to recover from the crises-the religious, moral, that crop up ideological or political in the society from time to time, the country anxiously awaits the help of such inspiring and glorious personalities. The divine life of such great people is guiding light to us .One may perish but not their achievement. Their achievement which is enlightenment that they strove hard and got and passed on to us will remain for ever.

Enlightenment is immortal. It can't be snatched away, stolen or destroyed. It is not a showbiz. Knowledge millions may have but enlightenment one in billion may nothave. So rare it is. With knowledge one can rule the world but with enlightenment one can transform the world itself. Enlightenment is a curtain raiser. It kindles a light that is within and illumination takes place, bright thoughts emerge incessantly in a great personality. A little knowledge is not enlightenment. In fact, a little knowledge is always said to be dangerous. Enlightenment is complete knowledge. Knowledge is for self development whereas enlightenment is for the development of one and all. Enlightenment fills one with joy which has no bounds. Enlightenment adds to one’s confidence. It makes one complacent. Enlightenment is for spreading. It is for sharing. It is insatiable. It is an unquenchable thirst. One who is enlightened wants to get more and more enlightened. They do not put a stop to their quest. They are really blessed. Enlightenment eliminates all negative emotions in them. Experience comes to its utmost in enlightenment. Beyond enlightenment there is no experience at all.

According to Hindu mythology, enlightened person is one who knows all Vedas and Upanishads. What is taking place in modern world is specialization in a branch of science, specialization in a branch of engineering, specialization in medicines, and specialization in minting money. What are the worths of Sri Satya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, Matha Amrutha Mayee, Swamy Bodhananda, Swamy Bodhananda Saraswathi, and Ravishankar of art of living ? Majority of them are millionaires. They travel in luxurious modes of travel. How many mutts, ashrams, and institutions they are owning or controlling? How many foreign travels they undertake? Majority of them have grown from rags to riches. Majority of these self proclaimed Gods are hypocrites. When we look at them , the questions Is it enlightenment on sale? Has it become a lucrative profession? Can they not be no profit no loss bodies or organizations? Are they not contributing to loss of man hours and in turn affecting the productivity of a country? confront us. Our enlightenment should be how to wipe out tear form every eye. That is Mahatma Gandhi‘s vision. It need not be mere eradication of poverty, ignorance. It is to make free from all miseries and make this world full of bliss. Why can Government not set up a body comprising of eminent people from all religions who can take care of their religions together instead of individuals exploiting people? Enlightened person or enlightenment can guide us . It is a leading light or torch only. We are the maker of our destiny. Recently enlightened American citizens voted for Bush and he won mostly on account of his stand on issues like abortion, stem cell, and gay marriage etc which churches also propagates. Religion affects American democracy too .B.J.P. seeks vote in India on the basis of Hindutva. Other than religion, there are other serious issues facing the world. People do not understand this. Is enlightenment still needed to democracy to get deep rooted?

According to me acquiring unique knowledge which is not there till now which could be beneficial to one and all and which is for the welfare of one and all is enlightenment. There may be something which we may not be aware or do not know it. Coming to know of it is not enlightenment. It is developing our knowledge or getting rid of our ignorance. If one is doing wrong after wrong, comes to know that what he or she is doing is wrong. Is it enlightenment? Is it not our ignorance or lack of intelligence or dull headedness? Sometimes only it is enlightenment. In case of Valmiki who wrote Ramayana, one of the greatest epics, it was enlightenment.

How and when one would be enlightened nobody can prophecy. Sometimes incidents enlighten a person. Story of Valmiki is a classical example of how incidents enlighten a person. In those days, there was a thick forest all along the banks of the river Ganga. Many sages built their hermitage in that forest for their ‘tapas’; that means they meditated on God. Among them was a sage by the name of Prachetasa. He had, a son called Ratnakara. When he was s a very young boy, one day he went into the forest. While playing he lost his way and began to cry. Just then a hunter came there looking for a prey. He saw the chubby boy and fondled and pacified him. The hunter had no children. He took the boy to his hut in the midst of the jungle. Ratnakara's father searched for his son all around the hermitage, but could not find him. Finally he and his wife thought that the boy had become the prey of some wild beast. Both wept very much.

The hunter and his wife brought up the lad with great love. Ratnakara forgot his parents. He took the hunter for his father and the hunter's wife for his mother. He was taught how to hunt by the father. Ratnakara was a clever boy and learnt it quickly. He became a hunter with a sure aim.

To the birds and beasts of the forest, he became verily Yama, the God of Death. When he came of age, his foster father searched for a bride and celebrated his marriage with a beautiful girl from a hunter’s family. In a few years she gave birth to some children. Thus Ratnakara's family grew in size. It became very difficult for him to provide food and clothing to his large family. So he took to robbery. He began to attack people going from one village to another, frighten them and to away all that they had. If they opposed him, he killed them.

One day Ratnakara was sitting by the side of a road waiting for a victim. It happened that the great sage Narada was passing that way. Narada had his favorite musical instrument, a Veena, in his hands. As he played on the Veena, he was singing a song in praise of God. When he was thus lost in joy, suddenly Ratnakara rushed at him. He lifted the stout staff in his hands and shouted, "Look here! Hand over all you have or else I'll break your head."

But Narada was not an ordinary man. He was a divine sage, and one who wandered all over the Earth, the Heaven and the Underworld. He was not frightened by the loud shouts of Ratnakara. He smilingly, "My dear man, all that I have only this old Veena and the rags. If you want them, you can certainly take them. Why should you break my head for these?"

Ratnakara was astonished at these words. He looked up at Narada's face. There was neither fear nor anger; there was only peace. And how bright was that face! He was surprised to see a face tender and innocent like that of a child. He had never seen such a lovely face. As he gazed, his cruel mind melted into tenderness.

Narada sat beneath a tree and as played on the Veena, sang a song in praise of God. It was sweet like the song of cuckoo. Ratnakara was deeply moved. Noticing the change, the sage Narada paused in his song and said, "Brother, stealing is a sin. Killing animals is also sinful. Why do you do such evil?"

"Sire, what can I do Ratnakara replied, I have a large family. There are my old parents and my wife and children; they partake of my happiness and my troubles. I have to provide them with food and clothing. Hunting and stealing are all I know. What else can I do?"

The sage smiled and said, "My friend, will any member of your family partake of your sin also? Go and ask them, and bring back their reply."

Ratnakara thought that Narada was trying a trick to make his escape. Narada understood it and again said, "Well, child, if you do not trust me, you can tie me to this tree and then go."

Ratnakara thought that was all right. He tied Narada to a tree and went home.

On reaching home, he first went to his father and said, "Father, I rob people to get food and clothing for you all. It seems that is a sin. Do you not share in that sin?"

His father was angry and said, "You sinner, you should not do such bad things. Am I to share your sins? No, never. You have to suffer for what you do."

Ratnakara went to his mother and said, "Surely, mother, you will share my sin, won't you?" But she also scolded him and sent him away. He then went to his wife and said, "Do you know how I earn to provide you and your children with food and clothing? It is by robbery. But I steal for your sake. Therefore you are also partners in my sin. Isn't that so?"

The wife was displeased and said, 'What are you saying? What have we to do with your sin? You are my husband, and my children are your children. It is your duty to look after us and give us food and clothing."

Ratnakara's eyes were opened. He realized that he alone was responsible for all his sins no one else would share his sin. As soon as it was clear to him, he ran to Narada. He untied the sage and amidst weeping, narrated to him all that had happened in his home. Falling at Narada's feet he asked the sage, "Oh, sire now what of me? How can I atone for all the sins I have committed? You are my only savior."

Narada lifted him up and wiped his tears. He consoled him saying, "Do not be afraid. I shall teach you a way to wash off your sins." So he taught Ratnakara the sacred name of Rama - 'Rama Nam'. He made him sit beneath a tree and asked him to go on repeating the sacred name of Rama. He said, I shall come here again, Till then you should not get up and go away." Then the sage departed.

Ratnakara continued his 'tapas’ chanting the name of Rama. His eyes were closed. His whole mind was concentrate on the chanting of the name of the Lord He forgot his existence. He had neither food nor sleep for days and days. And in this way quite a few years passed. An ant hill grew all around and above him. He could not even be seen by anybody.At last one day the sage Narada again came that way. Of course, he knew that Ratnakara was inside the anthill. Very carefully he cleared that anthill still Ratnakara was wholly lost in his 'tapas' and did not wake up to the world around him. Narada chanted the name of Rama in his ears. Then he opened his eyes and saw the sage standing before him. He saluted him from where he was sitting. Narada helped him to get up. He also gently touched him all over. Ratnakara felt new life flowing through him. He touched the sage's feet; Narada lifted him up and embraced him. He said to him, "Ratnakara, you are blessed. God is pleased with your 'tapas'. You are now a sage of the highest order, a Brahmarshi. As you are now reborn from a Valmika (the ant-hill), will here after be famous as Valmiki."