Corruption in India

What is corruption everyone knows. It needs no explanation. There are not one or two types of corruption but there are several types of it. Corruption has become an art. It has become a profession. There are specialists in it . Right from king down the line everyone is found to be corrupt these days. Corruption is spiralling. What corruption stories that come to light are only a few. Whereas that which do not come to light are numerous.Innumerable transactions take place under the table in India.People who are involved in corruption are politicians,bureaucrat,clerks, & peons ..... Is it controllable?In corruption what one would be awaiting is others weakness. Once one knows others weakness they exploit them to the tilt . There are countless untold stories about it.Money seems to be origin of all evils. It seems to be root of corruption. Whether man has to revert to barter system to get rid of corruption ? Answer is it is not monetary system which has to undergo change . It is man who has to undergo a sea of change.Pope tells youth " Corruption is sugar that causes diabetes. " It's thriving doesn't mean it's the best policy. It is only a marriage of convenience.Wherever injustice is there it's there invariably. It can

make one stoop to any level. It isn't harmless.It is dangerous.Honesty is always the best policy.

When corruption began when it would end it couldn't be said at all.Whether a county is big or small there we find it . What is important is where there is no corruption . Corruption is there since time immemorial. As world has been developing & people have also been developing corruption should have comedown by leaps & bounds.With advent of CCTV, recorders, and various investigative agencies it's mounting only & not declining at all. Unfortunately,it has grown enormously and it stands like a mountain. In fact, it turns one into bonded labour many a times.Yet, one who is corrupt would never say it as bad at all. Stringent actions can bring down corruption. Action must be merciless & must develop fear & awe in a person.

Where there's money where there are people there's corruption. One need not go in search of black money. Wherever there is corruption there is black money. It's present day situation. Corruption has become a way of life. Once one becomes rich it is easy to conceal how they became rich. Many have come to conclusion that corruption is a Necessary Evil for Success in Any Sphere. Corruption used to take place stealthily behind the screen. It ls becoming more & more open. No hesitation whatsoever these days.Corruption is an instance of misutilization of God given intelligence by man. As time is passing new modus operandi of corruption & finding out corruption have been coming to light .Number of middle men too are increasing day by day.Only after havocs are caused by corruption people open their eyes. As a consequence of corruption moral degradation, destruction of character, devaluation of human values and lust for power and money take place.

Corruption does not fall from the blues. Man is not corrupt by birth. Greed, need & perverted intelligence etc develop it in man. Root cause of corruption is selfishness. It is selfishness that drives man towards Corruption. Bribe is not given with any love & affection. Without binding nobody gives it . Bribe is "you do this & have this ". Bribe puts one under obligation.

The words mamul & hafta do not miss presence wherever corruption is there. Their presence is spontaneous wherever corruption is there. They are code words in corrupt world. They convey everything.

One who doesn't accept bribe is nicknamed as " Gandhi "in corrupt world. He is a laughing stock there.

Wine women & wealth play a great role in corrupt world. Corruption is making mockery of democracy in India. Money power & muscle power are winning the elections.If corruption is somewhere it does not matter, If it is where we are we must learn how to tackle it & live. Corruption is a poisonous gas. One would not know how bad is bribe while accepting. It is afterwards only one realizes that they blundered.· In a corrupt mind no good thoughts arise. Corruption is a web where one could get in but couldn't get out easily at all.

How to improve India ? India needs not merely economic development. It needs spiritual development. It needs corruption free India. Everyone In India is concerned about corruption. Corruption has grown without bounds. It has become an impediment .There is no dearth of anti corruption laws in India. Unless society stands for them fights for them they are on the wall only. Unless man's thinking changes corruption would never disappear at all. Honesty & sincerity must grow in every field & in everyone. Money is not everything. Wealth is not properly distributed amongst its people. As a consequence it comprises of haves & have-nots. This is one of the reasons for spread of corruption.

Corruption has become so rampant in modern India that nothing moves without it Corruption everyone knows that it is illegal. Yet majority resort to it . A few are only caught.It has become a part & parcel of everyone's life. One has to bribe to get anything got done. Otherwise , they have to put their patience to test & spend unnecessarily their time &energy. Master Hirayanaih has been enacting drama " Incarnation of Bribe " for decades. Bribes aren't receding but knocking every door . People give one or other reason for its acceleration.Some say it's cost of living, some say it's standard of living is the reason How many scandals from our Governments . It is shame. No use of blaming one another. People of India must change.

People are very clever. They know who can be bribed & how & when.Corruption is one of the methods of fooling a person. Bribe is given & taken not merely for some favour but also for what reasons it would be given it couldn't be said at all.Life style prompts corruption. Conscience which is said to be the presence of God in man is seldom found in man now a days. Simple living & high thinking are too rarely noticed these days. One may hesitate to take bribe at the outset. Once one begins to take it , it becomes a routine to them. They also begin to collect bribe for anything that they were doing without charge previously. Shyness & decency fly away from them. Accepting bribe tantamount to selling selves. Corruption is a malady. It is a cancer. It is a nusiasance. It never disappears on its own. It has to be banished.Whatever advantage that corruption may yield is temporary or momentary only.Corruption is a blemish which couldn't be erased easily at all.

Bribe is always a bad money. In fact, it always drives good money out. God fearing men are always reluctant to touch bribe with their hands. According to them bad money is always sinful. They feel what is important is not how much money one has but how that money has been earned . Bad money seldom lasts long. Life of bad money is generally very short only.

As long as a corruption is under a carpet it makes no noise . However, it can't be kept under a carpet for long . When it would come to light it couldn't be said at all. When a corruption comes to light it makes all the noise. Corrupt money is easy money . One who has it wont know the value of it at all. It needs no extra sweat to earn it. One who is corrupt won't have peace of mind or proper sleep at all. They would have one or other addiction. They would be always in tension of one kind or other. They would have no fair name in the society. Nobody gives bribe heartily. They curse & give bribe usually.

A corrupt man can't hold his head high & stand in the society at all.A country can't develop fully until & unless corruption is eradicated completely in it .Vigilance often prevents anything from happening. Better administration is nothing but controlling of corruption which in turn results in development of country. More than illiterate educated are more corrupt. Illiterate are God fearing their knowledge is limited. Educated have more knowledge it can turn in any direction. It's said that half knowledge is always dangerous.One who has a good purpose to their life wont resort to corruption in life. It's those who have no other purpose to life other than amassing wealth resort to corruption. Corruption makes life a hell & not a heaven. As such Shakespeare said " Hell is empty and all the devils are here. "Begging is often considered as more honourable than being corrupt. A corrupt is often called "Dog ".

Spreading corruption is easy. It spreads like wildfire. It is better to find ways & means to curtail it. It's better to plug loopholes wherever they are there. There must be no scope to any manipulations in laws that Govt enacts. There must be more & more transparency in systems. There must be administrative reforms periodically.Next dream of Indians is "Save India from corruption movement." It is on cards only. When India is corruption free then only it can have "Swatch Bharat "