Success and Confidence

Confidence is an integral part of a personality. It's a personality component . One who has confidence knows what it is . One who has no confidence also knows what it is. Confidence is faith in ourselves. It banishes tensions, anxieties, fears, and worries. It gives purpose and direction to our life. It is freedom from doubt; belief in our self and our abilities. Nobody has confidence by birth. It is not an inborn quality. It is a state of mind.It does not develop in anyone overnight. It gradually develops as one grows and faces life based on the situations they confront. It is experience, knowledge, and success all put together help one build up confidence. It is always within . Unless one makes an attempt or attempts confidence never grows. One cannot runaway from a situation and build it. Confidence is there all the time inside everybody in drowsy state. It should be awakened. More one makes use of it and succeeds more it grows in them. One should be cautious and allow it to grow reasonably or moderately only. Otherwise they may become overconfident. That is one would have more confidence than that they need. Those who are overconfident do not make adequate preparations and as a result they succumb even to a weaker opposition in a competition or a confrontation. Success eludes them.

Confidence is reflected in every action of a man.The way one sits , stands, and walks with the chest forward and arms swinging , reveal the-confidence that one has. The man who has self confidence gains the confidence of others. If one has no confidence in others, others also would have no confidence in them. A man bubbling with confidence and a man who has no confidence are two diametrically opposite personalities .A man bubbling with confidence is always liked by everyone. One who has no self -confidence is normally scared and becomes nervous at every instance.Quantum of confidence is not the same in everybody. It varies from person to person. Some have more confidence and some have less confidence in themselves. Some have confidence which is sufficient and which is neither more nor less to them at all. Confidence of one enhances confidence of others. Confidence is the greatest single asset we can possess because it often moves mountains. Anything that is performed with confidence is almost perfect.

Generally confidence is required to deal with a situation. Negative thoughts remove confidence whereas positive thoughts boost it .Nobody can concentrate without confidence.One cannot do what they can do without it. It does not remain as it is in a person. It is not static.It either increases or decreases. When everything goes awry, when everything does not take place as contemplated, an ordinary man’s confidence generally gets shattered. Keeping confidence intact is that not easy. Having no confidence in self is a weakness. One would have along with this weakness many other weaknesses also. Such people would be lacking determination, courage etc too. Sometimes such people are considered as useless too. They cannot take a bold decision. One who has confidence in self can only be adventurous. Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. Confidence grows in the company of confident people It declines in the company of shy people.

Shakespeare says “appearances are deceptive”. But it is one’s appearance and behavior that reveal whether one has confidence or not.Face is the mirror into a mind. Anything done without confidence would not be normally perfect at all. Even though it is perfect one would not be aware of that and would not be bold enough to claim that it is perfect. Further,it is deeds that reveal one’s confidence rather than the words that one utters. A man who has no confidence in himself is generally a timid man. A timid person is usually not good for anything. If somebody trusts us, it is confidence reposed in us. Sometimes we have to toil hard to win somebody’s confidence. If we do something bad and lose the confidence that somebody had kept b in us, definitely, it is impossible or it would be an uphill task to regain it. Similarly if we lose our own confidence also, it is very difficult to regain it.

Confidence and success go hand in glove. A success always boosts one's confidence whereas a failure acts adversely and one's confidence gets decreased on account of a failure. Confidence is not the only one which contributes to our success. It is only a catalyst that helps one to achieve success. It is always very very valuable. It gives an impetus or fillip which enables one to achieve success along with a other factors like knowledge, intelligence, talent etc. Confidence is always one's additional strength. A confrontation with a person with confidence would never be a tame affair. A man with confidence would never give up so easily. Confident person would fight to the finish. Even in a defeat a confident person generally draws applause. Other qualities being equal in two individuals, it is the confidence that makes the difference between the two. The individual with more confidence generally succeeds ultimately. An individual with confidence would rise even from defeat and would make further attempts and wrests the crown at the end. Confidence and success are complementary. One depends upon another always. If one has confidence means it is as good as half battle being won.Confidence level between two contenders is taken into consideration during selection of candidates.Confidence is mind power and not physical strength. How much powerful is confidence it depends on mind power of the individual. It is the individual only who knows its strength and it is who could demonstrate the strength too.

Courage is not confidence. Courage may induce us to make an attempt only. Confidence is something different from courage. Courage only adds to the confidence. Similarly support, encouragement etc. from others may make one feel more secure only. Confidence must develop within us. Nobody can fill it from outside into us. If we do not face a situation, we would not have any experience and in turn we would not gain any confidence also. We would remain where we were. We should be mentally strong to develop confidence within us. A man suffering from anxiety, fear, depression etc would certainly lack confidence. How one who has no confidence could expect others to have faith in his or her abilities? The man who has confidence in himself is the only one who is capable of gaining the confidence of others.

Confidence allows one to do whatever they could do. If one loses confidence, they could not do even whatever that they do normally also. One can inspire others only if they have confidence within. Confidence creates faith. Confidence and our success make others keep their faith in us. Those people who have faith in us predict that we would succeed definitely. In fact, they bet upon our success. Generally anything that is attempted with confidence ends well and perfectly. If we have no confidence, we feel more insecure in life. We give room to negative thoughts to occupy mind. One or two failures at such moments make one desperate and depressed. Some even try to run away and end their life too at that juncture. We should never allow the confidence to get shattered. Life is very competitive. Confidence always requires capacity to act with. This capacity varies from person to person. Capacity comprises of many factors like intelligence, knowledge etc. Besides, all this if there is no opportunity means, our talent might get wasted.

Confidence is the backbone of any relationship. Confidence in one another is quite essential to a relationship to thrive. No sooner did the confidence disappear the relationship also ends. Confidence and relationship go hand in glove.

One can not expect everybody to succeed always. Success does not come to us of its own. We should be after it. It is a pursuit. Success is seldom easy. It needs always efforts. Sometimes it needs less efforts, sometimes it needs moderate efforts, and sometimes it needs tremendous efforts. Success never knocks at one’s door without any efforts. Success is reward for one’s efforts. Success does not depend on mere efforts too. Success depends on an individual more than anything else. Some say fate or lady luck is needed for a success. Some say a failure is the stepping stone to a success. Some say success goes to a courageous and not to a timid. A success is described in various ways. Generally a better man wins a race. We should always have patience. We should always hope for the best and be prepared for the worst too. We should not only know how to compromise but also we should know how much and when we should compromise. We should never be submissive always .We should understand life. Success and failures are two sides of a same coin. Success is not everything.It comes and goes. Successes are not identical . There are variety of successes.

Success is the tribute life pays to excellence. There is no doubt that everybody wants success. But we can never expect our opponent always to be weak. Sometimes, our rivals do succeed. It is part of a game. We should learn fully to accept defeats with grace and should be determined to wrest the crown in the subsequent attempts or at the earliest available opportunity. We should not either be overwhelmed by successes or be disappointed by failures. Determination is certainly a key to success. However determination alone can not do wonders. It should always be accompanied by our efforts. Success will never generally fall from the blues. Success cannot be achieved overnight. Rome was not built in a single day. We should always work tirelessly for a success. As we know that every rule has got exceptions. There are a few occasions when some fortunate people achieve success without much effort. They get Midas touch. Wherever they go, whatever they touch becomes gold or in other words success knocks at their doors. The contentment that one would have when a success is achieved with all efforts and sweat would be certainly different from the contentment that success brought to another to whom the success had come effortlessly. The latter might not be having any contentment at all. That is why it seems Shakespeare has said that “Some are born great, some achieve greatness and upon some greatness is thrust. A success achieved under adverse circumstances could only be termed as a great success. Some opine that ultimately who succeeded is of primary importance than other details like how won, what was the prize etc. that are all only secondary. Success brings us satisfaction more than what either wealth or name does. Success is most rewarding. Success is a story.

It is several components like intelligence, knowledge, skill, confidence, determination, opportunities and tireless efforts all acting in unison bring in success. One should aspire success, try for success, but should never be crazy after success. Further, it is said that behind the success of every man there is a woman. Here the woman may be only an inspiration. One can share one's thoughts; discuss one's doubts with her without any hesitation with her. She adds to one's confidence and encourages them. She gives some ideas at the most that too once in a only. And occasionally renders some help or assistance which is quite essential for a success. She always prays for your success. Similarly there are women behind the failures of many too. Often over -confidence eludes us the success. Overconfidence is nothing but relying more on one's abilities than one should. It usually leads to the downfall of such a person. Generally a series of successes make us forgo our wits, we become overconfident, we feel that the opponent is weak; we do not prepare ourselves well for the encounter and as a result of all our mistakes only success knocks at somebody's door. Common sense and presence of mind are the other requisites for achieving success. It is not enough if you know everything but should know when and how you should use your strengths and guard your weaknesses to achieve success.

When it is success of a team involvement of every member of the team is always quite necessary. It should be a team work. Cohesiveness, concerted efforts, and dedication are normally essential for a team to achieve a success.