Innocence & Ignorance.

Everyone has strengths & weaknesses.In great epics Mahabharatha & Ramayana weaknesses of opponents were used to defeat & finish them. In Mahabharatha , Lord Krishna who knew enemy''s strengths &weaknesses was responsible to slain of great Bhishma, Drona Karna & other warriors & win the war for Pandavas.

Similarly, Rama & Lakshman could score victory over Ravana , Kumbhakarna, Indrajeet & other giants exploiting their weaknesses in Ramayana. It was Vibhishana who knew enemy's strengths &weaknesses was of much avail to them

Similarly, man has to know their as well as others strengths & weakness to lead life successfully.

Innocence & ignorance could be one's strength or weakness. Man must know them & make use of them to their best advantage.Wherever innocence & ignorance prevails there preventive measures are not usually taken at all. Man opens his eyes only after something takes place.

Everyone is born innocent & ignorant. There afterwards only with their efforts & opportunities they become wiser & wiser.What all ignorance & superstitions people have ? A man wont be usually fully aware of his innocence or ignorance. What all one won't do to be rid of them ? The thought that I must become wise must enter a man in order that he tries to get rid of them. Only circumstances could do that. If a man is innocent & ignorant there is no difference between him & an animal. In society an innocent & ignorant man usually has no recognition at all also.

How nice it's if we know our innocence & ignorance.Its knowing ourselves. People think we are omniscient. More than anybody else at times we know our innocence & ignorance.Often , it is when we come to know others knowledge, we realise how much innocent & ignorant we are.When we come across luminaries & compare their knowledge with ours, we know our innocence & ignorance.Comparison is a measure . It is an eyeopener.

Innocence & ignorance of everyone isn't same. They are different & they vary from person to person. Some are more innocent & ignorant. Some are less innocent & ignorant. The majority of people in this world thinks that they know everything. They seldom think about their innocence or ignorance.Thinking highly of self is ignorance only. What one understands when they are innocent & ignorant and what one understands when they are not innocent & ignorant are different. One is eyes closed & the other is eyes opened.

Even if one is wise also it is difficult to lead a life . Definitely , it is difficult to lead a life with innocence & ignorance. Innocence & ignorance are to be unburdened to the extent possible in life. No stone should be left upturned in this respect .Nobody makes blunders intentionally . Many a times blunders occur due to innocence & ignorance only.

Man differs not only in appearance but also in other respects. Shakespeare says "Appearances are deceptive "Many people appear to be innocent & ignorant but aren't . The majority of them really aren't what they appear to be. There is a saying which says " colour of one who is mild is different".Innocence & ignorance could be a garb. Many take a shelter under it. Even a thief always pretends to be innocent & ignorant. Why judicial system is everywhere ? Is it not to find out innocence & ignorance ?

Man always tries to move usually from darkness to light. Seldom,he tries to move from enlightenment to ignorance. Innocence & ignorance mean less knowledge. More knowledge is said to be dangerous. Less knowledge is also dangerous too .

Innocence & ignorance don't allow one either to taunt others or to understand others taunts & insinuations. Innocence is a way of life. Ignorance is a way of life too. One can choose them or leave them. It is up to a man to choose or leave them.

God's creations aren't alike. All are not wise. The universe consists wise, innocent, ignorant, cunning & crooked . Dealing with them all is not that easy at all. It is an art.One isn't born as they are now.A fruit is also raw in the beginning & gradually only it becomes ripe.Innocence & ignorance are a part & parcel of life. There are always reason or reasons to one's ignorance & innocence. Whenever because of innocence & ignorance one cuts a sorry figure they feel a lot. It is when they realise their innocence or ignorance & are affected with an inferiority complex too.

Innocence & ignorance are God's creation. They are to make mistakes & learn from them . Maturity can't be attained overnight at all.Definitely there's a limit to one's innocence & ignorance. Both of them shouldn't exceed limits at all.However much one grows intellectually or otherwise , however much one learns there would be still some innocence & ignorance left in every man.There's no end to learning limit is sky.Perfection is a rare phenomenon. Innocence & ignorance enable one many times to escape or bear difficult situations in life .They turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

More than anybody one who would be in trouble or who would suffer on account of their innocence & ignorance is themselves.More than anybody one who rejoices their innocence & ignorance is themselves when they recollect them. Innocence & ignorance are always preferred to cunning & crookedness. They can be moulded but cunning & crookedness are not. Cunning & crookedness cannot be relied upon at all also.

Human beings cannot remain static . One has to keep self busy. In the process they do what they know & what they don't know also. Their deeds reveal innocence & ignorance. Life consists of innocence & ignorance.

Ignorance is sometimes a blessing & sometimes it isn't a blessing at all. Innocence has always a pardon. But ignorance doesn't have it always . It has only sometimes a pardon. It isn't always easy to differentiate between innocence & ignorance. Who is innocent & who is ignorant.There isn't much difference. Innocence is having no knowledge of something or not having done something detrimental. Also not having knowledge of bad things. Ignorance is lacking knowledge of something. For example if someone was accused of a crime but had not committed it they would be innocent. If someone did not know how to service a car they would big ignorant of motor mechanics.

Nobody need tell about one's innocence or ignorance their behaviour &talk reveals them. It is well said " Face is a mirror into mind."One's thoughts & actions are seldom same. They depend upon on their innocence & ignorance. Less ignorance & innocence more mature one's thoughts & actions are.

Ignorance one may dislike but everyone likes innocence . Why everyone loves a child . Is it not because of its innocence ?Innocence without cunning is really beautiful. Innocence is always remembered . Innocence is always appreciated. Innocence should be where it should be. It should n't be everywhere. Life is meant to drive away ignorance. One can't take shelter either under ignorance or innocence in life. Knowledge is very important in life. It has no bounds at all.

Considering poison as milk is innocence.Considering a foe as friend is innocence.

It is innocence makes one think that what all that is white is milk. It is not merely children are innocent but also old are innocent too. Great poet Wordsworth says " Child is the father of man. " That which enables one to distinguish markedly between a man & a child is innocence. Child is innocence personified. It doesn't know any of the hazards of life at all. Children are the virgins of life, having never known, heard, or seen evil.

One who is knowledge hungry wouldn't be ignorant at all. Ignorance is sometimes only desired otherwise it is dangerous. What all how much one suffers due to ignorance it couldn't be said at all.Ignorant opens eyes only when all is over & repents. Ignorance of law is no excuse at all .Where there is no ignorance there is understanding. Ignorance is a solution or a remedy to many problems too.Thomas Gray says "“Where ignorance is bliss, 'Its folly to be wise.”

Ignorance is better than knowing that which is bad & harmful.One shouldn't laugh at others ignorance. Everyone doesn't know everything . Man is ignorant of many things. Nobody is purposely ignorant. There's always a reason or more to one's ignorance. Knowledge doesn't fall from the blues.One should be lucky to get opportunities to gather knowledge which is vast & wide spread.

One always tries to move away from ignorance. Nobody tries to move towards it at all.Ignorance is often compared to darkness.Its considered shortcoming & hurdle. With it it's difficult to make headway.Hence man always tries to be enlightened & doesn't want to remain a dull herd. Though, man doesn't always want to display his knowledge . He doesn't want to display his ignorance at any time. Ignorance cannot be hidden long at all. It comes to light in one way or other. Illiteracy is one of the reasons of ignorance. Not mingling with people is a reason too. A man must develop aptitude to expand knowledge in whatever way possible to drive away ignorance. It is an uphill task.

Ignorance & innocence don't remain fixed . They always move southwards. Of course, they don't zero down on their own. Efforts are always needed to minimise them. One would be always grateful to whoever helps them in that venture.Many factors play a role in it. Sharing experiences ,travels , discussions ,& reading etc assist the removal .If one sits idle at home without doing anything innocence or ignorance don't change a little at all.In order to banish them it isn't enough if individual strives but also others who are around have to strive too.Its education & opportunities which send innocence & ignorance packing. As a result,innocence & ignorance is diminishing day by day. It indicates development & modernisation in the world.

At all times innocence & ignorance aren't favourable. Many times they affect one adversely & lead them into a wrong path . Sometimes they are advantageous & sometimes they are disadvantageous. World is varied. Some in it sympathise innocence & ignorance. Only some in the world are such, they take an undue advantage of others innocence & ignorance. There is every possibility of they being misused. Cheating is a profession where others innocence & ignorance are exploited. Though the world has developed cheating isn't receding.

One who has innocence & ignorance in immense would know only a little. As such, many matters don't bother them at all & they are little disturbed & are peaceful. However,little knowledge is always dangerous.Though, everyone doesn't know everything . One laughs at others innocence & ignorance & others laugh at theirs. This is world. Ah ! Ah ! Aha! In modern world innocence & ignorance are rare. One has to go in search of them in it .