Life runs on Faith.

Where is no faith?It's in every walk of life. Life runs on it only. It's a fuel that runs life.It's optimism. It's sure of tomorrow . In banking also it is as essential as security is. How much faith would develop it couldn't be said at all. It could develop to any extent. In it even water sometimes is considered as milk also.There is no greater power than faith. Faith does wonders.

In faith love,affection, & relationship play a great part. Faith is a five letter word. It isn't an ordinary word at all. It means a lot.It's the most amazing in life. Many a time when all is lost in life,it's faith that keeps up & what's needed takes place.

"Ache din ayega." Good days would come. This is faith. This is what is required in life. Faith means in a way " All is well" Where there is it there always less stress & strain.

All work one alone cannot do always. Delegation is essential at one time or other to get anything done . It all needs faith. Faith allows one to part with safe keys. It allows one to issue a blank cheque. Faith is needed for various other purposes also. Deeds develop faith rather than the words.

Soul has no death. Physical body only perishes.What all faith man has? From birth to death life is full of it .Faith when it was born nobody knows.It has been there since time immemorial.Faith can't be bought either by richness or by the power it has to be won.It must be always in whats possible & not in whats impossible.Whenever it materialises,it usually doubles. Where faith works,it does wonders.Whenever doesn't materialise it disappoints only.

Faith means mortgaging oneself to certain convictions. It undergoes many trials in life .When it blooms one would have naturally excess of joy. All can't have faith. Without thinking one shouldn't have it too. It needs courage & confidence.

A laughs at B's faith . B laughs at A's faith.

A faith of a man cannot be fully described at all. It is individual as well as collective.Faith means what comes to many minds is " God & religion".

Mahatma Gandhi says "My faith helps me to discover new truths every day. " As far as possible, it must be firm & must not waver.

Faith isn't a bolt from the blues. It doesn't walk to one at all. Environment one lives & grows influences one to develop it a lot. Further, parents, teacher & friends subscribe to develop it more. Faith is product of incidents & experience.

Faith & confidence often go hand in glove.Faith opens the eyes of our hearts.Where there is it there is devotion.Faith could be reposed without a second thought wherever there is dedication .

Faith is nothing but positive thoughts. It is "God save me." It is more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. It is like oasis in a desert. It keeps worries at a distance. Where nothing works faith works. Its miracle. It is remedy to many ills.It is one of the ways of looking at life. It is the right way to look at it too.Wherever one has faith a decision can be had easily without any hesitation . Faith enables man to bear upheavals of life. It's it that binds people & holds them together. It enables a man lead life orderly & mannerly.

It's well said"Faith can turn stone into God &convert darkness into brightness."Faith is strength,where there's no strength whatsoever even. It is a hope that one could cling at any time.It's one that says they wont sink while they are drowning.It's a friend in need.It follows one wherever they go, it never leaves.It becomes a part parcel of them.It's powerful.Successes enhance & failures diminish it. In difficult times man drifts more towards it & in good times,'its quite reverse.Where there's it there's no suspicion Where there's suspicion it is not there at all.

Where all faiths would be in demand it couldn't be said at all. It is situations in life that impair faith of a man more than anything else. Wherever relationships improve faith enhances & wherever relationships worsen faith deteriorates. As days pass faith must be more & abundant. In the modern world, it is contrary as days pass it becomes less & less between man & man in it. World would not have been what it is today if not for faith .The concepts heaven, hell, sin & virtue etc have saved the world.Either gaining or utilising faith is not an easy task at all.

Faith is indispensable while facing situations in life. It is advantageous as well as disadvantageous.Bad times are testing times for it . Faith gives direction to life. It brings calm & peace to life. Faith may either go right or wrong. It's not rigid. It depends upon several factors.More knowledgeable a man is there's every possibility of his faith undergoing change.

Faiths impact lives of human beings. Everyone has neither has the same faith,nor same quantum of faith. A man can set a goal to himself,only if he has faith that ultimately he will achieve the goal.Faith is an anvil to every new achievement, every new invention & every new discovery and every new victory. There's a co-relation between faith & achievement. Incidents in life plant faith more than what preaching does. Faith increases or decreases as incidents take place in life. What words don't do that an incident does. Life isn't merely a teacher but also it's a preacher too.Often, faith acts as an oxygen that keeps one alive & enables one to face a situation however difficult it may be. It makes impossible into possible & possible into impossible. It converts dreams into reality. However, man must not be blind to faith always . He must modify as and when time demands.

Here is a story which I came across on the web regarding "Faith making impossible into possible".

Eight-year-old Seetha was playing in the backyard of her home with her friends. Her parents were also there and seriously discussing about the incurable disease of their youngest daughter Geetha.

Seetha heard her mom, and dad talking about the sister. She realised that Geetha was sick and did not have enough money for her treatment. Seetha heard mom say - “Only ‘God’s grace’ in the form of a ‘miracle’ can save her now.”

She told her friends to stop the play. She went inside and took the jar filled with coins. It was her regular savings made as and when mom and dad gave coins. She counted the coins carefully and made her way to the nearby Hanuman Temple to get the ‘miracle.’

There were a few devotees present in the temple. The priest was busy in the worship of the deity. He was also chanting Sanskrit Slokas loudly. Seetha moved forward towards the sanctum sanctorum and said loudly with folded hands, “Lord, my younger sister is not well and my parents are unable to spend money for her medical treatment. Mom said only God’s grace in the form of ‘miracle’ can save her. I pray to you with full devotion to provide me a ‘miracle’ to cure the disease of my younger sister.”

Then she prostrated to the Lord. Other devotees were observing the little girl’s devotion towards the Lord.

An elderly person among the devotees, who was very much impressed by the actions of the little girl asked, “My dear pretty little girl, I want to see your younger sister? Could you take me to your home? I have got the same ‘miracle’ you need.” “Sir, I am having Rupees fifty with me. Will it be sufficient to meet the cost?” “Yes! What a coincidence? The exact amount needed for the ‘miracle.’

She gave the money and took him home. Seetha told her parents that he was in the possession of ‘miracle’ required for curing the disease of Geetha. Mom and dad were surprised to hear this from their daughter. The gentleman told them to admit Geetha in a hospital and asked them not to worry about the expenditure. He was one of the trustees of a hi-tech hospital. He also gave a letter to the hospital for admitting the girl. Geetha without any problem was admitted to the hi-tech hospital. Doctors took special care of her. She was completely alright within one month. The entire bill was cleared by the gentleman.

After coming home her dad asked, “How much money was paid by the gentleman?” When her mother was about to reply, Seetha intervened and said, “the cost of the ‘miracle’ was Rupees fifty only.”

Seetha was under the impression that the money paid to the gentleman was out of her savings towards the cost of the ‘miracle’. The gentleman, who helped the little girl Geetha, was none other than the famous businessman & philanthropist of the town.