Doubts are not meant for life.

No one is born with doubts. Doubting is a quality. It's a developed quality. There aren't one or two kinds of doubt but there are numerous kind of it that haunt a man. A few people only doubt necessarily. More people doubt unnecessarily. Life is short. Majority of people feel the shortage of time in it. They feel doubting as mere waste of precious time.One shouldn't develop it as far as possible at all. As & when a doubt arises better one clears it. One should never brood over it at all. With doubt nothing is complete. When it is out only something could be complete at any time. Doubts are a burden only.

Doubts have a tendency to multiply & grow. Doubts spoil relationships. Doubts create doubts. Once one is in web called "doubt" it is difficult to come out .One who has no confidence in themselves doubt much. Lesser the confidence more doubts. More the confidence lesser the doubts.Doubt means not guaranteed, not sure. What it would be it couldn't be said at all. One who does not doubt much who is bold is often recognized as dynamic.

Doubts are negative thoughts.Without any need no one should doubt at all. Doubts must be always need based.Doubts do not unite anybody. In fact, they separate many.Doubts are psychological.When good happens usually nobody doubts, when bad happens everybody begins to doubt.Doubts are either fruitful or disappointments.Doubts turn an heaven into hell.

One need not have many doubts a doubt is enough many a time to come to a conclusion. Doubts are mostly individual. Circumstances make one doubt also. In life whether one doubts or does not doubt it is difficult. There are occasions to doubt & there are occasions not to doubt too in life.Life & intelligence teach man when to doubt & where to search .Doubts must be as far as possible must be within . They should not be expressed. When honest are doubted they become angry & hurt. True colors of cheats come to light only when they are doubted.

One who goes on doubting wont do anything. Doubts create fear complex in a man. One who has doubts always hesitates to do anything .Doubts always put a man into two minds. It's to be or not to be. Doubt is the driving force in the play "Hamlet" and the cause of the tragic death of the protagonist that is "Hamlet " too.Doubts in mind are much greater roadblocks to success than obstacles on the journey. All doubts do not become true. Only a few become true. Doubts kill more dreams than fear will.Yet ,whom all & what all men wouldn't doubt? Doubting is their nature. But if a man is doubted he becomes angry. He feels insulted.

Life is meant for enjoyment. The one who doubts much leave alone enjoyment could not have even a sound sleep at all. Where there are doubts one wouldn't believe their own right hand & left hand, there is no friendship & trust. All artificial. All dramatic. Doubts squash creativity, destroy goals, & inhibit a person from moving forward.

Many times man doubts not the right person but the wrong person It is a wasteful exercise.

When I Was at Shimoga I came across a couple where husband was full of doubts. He used to lock his wife inside house & go to office.

How why & what all doubts arise in a mind it couldn't be said at all. We laugh at others doubts. Others laugh at our doubts. Silly to serious doubts arise in a mind. It's well said " Idle mind is a devil's workshop". Doubts don't allow mind to rest at all.They tax mind.They don't allow one to close eyes & ears. They make living impossible. Whether we can doubt everyone as thief? No we have to identify a thief & catch him. One should doubt where one should but shouldn't doubt everywhere.

Doubt helps a great deal many a time.It expands thinking .Benjamin Franklin rightly says"Doubt is the father of invention" However, one should have always a limit to it.There is no much difference between one who doubts too much & one who is laid down with jaundice. Everything appears yellow to one laid down with jaundice & one who doubts too much doubts everything. One should not have either too much of faith or too much of doubt. One who doubts too much is often nicknamed " Ghost of doubts "

Here are a few proverbs & quotes about doubt.

"Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom.” Proverb

“Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise.” William Shakespeare

'I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am. " Rene Descartes

“Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith.” Paul Tillich

“He who knows nothing, doubts nothing.”All that glitters isn't gold .All that is white isn't milk too. Knowledge clears doubts. Ignorance creates doubts.Doubts prove that mind is working. Doubting is a process. Intelligent always doubt more than stupid. More one gives room for doubts more they dominate them too.One shouldn't doubt doesn't mean that one should shut their eyes. It means one should be vigilant.

Doubts aren't meant for life. They spread suspicion.They slow down tasks.They better suit criminology & detection. They aren't meant for life.Doubts create problems where there are no problems also. Where a doubt would lead man it couldn't be said. It may do him good or bad. It is a lottery.

Good & bad of a man lies in his behavior. It is behavior brings praise or blame to him. It is it casts doubt on him too. As doubts increase one's behavior seems abnormal. His every step seems odd. Every step is observed & studied . Behavior & deeds of a man are origin of all doubts in the world. Doubting isn't pleasure some but it is sometimes unavoidable.

One loses many opportunities being doubt prone in life. Doubts squash creativity, destroy goals, & inhibit a person from moving forward.

When one realizes how much their progress has been hampered by doubts they distance themselves from doubting.

Frankly, everything remains open, nothing is hidden, everything is as assured & no room for negative thoughts, drives away doubt.