Tablet Doctor.

There are some doctors who prescribe or dispense only tablets when people consult them for their ailments. People affectionately call them "Tablet Doctor". Their consultation & medical charges are minimum. They are very popular. They are quick remedy to all ailments. They have usually a roaring practice. Some of these tablet doctors are qualified. Some of them aren't qualified also. They are called quacks. Opposite to these doctors dispensary there would be usually a chemist & druggist shop too.

Gulige Shivanna who was not a doctor. He was having a chemist & a druggist's shop at a village. He was always at the service of people. He used to treat anyone who used to approach him with drugs. He used to take them to specialists too. In this way he was not only doing social service to pubic & but also was prospering. There is a saying in Sanskrit " Udara Nimityam Bahukrutha Vesham "

What I am going to narrate you is about Dr Vikram , 50 years old popular doctor of our area. This is not a story . It is an incident. I came across in my life.

We cannot approach for everything a specialist. Dr Vikram was an M.D. He was not an M.D. after MBBS. but Ayurvedic M.D. His clinic cum residence was on 60 ft road of our layout. It was his own property .It was in a dominant place on our layout. Day by day value of properties have been appreciating in our layout. It was a property worth crores of rupees.

Dr Vikram is not either tall or short but about 5 1/2 ft tall, black complexioned person. He was not jovial. He was always pensive. He was available in the mornings & evenings for consultation. There were timings for the clinic. Doctors are seldom punctual. Dr Vikram too was not punctual. It was informed he was working for a hospital in nearby layout. He was very hard working. His clinic used to remain open up to 11.30 p.m. In case of emergency he used to call upon patients at their homes. His diagnosis of patients had been always accurate.Dr Vikram was friend, philosopher & guide to we people of layout. He had all solutions to our health problems.

Patients used to throng his clinic. There was no receptionist in his clinic. Waiting room was very small with a small bench or two. It wasn't hygienic also. So was consultation room. Some patients used to wait outside the premises too.However the doctor had generated so much faith in patients that they never minded inconveniences at all. Doctor was famous having cured many deadly diseases . Faith doesn't develop all of a sudden. It often develops gradually only .Man reposes faith in doctors as much as he reposes in God.Faith is more than a medicine. It does marvels . In fact it cures half the disease.

His fees never used to exceed Rs.50/-. Doctor used to speak gently , pleasingly & convincingly. He had won the hearts of people of our layout. He was family doctor to many families. He was my physician too.

The doctor's profession is one of the most respected ones. A doctor is an optimist. He is the one who gives hope to one who is on last breath also. He is one who saves one from the jaws of death . Dr Vikram,commanded respect in all respect. He didn't seem to have any bad habits. He is neither a smoker nor an alcoholic.

Doctor's family was not a big one. He had a son by name Vinay. He was good at studies. His wife too had a lucrative job. Anybody should be envious of that family .Their family income was quite sufficient. Doctor wanted his son to study medicine. It was a fair ambition. It is true that medical studies are very expensive nowadays .

I have a friend near his clinic. It is where I spend some time daily chit chatting. It is my routine. One day my friend to my surprise gave me a startling information about the doctor.He informed me that money lenders besieged doctor during the night for recovering money lent by them. Man is a mystery.It is not easy to understand every man at all.

Some days later my son-in-law approached the doctor for consultation. Somebody was ill at his home. Doctor had very cordial relations with him. Doctor informed him that his son fees are exorbitant. He is finding it difficult. He would be grateful if he could spare Rs 70000? that would be returned in a couple of days. My son in law was thinking of parting with the amount as it was for a good cause. Fortunately, he discussed the matter with me. In view of the information I had gathered earlier from my friend it was decided not to part with the sum. It was realised that the doctor has some shortcoming. Borrowing money for son's education was only a lame excuse.The Doctor who could have led a royal life.

It is well said "Anything may go wrong, but don't quote & sayings." If one has all virtues & a vice,that vice is enough to wipe out all the virtues.Not much time hadn't elapsed thereafter. Dr Vikram was made to vacate his place.It was an ignominious exit. He had to leave our layout. Doctor was owing to many of his clients. What the doctor did with the immense earnings he had ?

Man lives for honour.Often, he is prepared to sacrifice life for honour.What made Dr Vikram tread dishonourable way it is not known. It was a suspense . There are numerous stories. A man may smile & smile yet be a villain. One's true colours would definitely come to light one day or another.They cannot be hidden long at any time at all. How we lead our life is more important than how much we have studied. Lead a good life habits will make it pleasant.This lesson Dr Vikram might not have realised.His fair name was tarnished.

His building has been pulled down & a new shopping complex has come up now in its place. It reminds us of the doctor. Now his son Vinay has become a doctor. What people wish now is "Let son be not like the father."

When prosperous all are there & when penniless nobody is there. When fallen a few approaches more deserts. Those who are after money seldom prosper. These are theories of life.