Who does not anticipate ?

Anticipation is coming to the fore as an emerging field of study that's influencing a wide variety of disciplines.International conferences are held to explore the interaction among anticipation, uncertainty and complexity. Some questions that are intended to be raised in them are these: When does anticipation occur in behaviour and life? What types of anticipation can be distinguished? What structures & processes are necessary for anticipatory action?How can anticipation be modeled ? A better and more complete understanding of anticipation and its effects will improve theories and models of individual and collective human behaviour and its consequences. The ability to anticipate in complex environments may improve the resilience of societies facing threats from a global proliferation of agents and forces by articulating uncertainties through anticipatory processes.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to

Anticipation in the human and social sciences

Anticipation and decision-making

Anticipation and global social challenges

Anticipatory governance and resilience of societies

Anticipation and Futures Studies

Anticipation in fiction, the arts, design and gaming

Modeling anticipation.

Where is no anticipation. It leaves no one untouched.How many people don't get tired anticipating in life ?Anticipations of some have limit and anticipations of some have no limit at all.Man whenever does something often anticipates recognition. Anticipation is a natural human tendency or practice. It depends upon capability of an individual.The crowds anticipation for the game was shown by their screaming & cheering.Thieves anticipate opportunities to rob.Lovers always anticipate opportunities to meet one another . Anticipation is there in Puranas. It has been there since medieval days. It would be there as long as earth & moon are there. Lord Ganesha has been anticipating his wedding. Sabari anticipated Sri Rama for years & years . How happy a man would be if what he anticipates materializes.

Anticipation needs efforts. It is meditation. It is prayers . Ache din also even if anticipated do not come to a man many a time . Bhure din even if not anticipated also come to a man many a time.Anticipation by & large relates to future . Once anything happens one can anticipate only some changes that too if they are possible. All that is anticipated needn't take place at all. Everyone shakes hand with others anticipating friendship. Everyone in the universe anticipates something or other for one or another reason . Anticipations always require wait. They take time to materialize or to fail. They always need patience.

Each day is a different day in life . Nobody knows what's there tomorrow. What's going to be there tomorrow that is a life long anticipation.It is necessary to anticipate something that is going to happen in life. Man is not a God to anticipate everything that is going to happen. Man anticipates according to his intelligence & experience.Under what circumstances what should happen. There is an anticipation guide too . It is a knowledge, It is a guess. After treatment a doctor waits to see how the medicine reacts. He anticipates improvement & recovery. How long one has to anticipate something to take place in some cases it couldn't be said at all. They have to anticipate sometimes until they breathe their last also.Something it is easy to anticipate and something it is difficult to anticipate or impossible to anticipate also.Anticipation makes life dynamic. It keeps us moving.Without anticipation if man gets anything he won't know usually the value of it . What man anticipates if it materializes he would be happy only if that is as he had anticipated otherwise he would be disappointed.

What all people do not anticipate ? Only some anticipations are common and other anticipations vary from person to person. Some anticipate good only. Some anticipate bad also. Anticipation is an important part of life.It enables one enjoy what's coming before hand. It keeps one busy & engaged. Anticipating better tomorrow enables one bear strenuous to-day. Many diseases, disasters,accidents, &robberies etc are averted through anticipation. Some share their anticipations and some do not share their anticipations and keep them within themselves

Anticipation only some could do well. All cannot do it perfectly . It is a vision. It is expecting with confidence.It helps one to manage a situation well . It helps one a lot. It could be an expertise also. Any attack that is anticipated could be faced well . It is as good as half a battle won too. It is not enough if anything is anticipated it is should be handled diligently too. Life is such that many things that take place in it could be neither anticipated nor dreamt even. They take a man by surprise.

Some anticipate good only.Some anticipate bad only. Some receive help at such times with an expectation that they too would receive help in return and some help others at such time without any anticipation in return too. Sometimes,there is time to anticipate and sometimes there is no time to anticipate at all. Some anticipate too much also. What all some do in anticipation & become a laughing stock too. What that has to take place takes place whether we anticipate or do not anticipate also .

Anticipations are according to what a man is.Prevention is better than cure. This is what many opine in the world. Hence man anticipates many things & take preventive measures. Since, there's absolutely no use of repenting after the incidents. Especially dangers & troubles are to be anticipated to live safely & peacefully.Whereas there are some who opine that anticipation is foolishness too. They opine that it is enough if steps are taken when the house is on fire.

Anticipations are usually based upon past performance, past experience & other factors. Anticipation is sometimes good & sometimes its bad. Anticipations come to praise or condemnation depending what they are and what happens.What is anticipated sometimes take place and sometimes does not take place at all. Anticipations are sometimes disappointments. Many things take place in the universe that are not anticipated by anyone at all. Anticipating is expecting . It is nothing but dreaming .

An anticipation could be either a blessing or a curse.Nothing wrong in anticipating anything. Anywhere improvements & developments are due to anticipations only. Society does not anticipate unwanted & undesired persons to improve but parents anticipate their naughty spoilt children to improve till the end ." Give & take " are anticipations only. One does not bribe without anticipating that their work would be got done.

Life is anticipation after anticipation.Man must know where to anticipate where not to anticipate, when to anticipate & what to anticipate. Let anything happen .Anticipate good . Anticipating is in man's hand only. Tomorrow is always unpredictable. What is wrong in anticipating it to be good. It makes at least present pleasant & emboldens one to face the unborn tomorrow confidently .