World began with two people.No religion. No caste. Today its population is over 7 billion spread over 7 continents. All spaces are being occupied . There are mountains, rivers, cities ,& villages . Man has been trying to convert every terrain on earth liveable . A day is not far off when a man makes even moon & mars liveable too.Neighbourhoods are nothing but mini worlds. They give a picture what the world is what life is. Neighbourhood is not just physical boundaries, it also defined by the people that live around .

In the mountains,great rivers take birth.Birth of great people too takes place often in the neighbourhood only. Formerly, while choosing bride or bridegroom, their family used to be looked into. Similarly, while opting a house man not merely considers how the house is he considers how the neighbourhood is too. It is impossible to live with all under a roof. Living in neighbourhood tantamount to living under a roof. One can seldom live under a roof with great people , at least one can live under their shadow in neighbourhood .It's dangerous to be near fire. Its dangerous to be in dangerous neighbourhood too. In the cities some areas are notorious. They are sensitive. It is the case with some villages too.

Neighbourhood is an important place.If somewhere something happens it doesn't matter. If something happens in it, it sends shivers to anybody. One cannot overlook it at all. Neighbourhood is the first battleground in life.Its from where only one either step up or step down. If it develops country develops.If country develops, it develops. It's where one has to see another's face every morning. One would be careful in their words & deeds since they have to meet them again & again as long as they are there. Bible says “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”There is a saying " First lit a lamp at home, then at temple, church,or masjid . Neighbourhood is an opportunity at one's doorstep to do something good.The famous quote " One for all, all for one " very much applies in a neighbourhood.

Life of a few is confined to a neighbourhood. Many people's lives are confined to a number of neighbourhoods. Especially the life of a female is before marriage & after marriage is different neighbourhood.Every neighbourhood leaves its imprint on the individual.Cordial relationships,friendships always contribute a lot & make life beautiful & enjoyable there. In it no one would feel either alone or bored at all.It's always a merry going jolly life to young, old, man , woman & children.In it only man comes to know what's cooperation & coexistence are.Neighbourhood is no less than a university campus. Growth & development of an individual often bloom there only.One who lives in the neighbourhood is usually for all waters, & all weathers. It is from neighbourhood often a number of lessons are learnt.

Neighbourhoods affect directly or indirectly man's growth & development.Neighbourhood is man's inspiration. Whatever good happens in it man invariably follows.It is where man meets the upheavals of life. It is where he celebrates all festivals. A man would be so attached to it that he sheds tears while moving away from it.If a man realises that there are well wishers are there in the neighbourhood what a strength he would have. In fact, he feels that he has the strength of an elephant.

Man is a social animal. In neighbourhood he lives side by side with others . It's group housing.It is not man alone, birds & animals also live in groups too. One need not have a big house to live in neighbourhood, but it is better one have a big heart to live there. In fact, all don't own house in it.Some own & some don't own but have on rent.What one doesn't come across in the neighbourhood. It's where one comes across successes, failures, appreciation, criticism, inspiration & comparison.

All people are not alike & all neighbourhoods are also not alike too . One who is born & brought up in good neighbourhood often inherits good qualities only but it is not the case with one who is born in a bad neighbourhood.Some people do not know that there is world beyond their neighbourhood also.

Urban neighbourhoods are different & rural are different. Between one tenement & another tenement there's only a wall usually in urban neighbourhoods. In rural tenements aren't nearby usually they are usually far off.In the neighbourhood, it isn't only individuals know one another,they know every spot,every plant,& every tree.They all implant in their memory . Individual & neighbourhood are inseparable.It is not merely diseases spread what happens to neighbourhood also spreads all over too. Neighbourhoods are not merely starting points, but also they are end points too.

Initially anywhere there would usually be one or another lacunae. There could be lacunae in the neighbourhood too.

What is there in neighbourhood one has to improve & enjoy. Never one should be discontented at all . Discontentment never allows anyone to be happy at all. Discontentment always adds oil to fuel.

Life isn't incident free. Neighbourhoods too aren't incident free at all too. Neighbourhoods are sources of numerous stories related to neighbours. They are of various types. They are not imaginative stories. They are what has really happened there.One neighbour comes to the rescue of another neighbour under various circumstances. Some are stories of magnanimity. Some stories are where lives are saved from dangers & some stories are where one's prestige is saved in time.

It is neighbour to neighbour under difficult strange incidents of life,nobody else. They are unforgettable memorable incidents of life. They are legends. They are one for all, all for one. When what happens in a neighbourhood, it can't be said. Always it's better a situation is met altogether than alone. Many heads are better than one. It is one of the advantages of the neighbourhood.Neighbourhood is a safe place. Where everybody takes caution that no untoward happens.Security comforts & convenience are goals of every neighbourhood.

Just like man has a name every neighbourhood too has a name. Neighbourhood is the choice of a man.It's surrounding of his residence. Choosing it isn't a doll play.All aspects are to be gone through. Neighbourhoods are of various types. There can be not hygienic neighbourhoods.They may be noisy . There can be notorious people in the neighbourhood.There may be no educational institutions nearby. There may be no shopping complexes nearby too. Neighbourhood is not how big or small it is. It is important, how it is.

Everyone must envisage interest in the neighbourhood, it to develop.What's our neighbourhood? How best we could make use of it? In what all ways we could contribute to its development. Such thoughts must circulate . Every neighbourhood has planning & strategies for its development. Development, improvement every neighbourhood aims at. Neighbourhood is an inspiration where what one does that other wants to do also.In it by & large everyone knows others history. Profile of a man is available more in it than anywhere else.Neighbourhood is like a child grown with the concerted efforts of everyone. One must be always aware what is happening in the neighbourhood.One shouldn't open their eyes only when their house catches fire.Tranquillity,comforts, greenery wins kudos to neighbourhood than opulence. Neighbourhoods enhance one's prestige. Regarding neighbourhood,it's rightly said "Your Life Chances Affect Where You Live"

Neighbour means an unique relationship. The relationship between one another grows in the neighbourhood more than blood relationship grows . It's in neighbourhood competitive spirit develops. Not merely time passes in it love, affection, confidence, friendship & everything develops there too .Neighbourhood teaches art of living.

Prestigious awards are conferred to neighbourhoods. The criteria are clearly defined around cleaner, safer & greener achievement & improvement,essential requirements to provide a better quality of life to people. It provides everyone in the community an opportunity to play their part in improvements to an area and can be a catalyst for encouraging community engagement.

There are no neighbourhoods where there are no problems. People get themselves adjusted to them & live contentedly there. Adjusting themselves & living contentedly is life. Living peacefully and happily in a neighbourhood demands quite an amount of knack. In neighbourhoods gossips & rumours are usually more.In neighbourhood walls too bear eyes & ears.

Prosperity isn't confined to one place. If neighbourhood develops, everyone develops. It isn't merely no electricity, no water. Neighbourhood's every problem is the problem of everyone too.If there's peace in the neighbourhood there's peace at home as well as to man. Neighbourhood is learning centre. One another learn there. What isn't learnt there?

"One for all. All for one." This idiom is more pronounced in the neighbourhood than anywhere else.Be Roman when you are in Rome. In neighbourhood one can't live alone. They can't remain without exchanging. They have to pick up all manners that prevail in it. Man is product of his neighbourhood.Neighbourhoods bring one recognition or nonrecognition

also. Man chooses neighbourhood like he chooses a life partner.In neighbourhood people would like to have all amenities entertainments & no deficiencies whatsoever to make it a mini world. Neighbourhood gets feather in cap not only because of living conditions,but also because of the eminent people who live there too. There is a saying "Birds of same feather fly together" In neighbourhood also people of same mentality live together.

It is said better you know the neighbour & neighbourhood always. It is a neighbourhood that often comes to help in case of need. What all doesn't take place in the neighbourhood. In no way it is less than the whole world. The neighbourhood is a reflection of the world only. We need not go far away in it there are all kinds of people & all kinds of problems with it. One can visualise what the world being in a neighbourhood. The neighbourhood could be a heaven or a hell. Even in the dense of forest, top of hill man has his own world. Neighbourhood is mini world. It is not merely world changes, but also a mini world also changes as time moves forward . Why a man toils to choose a good neighbourhood? Is it not for peace.

While compiling this right up I recollected an incident. It is not a story but a real incident. It is an incident shared by Mr Kulkarni with me. Recently, one Mr Kulkarni shared an incident with me. Mr. Kulkarni was an Engineer working in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. He was transferred to Srinagar in Kashmir. A couple by name Mr. Mohamed and Mrs. Zeenat were living next to his door there. Daily Mr. Kulkarni was always busy attending his official duties. However he could lead a peaceful life without interfering in anybody’s affairs in that beautiful Srinagar city. He had no contacts whatsoever with his neighbor Mr. Mohamed and Mrs. Zeenat too. One night Mr. Kulkarni was in deep sleep. He was awakened by a shriek of a woman. It was unbearable to ears.It was depicting agony. It came from the next door. It was not at all subsiding. It intensified second to second. It was heart rendering. Mr. Kulkarni could realise that something had happened at the next door. Humanity drew his legs to the next door. The door of the house was open. Mr. Mohamed was not there. When husband not there how he could enter the house of a Muslim neighbor. One is not supposed to enter at that late hour. Mr. Kulkarni hesitated. However situation won over all those petty matters. His heart melted. He entered the house. He came to know that Mr. Mohamed had gone to some other place. Mr. Zeenat was pregnant for the third time. She already had two children. She did not want one more mouth to feed. She had taken some Ayurvedic medicine to abort the child. On account of that medicine abortion had taken place.

Zeenat was suffering from unbearable pain and bleeding. She needed immediate medical attention. Mr. Kulkarni did not waste a single minute. He rushed her to nearby hospital in his car and got her necessary treatment. Next morning Mr.Mohamed returned to Srinagar. He came to know of the developments that had taken place on the previous day. He expressed his gratitude to Mr. Kulkarni and thanked him profusely. Mrs. Zeenat returned home after recuperation. She visited Kulkarni soon there afterwards and begged him to consider her as his sister. She pleaded to give her an opportunity to serve him through out his stay at Srinagar. The way that she found to express her gratitude is really worth appreciating. It was a humble way She was daily collecting his clothes and washing and drying them. In the evening she used to return back his clothes back neatly folded. This is an unforgettable incident in the life of Mr. Kulkarni. This incident between neighbours has a number of lessons to us.
