Man is a puzzle.

Man is a social animal. He cannot be alone at all. He seldom likes loneliness. He often wants to be in midst of people . It is which teaches him what is life. Life is nothing but a man dealing with a man. Man is the most intelligent species on the planet .Elders rightly say that a man would be known for his deeds. A man's deeds are a true reflection of him. A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. What a man would become what man would not become it couldn't be said at all. Sometimes a man falls on others feet & sometimes a man pulls others feet . A man could become either good or bad or worst. It is he who is responsible for anything good or bad that takes place in the world. Abraham Lincoln , President of America rightly says " To know what a man would become empower him & wait. " A man is not a fool to do anything without a reason . A man's presence wouldn't be felt in society if he does nothing at all. In life, some if they do not anything at all at least blame others. Seldom a man keeps quiet without doing anything at all.How could life story of a man proceed without doing anything. It must have a beginning, an ending and a climax. How the time would pass in life without doing anything. Life would be boring even to the laziest. A rock would not move even an inch if pushed. Why a stone would remain where it is if not touched. How a man can advance without doing anything ?In life a man need not do many things whatever that he does it is better he thinks and does appropriately.Though not a busy bee, it is better to be a bee & produce honey .

Stories began as soon as universe was formed. All stories are about man only. Every story is different. The stories never end as long as universe is there. Man is a puzzle. That which cannot be made out easily is puzzle.The puzzles are not always alike also. Man is a puzzle, is a study, is a question. Better it is solved, studied, answered. If everything is known it isn't a puzzle at all. Man isn't fully known he is a puzzle only.

Man is a descendant of a monkey. He has to do something to remain in this world and live his life. Life seldom moves forward without doing anything at all. It's very competitive. Some drink alcohol to enjoy life. Some drink it to forget their worries. Some commit suicides. Some steal. Some beg, & some borrow too. Without any reason rarely one does anything. Man prays God for one or another reason only. Some pray to please Him, Some pray to get His blessings & so on. A man is a mystery .Not merely life is a puzzle but also a man is a puzzle too.Character, appearance , habits,& all are different from man to man. What is a man's thinking is not another man's thinking many a time. What steps one takes that another doesn't take many a time. What patience one man has another man doesn't have. Similarly, what anger one has another man doesn't have. Man to man behavior is strange too . Man is a puzzle.Many actions of a man cannot be understood at all. All of a sudden a man commits suicide, man murders another man, a man absconds, so on. Man is a puzzle Which man at what time what he would do it couldn't be said at all . In Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar". Julius Caesar exclaims when stabbed by Brutus " You too Brutus" Brutus was a friend of Julius Caesar.

Man is inquisitive.Why a man does all this? What all he doesn't do? Why papers are full of news. Such questions arise invariably in him. He arrives at various answers to these questions. Sometime he finds that one does everything for the sake of their belly.Sometimes man does everything to earn a name & be famous. Sometimes circumstances compel a man to do what he wants & what he does not want also . If we go on probing the reasons for the strange behaviour of a man, we would have a series of answers. Sometimes it's revenge. Sometimes it's jealousy. Sometimes it's in love. Sometimes it's ambitions Sometimes it's friendship. The quest enables a man to understand what's life.People are of different types. We find that many do something or other in their life not to please anyone but to have contentment & self satisfaction. Service is their motto. Man is a puzzle. When he appears ,when he disappears , what he would do & won't do are all puzzle only. It isn't easy to understand him completely at all.

Man is not merely a live animal. One has to envisage interest in him , deal with him & study him to know what's he. It is not possible to make out what a man is only from his appearance only. Shakespeare rightly says " Appearances are deceptive " He also says " A man may smile & smile yet be a villain. " There is a saying in our place which says " You trust anyone but not one who is short in stature".How much cunning a man could be, it couldn't be imagined at all.It is easy to solve some puzzles, it is difficult to solve some puzzles & it is impossible to solve some puzzles at all too. Likewise, in case of a man too, it is easy know what a man is in case of some , in case of some it is difficult & ,in case of some it's impossible to know what they are at all.Even though two are twins, children of the same parents, only in a few respect a man may be like another man.Man to man there are numerous differences.

As an individual has talents, he has shortcomings too. In whom what talent lies it couldn't be said. Often,individual himself won't know what his talents are. Man is a puzzle. Every man smiles or laughs or weeps for one or another reason. Often it isn't the same reason at all. It's difficult to make it out Man is a puzzle. A man's thinking may or may not be like thinking of another.No man considers himself as a puzzle.He thinks that the other man is a puzzle.Why there's psychology. Is it not to study a man. Man is a puzzle.

Man is a puzzle for there's a man within man, namely his thoughts . He doesn't disclose completely what he has in mind to everybody.Whether a man is a dull herd or whether he is an intelligent , thoughts make round in his mind .What thoughts make round in it ,what he contemplates it couldn't be made out easily . What goes round inside a man is always is always important. Man's actions are always based upon his thoughts. Man is a puzzle. What knowledge he possesses & what knowledge he doesn't possess, it couldn't be easily made out at all. Knowledge is a treasure. It has no limit. It cannot be seized by others. It can be shared with others. Some share it and some do not share it also.

Unless a doctor examines and subjects a man to various tests he wouldn't know what the health of a man is. Similarly, unless a man views another man from various angles and subjects him to various tests wouldn't know what the another man is. Of course, man shouldn't have premeditated thoughts at all . It should be only an analysis. What qualities a man would have is it possible to imagine? Some have great qualities. Some have trifle qualities. Some reveal their qualities & some do not reveal their qualities. Man is a puzzle. A man was a puzzle. A man would remain a puzzle. He would not be fully understood at all.