"Gossips "

One doesn't gossip only when they cannot talk aloud.What one tells gently in others ears is not merely secrets but it could be gossip.What's gossip nobody needs an explanation.Everyone knows what it is .At one time or other everyone comes across it in their life. World is flooded with gossips. There's celebrity gossip, E gossip, wrestling gossip, Holly wood gossip - even Barbie gossip. Anna Godbersen,rightly says “Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few of us still remaining with noble hearts. ” Gossips are idle talk or rumor especially about personal or private affairs of others .They draw attention of people and keep them engaged . They are powerful. They are capable of making a man who is alive into dead and one who is dead into alive. It's important personalities who often get more prominence in gossip world. Gossips are usually behind screeens.

All can't gossip. Gossiping is neither sharing nor unburdening. It's only spreading. No principles govern it.It has no strings attached to it whatsoever.It could be hope, it could be disappointment or anything.Some say it is a trait . Some call it sin.The world has modernized yet gossips haven't come down .With the advent of internet gossip is now widespread on an instant basis all over world. Gossip happens in all kinds of gatherings; small and large, public and private.It occurs in the workplace, places of worship anywhere people meet. It is a recreation and pastime to rich, poor old , young and all.It gives rise to unnecessary discussions and controversies. In fact,where there is gossips there is prattle.

Whether it's birth or death there would be gossip. Whether one stands or sits there would be gossip .A gossiper doesn't need even a topic to gossip. Gossiper creates his own topic and gossips. Gossips are free of cost.They contain more falsehood than truth. They contain more unwanted than wanted information. How far they travel it can't be said. A Chinese proverb says "What is told in the ear of a man is often heard 100 miles away "One shouldn't listen much to gossips or give too much of an importance to them too . After all gossips are gossips only.


Though, often a little truth is there in a gossip people don't ignore it completely for they are under the belief that without any substance no gossip would generate and circulate. There are sometimes reasons and sometimes no reasons behind gossiping. In gossips small matters get exaggerated with salt and pepper added.It's a behind screen activity. Gossips are weaved around man, woman, boy ,girl and matters.When gossiping started in this world nobody knows. It's there in the world from time immemorial.

Gossiping is contagious. Society can't live calmly without gossips. It thrives on promoting gossips. One can be in news with gossips. Some say women are more gossipers and some say men are more gossipers. One thing is sure whoever gossips with us, will gossip about us also. By and large those who gossip are not frank or honest.Countless in this world are so fed with upheavals of life that they aren't interested in gossips of any kind at all. They are bothered about their life only. Their life itself is a long story to them. But life doesn't allow anyone to keep calm and quiet. If someone says gossip is good or bad isn't enough. It is better one evaluates themselves and know whether it's good or bad to arrive at right conclusion. One leaves gossiping only when something bad happens to them. One learns lessons more not upon advising but when something happens .

What that couldn't be told openly it could be told through gossip. Gossiping helps some to give vent to their feelings. Gossiping could be a method to convey. Some people like it but more people dislike it. Like and dislike always depend upon mindset of a person.From where gossip emerges ,who starts and how it starts it can't be said easily . Often, those who have no work and who are leisurely gossip. It's habit of some people.They take pleasure in gossiping. It is for the fun sake many gossip .

Gossips are kusu kusu gusu gusu. They are whispers.They aren't complete information. They aren't authentic. They are unreliable. They are based mostly on hearsay. They spread from one ear to another ear .They spread like wild fire. In the process they undergo changes . How much changes they undergo it can't be said. In fact, if a gossip starts with the news that a rat has come by the time it reaches a few it becomes a tiger has come. By the time it reaches a few more it becomes a story. What all twists and turns the story would under go it could not be imagined. Some give importance to gossips and some do not give importance to them. Gossips seldom go without leaving a trail.

Gossiping is wasting of precious time to unproductive purpose. Everything has limit . Even gossiping too has limit.Gossip is mirchi Marsala.It's sweet and bitter It's hot and cold. It's interesting .It is many times created to fool others . It is created for recreation purpose too. Often it's enjoying at somebody's cost. It subjects itself to lot of comments, criticisms , discussion and what not. A gossip seldom goes as it is . It becomes a news. Many come to limelight and become popular or unpopular because of gossips only. Some get propaganda or advertisement through gossips . It always better if one doesn't become an object of gossip.Gossip is so damaging. Gossip proves that more damage can be done with the tongue than by any other means. Like our mothers used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" Gossip is social sewage.

There are occasions in life when gossips take place. Instead of doing good more often gossips do bad only. Gossip destroys families, relationships, communities, friendships. Usually,before marriages we come across gossips. These spoil cordial atmosphere. They poison the mind of people.They creep up difference of opinions and break the marriages. Gossip destroys people's lives.There are people who enjoy breaking up marriages and relationships.The damages inflicted by gossip and slander can be severe. It is not by accident that scripture addresses gossip and the dangers that it can inflict.

Gossip is often seen as a minor offense in the eyes of many people, until they have been the victim of such actions. Gossip can concern moral character with allegations of theft, infidelity, cheating, or other actions. It may also include allegations of drug use or criminal activities as well.Topic, person and everything change from one gossip to another gossip. Any gossip is not permanent. It makes news and disappears. Over a period of time it is forgotten. Of course, effects of it can be as permanent as those of a stab wound. Unfortunately, we have all been guilty of gossip at one time or another, and we have all been the victims of it too.

There are no fields where gossips do not play havoc. Share markets fluctuate due to gossips. A gossip can make indices rise or fall. Gossip is extensive in the newspaper industry. There are magazines who specialize in gossiping, are doing the greatest good for the greatest number. They create jobs and entertain many, but they also hurt a great number of people. They tell exaggerated truths and outright lies about innocent persons. The subscribers to these magazines are given a distorted view of reality and some may even begin to believe this point of view. The same thing may happen to the reporter of the magazine, therefore harming him also.

Here is an incident that illustrates what is gossiping and what its ill effects are. It proves that those who have little control over their tongue generally gossip.

An old man had the habit of gossiping. Sometime back, he gossiped in his neighborhood that his neighbor was a thief . As a result, his young neighbor was arrested. Later on the young man was proved to be innocent . Upon his release, he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him. In court the old man told the Judge: ' They were just comments, didn't harm anyone.'

The judge, before passing sentence on the case, directed the old man to 'Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home; throw the pieces of paper out and come tomorrow to hear the sentence.'

The next day, the judge told the old man: 'Before receiving the sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday.' The old man said: 'I can't do that. The wind spread them and I won't know where to find them.'

The judge then replied: 'The same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. If you can't speak well of someone, rather don't say anything wrong...

'Let's all be masters of our mouths, so that we won't be slaves of our words.'