Is this only Life

All types of thoughts arise in a human being. "Is this only Life" is one such thought. It can be a positive thought or a negative thought in the mind of an individual. It can be an outburst from a rich, or a poor. It may be what old or young opine in their life. This can be either an exclamation or an interrogation or both. It can be none of them too. Instead, it can be a comment made to make a person understand what is life . It can be an interrogation or a query to God also.This can be a very serious question that confronts one who finds life very futile and who thinks of committing a suicide. When all is well normally nobody makes an exclamation "Is this only Life".In happiness too no one would growl "is this only life" A great man will never say " "Is this only Life" at any time. Those who are patience personified would never feel at any time "is this only life" Similarly, a man without conscience will never be ashamed and he will never say "is this only life.' Is this only life' is often an outburst on account of incidents which one comes across in their life which normally make them lose interest in life and they begin to feel " Is this only life". It is then they feel that their life is insignificant and has no value also. It is important to know when " Is this only life" is said,whether it is after an incident or two in life or whether it is at the end of life to make out why it is said. It is equally important under what circumstances this remark was made to understand it fully well.

When difficulties come they come in battalion and not single spies. However strong one may be, hardships of life would surely make them grumble "Is this only life".Hardships tame everyone however powerful they are and make them cry "is this only life" Some worry worry and worry. They worry throughout their life and die. They would not either smile or enjoy . They would not be aware what is happiness through out their life also. People pity him quote "Is this only life" As such, we find a few who do not exclaim at one time or other "Is this only life"Life is mysterious .Why there are so many lessons in our life ? Is it because God does not want us to feel bored and ask Him " Is this only life " It is difficult to understand what life is . All types of doubts arise while leading a life. "Is this only life" is in fact , one of the doubts or questions that one comes across at that time. Normally, one would not remark at the beginning of life " is this only life " It is in the middle or at the fag end of life only such a remark emanates from them . Those who sit idle and kill time absolutely have no right whatsoever to exclaim " Is this only life" There's nothing more ridiculous than it. A busy man has no time to blink or think even . He simply leads life. He knows not "what is life" How can he remark " Is this only life". Sometimes, we are solely responsible for the arousal of feeling"Is this only life" in us whereas sometimes it is others who are responsible for the arousal of feeling "Is this only life" in us. "Is this only life" is rarely a pleasant desirable feeling.

After considerable traverse in life many among us make this exclamation "Is this only life" . They do not see any charm or interest in life. A day after day passes without any incident without any thrill. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Everything as usual that is time to time food, sleep, and nothing special and everything routine. variety is the spice of life. They would jump and ask; “ Is this only life." It is expressing dissatisfaction and anger. It is their experience. It is their opinion.

When somebody makes a remark like this we may feel whether it may be due to loss of interest in life and they are thinking of renunciation and thinking of becoming a saint and hence this remark. Many suffer and suffer; they see no end to their suffering. They get disgusted. They do not find any meaning to life other than suffering. Ultimately, due to frustration exclaim, “Is this only life!” Anyone who goes through incidents in their life would also certainly feel that God should not have been so unkind to them . There is also no wonder if anyone who comes across a failure after failure in life exclaims " Is this only life " Desperation is the main reason behind their utterance. Similarly,those who face numerous problems or worries in their life and who do not either have peace of mind through out for one or another reason or do not come across any kind of happiness in their life also murmur " Is this only life" When life is not good in all aspects ,one is not certainly wrong in exclaiming "Is this only life" If anyone were in their place,they too would have exclaimed "Is this only life" only.Life must be good in at least in some aspects.


Likewise, a person who likes challenges in life, after facing many challenges successfully can exclaim “Is this only life”. This is of course ,

under a different context. He or she has enthusiasm to face further challenges. It is mindset that make them utter these words. Those who are carried away by successes question, “Is this only life!” This may be due to their ego. Those who have lost enthusiasm or interest in life grouse , “Is this only life.Those that have boasting nature also sometimes exclaim,“Is this only life!” Similarly those who are sarcastic exclaim in same manner. Looking at extreme poverty of some where one has no two square meals, proper dress to wear, house to live in and half a dozen children to take care we may also even exclaim “Is this only life. ” In many cases, it is circumstances that make one realize or exclaim, "Is this only life" Looking at one who is leading sober living many feel "Is this only life" Life is strange.

Majority of people have expectations of one kind or other from life. Of course, some have more expectations and some have less expectations from life. When expections do not materialize and when life does not run according to expectations and when disappointments take place , one gets depressed and often remarks "Is this only life" Some of the other instances where we feel “Is this only life” are when a man works day and night without a stop without a rest. Even when a man spends whatever he earns on drinking and forgets everything else in this world and remains twenty-four hours drunk and comes home and beats his wife. We feel “Is this only life”. A man who is greedy and thinks all the twenty-four hours only about money without thinking of enjoying life or anything else for a moment even draws this remark. A selfish person who thinks only about himself, his comforts, and welfare but not even a single minute about his family, society or anybody else also attracts this remark. Those who fail miserably in life, who face disappointment after disappointment in life, ask this question “Is this only life” and if they are under going depression and are weak minded even commit suicide sometimes and end life. A person achieves many things in life. He tops the university with excellent academic performance; secures a top government job, builds multi storied building for his family, ultimately without enjoying life in anyway, dies of heart failure at the young age of 35 years “. Is this only life?” we wonder. Thus when one is too much interested in anything when they do not think of anything else other than their subject of interest, like stitching, painting ,etc. They lead life like an animal and confine themselves to the four walls naturally question arises “ Is this only life” We should have varied interest. We may be interested in building our career but at the same time we should show interest in maintaining our family and otherwise our better half would question “Is this only life” It is said "truth always triumphs" In fact, many are not successful through out their life being truthful, they question "Is this only life " One must never get discouraged or deterred by the incidents in life and conclude "Is this only life". Their attitude must be come what may we would face the life and they in fact succeed in life at the end. It is better they adapt themselves to life. It is the best solution and would make them contented.

There are some people in this world who are very lazy, who do nothing worthwhile, simply wile away their time mostly bragging with others, and rest of the time they eat more than what they need and sleep most of the time. “Is this only life” They should be ashamed of themselves. When we look at the life of cheats, same question “ Is this only life ”arises. They do not have conscience. They cheat their own kith and kin. Nobody believe the cheats. They are not liked by the society. They are the unwanted persons. Even bluffers belong to same category. Whoever that leads dishonest life, whatever may be the reason and nobody cares for their wealth or status, even their kith and kin ask them“ Is this only life”.When there are no ideas when life is dull one often exclaims "Is this only life" whereas when one is very busy in life they would have no time even to express" Is this only life". These are two sides of the same coin.

Even disabled people live a better life. They do not say " Is this life only" Every man has got hidden capabilities. He must strive hard to bring them out. I came across a deaf and dumb. She went to a deaf and dumb school and was following what we speak through our lip moments. With hard work, she passed S.S.C. To-day she is an engineer. Her ears were operated upon and now she can listen and speak even. Is this not a success story? Thus many of the disabled do not sit idle questioning, “Is this only life?” They do not depend upon anybody for their livelihood. They try to be self- reliant as far as possible in every respect. They despite their disabilities achieve something worthwhile in life and live a contented life also.

Similarly, nobody like hypocrites once their true color is known. Their success is always temporary. Everybody would point finger at them and ask, “Is this only life” They are kept at arms length. They are very dangerous. They stab at the back. What about the anti social elements or rowdies who loot others to make their both ends meet. They make hay by burning somebody’s house. Nobody would appreciate them .They to face the question “Is this only life”. They can lead a better life. Life is unpredictable. He was in thirties and she was thirty only with two children aged 10 and 5 years respectively. She was the only daughter of an old couple. He and she along with their children went to seashore on an excursion. Children were playing at a place where soil was loose and marshy. Unexpectedly, due to loose soil the five years child slipped into marshy earth and was about to be drowned. The father went to its rescue and was able to save the child but in the process unfortunately was drowned. Now, at the young age of 30 years, she is a widow and she has been bringing up the children. Unable to see the plight of their daughter health of old couple deteriorated and they too left to the heavenly abode. Here the young widow questions God “Is this only life”.There are many similar incidents.

His only son was studying in U.S . He was only 22 years of age. He was about to return to India on a vacation. He was employed at a store as a cashier to meet his educational expenses. In anticipation of his arrival, his mother had prepared sweet and other eatables of his liking even. But unfortunately, some rogues shot him dead on that particular night for the sake of money. One could imagine the plight of parents on receipt of this sad news in lieu of arrival of son which they were eagerly awaiting. Untimely deaths thus make life miserable. One would be compelled to know from God “Is this only life.”

When stars are favorable, when everything runs smoothly, when everything is rosy we may feel happy and exclaim, “Is this only life!” But real life begins when everything goes wrong, when we swim against the tide, when we struggle for our existence and survival of the fittest takes place. We learn many things and among others that life is not a bed of roses. When husband and wife quarrel day and night for one or another reason, when no love is lost between them, they become a nuisance to their own children. Naturally, children would ask “Is this only life".

One need not be perturbed or panicky , when they feel " Is this only life " It is not the end of life. Though not fully, life is by and large is in our hands. We must lead it suitably. We have no right to remark "is this only life".It is we who are responsible for all the mess. There is no use in simply remarking "Is this only life" too. We are the creator of our destiny.We can change our life through effort. We can make our life lively and beautiful. We should not lead life simply; we must envisage interest in it. We must plan it. We should view our life as well as other’s life critically from time to time and realize how best we could lead it and make amends wherever whenever possible otherwise there is every possibility of our receiving the remark “Is this only life” from the creator when we reach the other world. Our journey to this earth should not be just like visiting a place simply and returning back simply without seeing or doing anything there. Though perfection is a rare phenomenon we could be somewhere near it. All said and done “Is this only life” is not for finding fault with life. It could be better used as a tool for introspection with which one could think of ways and means of bringing about changes or modifications in their life to make it more interesting, lively and worthy. Further, we should not stop after asking “Is this only life” but go-ahead shaping our as well as other’s life in an entirely different way.We should never lose interest in life instead we should not only envisage interest in our life but also create interest in others in life too wherever any deficiency is noticed. More social work is needed in this direction. The remark “Is this only life” made due to a little dissatisfaction in life, would lead to improvement. It is always welcome. But not the remark “Is this only life” made with dejection and desperation .

Life is more than what we think. Nobody can explain what life is perfectly. Nobody can prophesy what turn or twist their life would take. One needs abundant patience and tact to lead a life. It is very difficult to understand life. Everybody’s life is a different story or experience. Nobody can explain what is life fully. One who knows what is life or one who understands what life is , does not normally exclaim "Is this only life". Helplessness generally makes one exclaim“Is this only life” Under the adverse conditions, if anyone feels "Is this only life" , it is natural only. It is not all strange. As far as possible under such circumstances, it is better they consider it as a challenge or as a lesson. Life is not at all stagnant. It would not remain as it is. In fact, change is the essence of a life.