A Greedy Man.

Greed prompted Mr Raghav to augment immense wealth which is adequate to take care of even three generations of decedents. Nobody is permanent in this world . One fine morning , he breathed his last. Poor fellow had not enjoyed even a single pie out of that pool of wealth that he had augmented through out . He would have definitely become a top executive in an institution . He had all the capabilities. Due to greed only he became corrupt and his services were terminated. Similarly, Mr Raman was a social worker. Mr Raman had substantial income . His wife too had gainful employment. Besides, Mr Raman had only a son. He could have had a comfortable life. Tears rolled down from the cheeks of many when they came to know that centrally located building of Mr Raman was pulled down by his creditors. Mr and Mrs Raman were greedy .They wanted to increase their wealth manifold. They borrowed heavily money from Tom Dick & Harry at an abnormal rate of interest. As a result they were unable to repay their debts. They had to vacate their house to the creditors. When we came to this world we came empty handed ,when we leave this world we leave bare handed .Even God would be pleased if one is not greedy. Here is a story of a woodcutter in that regard.

Once there lived a wood-cutter on the bank of a river. He was an honest man. He was kind to every one. One day he was cutting wood with his axe. Suddenly his axe fell into the river. It went down. The wood-cutter was sorry. He prayed to God. O God! Get my axe back to me.

The God stood before him. The woodcutter told him about his axe. He prayed to him to get him back the axe. The God went into the water. He came back with an axe made of gold in his hand. He asked the poor wood cutter is this your axe? He replied No God it is not mine.

The God went again into the water. This time he came up with an axe made of silver. He asked the man. Is this you axe? The man replied Oh no this too is not mine. My axe is made of Iron. I want only my axe.

This time the god went in and came up with the iron axe. The wood cutter said in joy. Oh God! This is mine, please give this to me. The God said, you are an honest man. You are not greedy. You speak the truth. You shall have all the three axes. If one is fortunate they need not hanker upon anything whatever they desire somehow would be at their disposal. The story of King Midas And Golden Touch which most of us come across also illustrates and makes one understand that they should not be greedy.Greed makes not only life of one wretched but makes life of others who are around also wretched

When we come to this world we come bare handed when we leave this world we leave bare handed.There is an idiom which says that which is given is ours and that which is saved belongs to others.Why people do not learn from it.Yet we find greedy people from time immemorial Why it is so? Are the people unscrupulous ? These questions haunt most of us. In this context, we note that sometimes it is because of need and sometimes it is because of circumstances people become greedy.People are greedy for a number of reasons in today's world. Definitely , there is one or another reason for one to become greedy. Whether a person is greedy, generous, innocent or crooked we cannot make out easily at the outset. What type of person he or she is we can make out only when we deal and understand the person. It is the most difficult knowledge to learn in real life. This knowledge is not taught in any school or college.

Greediness is one of the qualities which many human beings have.It is one of the eight evils that a man can possess. One who is greedy is normally would be greedy in all respects. Greed can make one stoop down to any level. It is not possible to compare greed of one man with greed of another man. A greedy man is not a contented man. He is generally not a generous man. He is not a straight forward man also. He normally does not tread a right path. The economic law "Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns" does not hold good in case of persons who are greedy. The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns" states that more apples one has less apples they would like to have. Greed is an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.It is insatiable.That is the reason we come across more greedy among the rich and less greedy among poor people. Greedy men are generally restless. They do not have peace of mind. Mahatma Gandhi rightly says"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" One should be neither greedy nor prodigal in their life. Greediness is a negative quality. It is not an appreciable quality. Greediness is totally an opposite quality to generosity.Greediness if allowed to grow increases and increases ,never decreases. It has to be nipped always in the bud.

A greedy man gives a charity means it is really a surprise. It is a news.Greed should never be allowed to cross the limits.Whether it is giving or whether it is receiving in both the cases a greedy man reveals his true colors. Many times , it is greedy people who become a laughing stock. The greed in most people prevents them from having friends. In fact, greed can turn friends into foes. It is the cause of many offences also. More and more one is greedy, more and more one drifts away from happiness. "Don't be greedy" is one of the lessons that life teaches us. Of course, life does not object anyone to be greedy of knowledge. World does not consist of mere greedy. It comprises of generous people too.

Whether it is men or women,whether it is one who is stout or thin,whether it is young or old, whether it is rich or poor, anybody can be greedy.Some are born greedy. Some develop greediness as they grow. Some pretend to be greedy also.Some communities are known for greediness too. Some reveal their greediness in their action wheres some do not reveal their greediness in any way.There is variety in greediness too.Type and quantum of greediness is not the same in greedy persons. It varies from person to person. Some liberally spend for their sake but they do not spend for others sake .Some greedy eat more and have indigestion.Some greedy eat less to save for the future. Even Shakespeare has written about greediness in his play"Merchant of Venice".There are some people in this universe who though not greedy by nature try to impress upon others that they are greedy. In this context, Oliver Goldsmith's character Man in Black is the best example.

Greedy people usually have low self- esteem. Greedy people do not command much respect at all. They are disliked by most of the people. Greedy people are selfish people. Whatever is there all that they only would like to have. They seldom like to share with others. More a person is greedy more selfish he would be. Similarly more selfish a person is more greedy he would be.Greediness and selfishness usually go hand in hand.How much one's greed could be that could not be imagined even. It could be unquenchable. It sometimes blurs one's thinking and judgement. As a result, the greedy person forgets manners and shame also. Many a times what one gains one loses due to their greed only.

Greediness without bounds is unbearable. It is ugly. Greediness makes a man inhuman too. It makes one fall prey to corruption. If greed is not fully satisfied, one would be disappointed and disgusted. Sometimes , they may even commit suicide also. If an husband is greedy there is likelihood of wife becoming greedy.Similarly, if a father is greedy in a family there is likelihood of children becoming greedy. Greed is like a fire which spreads and which could not be extinguished with ease. It is difficult to describe a greedy person fully. Any number of advice is futile to a greedy person. Greedy usually do not have conscience also. It is enlightenment that can only banish greediness in a person.

During the course of our life we come across innumerable people. It is difficult to remember all of them. We can remember at the most people who impressed us in one way or other. We remember a person more because of his cough, laugh or anything which are unique and which make a dent on our memory. Even his name is not that much remembered. In fact, we may even forget his name. There are number of stories regarding greediness. Majority of them are real incidents that have taken place in this world.

Bengaluru is a fast developing metropolitan city.It is the capital of Karnataka State. It has multinational companies,defense establishments ,central and state government offices .Mr Narayanan was serving in one of the defense establishments as an office superintendent. He was more than fifty years old.After his wife's demise he was living with his only daughter Arundathi. He was in search of a suitable bridegroom to her. Greed motivates marriages also. A greedy boy may marry a girl whom he may not have any liking at all. Similarly, a beautiful girl may marry an ugly boy. Such marriages take place mostly on account of greed of one or another kind.

Here, Mr Narayanan had in mind one Mr Sunder who was working in Accounts department of defense establishment as a suitable husband to his daughter. As per ,Mr Narayanan Arundathi and Sunder were made for each other. Mr Sunder was handsome and was good at work. Besides, he was a first lass graduate also. Mr Sunder had good prospects in his career. Mr Narayanan was fortunate to clinch the alliance. Arundathi and Sunder were married with pomp and grandeur. Mr Narayanan, Mr Sunder and Arundathi started living together. Mr Narayanan was to looking after all the household expenses. Mr Narayanan regarded Mr Sunder as his son.Mr Sunder was augmenting wealth day by day. Arundathi gave birth to three children.

Time is not static. Mr Narayanan became a pensioner. He was handing over his entire pension to his son-in -law every month. All the three grand children grew up . They were all well educated and got suitable employments also.It was time for Mr Sunder to go on a pilgrimage. He was on a pilgrimage to Badri Kedar with his younger son Praveen. Other son Ravindra of Mr Sunder was a chartered accountant. He was at Calcutta.

Mr Narayanan was alone at home.He was in eighties. Mr Sunder should have made proper arrangements to take care of elderly Narayanan. It was summer. He had no habit of drinking water periodically. As a result , one day , he had dehydration. He fell unconscious. Maid servant who came for cleansing the house noticed it. She brought it to the notice of neighbors. Fortunately, one of them had contact number of Mr Ravindra.At that there were no mobile phones and Mr Sunder could not be either contacted or informed. They informed Mr Ravindra of the situation . By immediate next available flight Mr Ravindra arrived at Bangalore. He broke open the door of their home and rushed Mr Narayanan to hospital. Medical aid could not save Mr Narayanan. He breathed his last. Mr Ravindra could not pass on the message of demise of Mr Narayanan to his parents. He had to perform the last rites himself without waiting for them.

On the eighth day after demise Mr Sunder arrived after completion of pilgrimage. He did not mourn the death of his father in law. He resumed his duties at his office. When inquired by one of his colleagues why he was in so much hurry to resume duties. Mr Sunder grumbled that he would not have pension of his father in law henceforth. He added that goose laying golden egg was no more with him. Greed's worst point is its ingratitude. Greediness does not develop relationship, love and affection. It makes one forget that cannot take anything along with them when they leave this world.