
It is in anger only man presses the trigger on pistol. It is in it he has no control over either over his mind or over his tongue. It's difficult to describe a man when he is angry. It is when he is often compared to a beast. It gives a man different look. When angry man looks different & when not angry man looks different.When told about his anger a man wonders whether it was he. In fact,many times he swears also that he wouldn't be angry but fails to keep it up. Anger is an evil . It brings difficulties nearer & makes life unbearable.

Anger doesn't do anyone at any time any good. Yet,people succumb to it. It is mysterious. When, where, why how, & in whom it would appear it couldn't be predicted at all. Anger doesn't leave either young & old, or poor & rich. Whether it's a man or whether it's an animal everyone has it .Anger differs from person to person or animal to animal. It's an emotion. It is an outburst. It's a feeling of displeasure. It's not the same to all.Some have it more and some have it less. Some are angry for a short while & some are angry for quite a long period. Anger depends on an individual.Some express it & some don't express it.It's an healthy emotion when expressed appropriately.When it isn't expressed,it can have devastating effects. It's at the root of many personal & social problems.Everyone tries to win over it.If one has control over anger, it's really an achievement. It's perhaps the most destructive of all emotions. It's considered as worst enemy of a man.

Duration of anger too differs from person to person.Some want a reason to be angry and some don't want any reason to be angry at all. Benjamin Franklin rightly says"Anger is never without a reason,but seldom with a good one". There are many opinions about anger.Some say it's necessary to certain extent. Some say it shouldn't be there at all. Some care for others anger. Some don't care for others anger.

Anger rarely solves a problem.In fact, it often aggravates a problem or creates more number of problems. One can't think clearly when they are gulped by anger. Anger is a man's weakness only. It could never be considered as his strength at anytime.It dooms many of his good qualities . One of the most harmful effects of anger is that it robs us of our reason and good sense. In fit of anger one would have no control over tongue and many of the things which one says then they may not mean at all. A man with anger and a man without anger is not the same personality. One who becomes often angry needn't be a bad man at all.With anger at the most one may be able to cause some fear in others but one won't be able to command respect with it at all. Besides, anger creates stress & strains and drains lot of energy. Anger seldom rewards. In fact, it's considered as one of the six enemies of a man . It always creates a scene.

Anger is displayed in different ways. Everyone knows everything about it but when angry they forget everything. After being angry only,many decide that they shouldn't be angry next time. That's why repentance generally follows by and large an anger.

Anger makes many loose control over themselves.In anger what all one would do,it couldn't be said at all. In fact,anger makes many worse than a beast.Anger is one letter short of danger. It increases blood pressure. It makes one's face red and red. Some tremble due to it. Anger has many forms. It can't be fully described. It isn't at all good for health. It more than good always makes one more bad. It seldom improves a situation. It makes happiness disappear in no time. Where there's anger there's absence of love. It is always a hate hate situation.

Somebody's anger may not matter us at all. However, if boss ,relatives , friends or anybody with whom we have to deal every day become angry it really matters us . In that case, life becomes really a hell. It affects relationships badly. Those who have more anger would generally have less patience and those who have more patience have less anger.Anger always tests one's patience.

It is important for a person to learn to recognize their anger and calm down. How to control anger is a question that majority of human beings face. Anger is one that one should have and shouldn't have too. It's one thing that one must know how & when it's to be used . Overcoming it isn't a one day affair.It is a challenge .It needs patience,courage,willpower & determination etc. Elders say drink more & more water when you are angry and start taking deep breath. Some ask us to count numbers.What's that's needed most in times of anger is diversion of thoughts and positive thinking . It's better to have always in mind that there are far better ways to cope with hurt & insult than with anger, because anger itself acts like a poison in our own heart that ultimately degrades the quality of our own life. Prevention is always better than cure. This is true undoubtedly in case of anger. In anger one instead of responding much to their feelings, it is better they concentrate more on their thoughts.Food & drinks that one takes also affect one's anger.Further,there may be psychological reasons behind anger also.Meditation and prayer are also good ways to control this extremely destructive emotion.How an anger that we share with others melts down & how an anger that is not shared with others grows Great poet William Blake says.

“I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.”

It is always better an anger that one has on anybody is conveyed directly to them rather than through others. Emotions are very sensitive & are to be always handled wisely with due care.

Whether the world should be sans anger is a question.Without it how one could protest ,show their discord or discontent ? Anger is a seed of discontent.It's said that the world would be a very sad place without it. It is true that everything has good and bad sides to it. Anger too has good and bad sides to it. Anger is one of the things that moves one from where they are standing,to where they feel they really should be. One almost never does anything for themselves until they get angry enough or afraid enough about their situation to make a move. Often ,anger is responsible bringing about many changes. Revolutions take place in a country due to anger of it's people only.