Man and Ego.

Knowledge & skills takes one to top of the world & makes one successful. However, the 3 letters word " EGO" can pull one down to earth immediately at its double speed. It's bigger force than gravity. Anyone can become anything in this world. Life is unpredictable and a rich man can become a beggar also. The plight of anyone when their ego is brought down by situations in life is often inexplicable & deplorable. That's why the humble prayer that most of us tender to God is "Bless me with anything but Ego "

Ego is a weed we cultivate for our destruction. It's responsible for many negative human traits. It's our way of making ourselves of ourselves. It affects relationships and peace everywhere. It throws one into the world of conflicts. Who has ego and who has no ego it couldn't be made out easily at all. Ego is often reflected in one's behavior. Quantum of it isn't same in all human beings. It varies from man to man .It's an undesirable quality . It is the biggest enemy of humans. It's the dark side of a human being . One man is different from another man because of it only . Ego isn't master in its own house . It pleases none but offends everyone . Great people always keep it at arms' length .

A man without ego is more often liked & respected than a man with ego . A man without ego would be more social & more frank also. Ego makes one forget where are they and what were they.It doesn't allow one to remain what they are. One can't remain normal self under it. They can't perform better also.It doesn't allow one either see anything good in others or allows one appreciate anything good in others too.It eclipses good qualities that one possess.It harms an individual more than it harms any other person. One needn't do anything to ego in a man, life shows it due place. More than anything else it's life that controls very well ego in man.

Ego doesn't allow a man to walk on earth. It is believed that it makes him walk in the skies. Further, it's said that to man with ego the head won't remain on shoulders. It always remains little above it. One with ego wouldn't be aware that they are egoistic too.That's one of the reasons for they being egoistic also . One doesn't attain anything with ego other than bad remarks and negative feed backs. No man is a big man. If one realizes this fact, one would have no ego.Usually, one who is rich by birth would have no ego. Similarly,one who is full of knowledge would have no ego too.It's people who have little knowledge and people who are poor & on whom fortune smiles unexpectedly display ego. It's always better we know ourselves first in life. It's better we develop other qualities other than ego also.

" Empty vessels make more sound" This saying applies more to egoistic. It's said that all those who eat bitter, sweet and salty would have ego.Man blames others of ego but he himself would be full of it. There's no one who hasn't faced the ego conflict in this world. Ego doesn't enhance one's stature in others eyes. In fact, it belittles one's. stature. Ego is basically a nature that we cultivate on ourselves. It arises in one when they start thinking that only they are the ultimate &when they turn to be extreme selfish, which is in total disregard for the consequence of personal actions on others. It's thus opposed to altruism. Ego creates more problems than it solves. Ego usually doesn't last longer in anybody.It's usually of short duration only . Feeling proud and ego aren't one and the same.

Ego could be found in man , woman ,children , poor, rich and everyone.There are various types of ego. Ego won't leave anyone untouched. It's epidemic.By and large egoistic have superiority complex without exception. Ego destroys relationships. It often hurts others feelings. It is hell to move with egoistic people.

One who has ego does often what that they shouldn't have done at all. One with ego is usually careless,reckless ,haughty and overconfident.Whether in history or whether in epics ,whoever display ego bite the dust.Ego is often responsible for the downfall of a man. Ignorance is the best medicine for ego. Ego doesn't allow one to be social. It doesn't allow one to develop friendship with many people at all.

Ego is just like dust in the eyes. Not only it makes ways appear blur but also it makes one forget all relationship ,ethics ,decency & makes one tread wrong path.Getting rid of ego is always a tough challenge.One with strong will power only could over come the ego within them. That's why elders always advise to burn ego. They say "Leave ego otherwise everyone would leave you." Ego must not exceed tolerance. But as a matter of fact even if burnt ego doesn't disappear easily in a man at all. One with ego cannot think properly at all. Ego makes one dance to its tunes. Of course, circumstances in life can make one forego ego more than anything else. Life is a struggle to overcome ego too. Egolessness is what Buddhism preaches .

Spiritual practices banish the ego. More the knowledge less would be the ego . Lesser the knowledge higher would be ego in a person. Here are seven steps of overcoming ego.

1.Stop being offended.

2.Let go of your need to win.

3,Let go of your need to be right.

4.Let go of your need to be superior.

5.Let go of your need to have more.

6.Let go of identifying yourself on the basis of your achievements.

7.Let go of your reputation.

More than an individual often it 's others who want the ego to go .Without self control the ego can't be sent packing.

My friend Mr. Anil Prasad answers EGO, WHAT IS IT?


Ego is the thought of 'I-ness'

It takes us away from 'We-ness'

Ego is a circle drawn around us

Separating the outer world from us

Even our name signifies ego ness

It shows our identity from others

Ego is needed to function in society

Ego is described as barrier in spirituality

Spiritual journey is removal of circle

around us

Making every one a mirror image of others

I-ness and we-ness are like day and night

When one gets in,other goes out of sight

In fact, our mind is a clean mirror

We are all images of one another

Ego makes us smoky mirrors

It prevents reflection of the other

To remove smoky ego we need a duster

Role of guru comes in to play here

He helps us for smoke removal and cleaning process

Changes us into Divine beings,who is ego less

Here is a story which I came across while surfing.

There Was Once A Learned Scientist.

After A Lot Of Practice And Efforts, He Developed A Formula And Learned The Art Of Reproducing Himself. He Did It So Perfectly That It Was Impossible To Tell The Reproduction From The Original.

One Day While Doing His Research, He Realized That The Angel Of Death Was Searching For Him. In Order To Remain Immortal He Reproduced A Dozen Copies Of Himself. The Reproduction Was So Meticulous That All Of Them Looked Exactly Like Him. Now When This Angel Of Death Came Down, He Was At A Loss To Know Which Of The Thirteen Before Him Was The Original Scientist, And Confused, He Left Them All Alone And Returned Back To Heaven.

But, Not For Long, For Being An Expert In Human Nature, The Angel Came Up With A Clever Idea. He Said To The Scientist Addressing All Thirteen Of Them, "Sir, You Must Be A Genius To Have Succeeded In Making Such Perfect Reproduction Formula Of Yourself. However, I Have Discovered A Flaw In Your Work, Just One Tiny Little Flaw."

The Scientist Immediately Jumped Out And Shouted, Impossible! Where Is The Flaw?" "Right Here" Said The Angel, As He Picked Up The Scientist From Among The Reproductions And Carried Him Off.

The Whole Purpose Of The Scientist And His Formula Of Reproduction Failed As He Could Not Control His Pride And Lost His Life.

So While One’s Knowledge And Skills Takes One To The Top Of The Ladder And Makes One Successful, However The Three Letter Word "EGO" Can Pull One Down Immediately.