Rights & Wrongs.

Rights and wrongs haunt a man.It's human to think to one whatever they do is right. No one thinks usually whatever they do is wrong .It's conscience tells one whatever they had done,or whatever they are going to do is right or wrong. One may or may not remember rights in life. One who believes in concept "Sin" would certainly remember wrongs otherwise conscience pricks them invariably. "Who is right & who is wrong" this leads many times to quarrels and discussion too. Rights & wrongs is an important topic. They are useful lessons in life also.

One cannot forget their rights and wrongs. A few " right and wrong" only remain as they are at all times. Many" right and wrong" are what is right today is wrong tomorrow .Sometimes, one has no time to think even whether anything is right or wrong also. Some do wrong because they do not know what is right. They are not taught what is right too. No matter one is not taught. Do not teach one what is wrong. One follows what has been taught to them only.If one learns right, one does right and if one learns wrong one does wrong. One must always note to choose a right teacher.

World consists of all types of people. Some do not care for either right or wrong. Some are God fearing and are always worried about right and wrong. Right and wrong are man's conceptions . Religions influence man's conception of right and wrong. According to some might is right also.Some feel that if they go on gesticulating whether it is right or wrong, they wouldn't progress at all. "Do your duty. Leave the results to me" says God. Many believe these golden words and follow them

Right & wrong aren't one and the same.They have different significance. It's easy to wrong and usually hard to be right. A teacher allots marks only if answers of pupils are right only. He never allots marks to wrong answers at all. If one presses a wrong button they wouldn't be where they should be. One should always press the right button to be where they should be. Similarly, if one takes a wrong path instead of right path, it wouldn't be known where they would land at.If one is on right path everybody would be with them. It is said that even God would be with them too. In case of wrong path it is not the case.It is altogether a different picture.

Many rights instill confidence in a person. There's likelihood of them developing superiority complex in a person too. Similarly, many wrongs makes one despondent and develops inferiority complex in a person usually too.

All can't be right and all can't be wrong at all times in this world.It's impossible for one to keep an account of rights and wrongs they do during their lifetime. All the rights and wrongs nobody knows. Only God knows fully what's right what is wrong and what is one's performance. One would be held in high esteem in a society according to right or wrong that one does. With stress ,strain & struggle only one can be either right or wrong. Rights & wrongs don't leave any aspects of life untouched. Moral books contain rights and wrongs to lead one on right path.

One is right that doesn't mean that they are intelligent.To be right one needn't have know how or have stress and strains many a time. Sometimes, one is right by guess or fluke too. Right is important. How one is right only a few are interested. Life is mysterious.Forgetting and forgiving a wrong which somebody does is a great quality. Similarly, repenting for a wrong that they have done is a great quality also Wrongs develop animosity in one another too. Life consists of different characters.

One becomes desperate if they go on wronging. In life everyone wants everything to be right. Life comprises of rights and wrongs. It can't be either completely right or completely wrong. It would be always one of the two. Perfection is a rare phenomenon .Of course,in anger one wouldn't be knowing what's right and what is wrong too. In life one rights quite often only after wronging a number of times.

Rights & wrongs make life interesting.They are two different experiences. Usually a man gets elated whenever they are right and become dejected whenever they are wrong. Rights always bring contentment in anyone. They are the fruits of their efforts. Anywhere more than what's right or wrong ,it's involvement that's important . It is involvement or participation only makes one know what's what.One shouldn't be too happy if they are right or shouldn't be too sad if they are wrong.

A maiden tries to choose a right youth to be her life partner and a youth also tries to choose a right maiden as his life partner. Many times they do not succeed and they in fact, get wedded to wrong persons and exclaim " Marriages are made in heaven"

Leo Tolstoy rightly says "Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” Even if there is little doubt do not follow anything that is supposed to be wrong. Even if everyone follows a wrong it remains a wrong only. Similarly ,never hesitate to follow whatever that is right always.Right thing if one does even if it does not please anyone it pleases self. It pleases God too. Right thing must be done at the right time in life otherwise one may have to regret also. Generally, in world people like and support right and never either like wrong or support it at all. Right thing always remains right at any time even if no one follows it.