
Life is not problems. Problems are part of life. Problems are ponds, rivers, seas, hills, mountains and oceans that we come across in our long journey Life. Many of them are created by ourselves only with wrong steps and they themselves get solved. We fall rise climb & do what not to overcome them.Its they enlighten us. They do not leave us. We cannot live without them until the end

There is no man in this world who has no problem. A man without a problem is no man at all. There was no man in the past also without any problems. There would be no man even in future also without problem .Life without a problem is no life at all. World would not have developed this much without problems.But, only a few love problems. More than number of people in this world more number of problem is normally found in this world. Problems increase never decrease in this expanding world. Where there are problems there are normally worries too. Problems are headaches. Who wants to buy them ? A man tries to control his problems and problems try to overpower him. There is always tussle between a man and his problems. It is a tug of war in everyone's life. Problems are capable of shattering anybody. A man with problems and a man with no problem have different looks. A man with problem has normally a worried look whereas a man with no problem looks always a fresh. When one could not face numerous problems that have arisen, their state of mind is inexplicable. They feel that earth below is crushing , sky from above coming down and falling on them. The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets. Even more number of problems are not necessary to make one desperate and helpless. A problem or two are enough to make one desperate and helpless. Whenever problems make one desperate and whenever solutions are not at sight, generally one surrenders to God. Understanding a problem is not always easy too. Further,everyone do not see problems from same angle. How one treats problems that depends upon individual. Problems of one another are seldom the same. Our problems are our problems only. They are seldom others problem at all. Only a few think others problems as their own.The problems carry different names. There are many types of problem.

Normally,understanding a problem is half the solution. We do not know many things, we do not understand many things, we do not have patience, and we do not sit coolly and think also that is why we have problems. Even if we sit quietly and do nothing, then also we would have problems.There is no reason needed for a problem to arise. One should not create problems either for themselves or others. Such people are called a nuisance. Problems as well as diseases test everybody in the world without an exception.Running away from any problem only increases distance from the solution. The easiest way to escape from a problem is to solve it.

What is a problem. Any thing, matter, person, etc, that is difficult to deal with,solve, or overcome is called a problem. When problems occur they occur one after another. Everybody does not face, welcome or tackle or view problems in same way. They have their own ways and means in that regard. Some say what is there in life if it has no problem.They contend that life without problems is monotonous. Some people say what this life is it is full of problems only and opine that life without problems is comfortable and enjoyable. Wherever there are problems there is generally unrest of one or another kind and one who has problems would not have any peace of mind at all. Therefore problems are considered as a kind of curse too. Thus, we come across various views about problems. Anything may recede in this world but not the problems. More than the problems that occur to him a man creates more problems himself. Everyday fresh unheard problems creep up in this universe and problems differ from one person to another person. When and how problems arise one cannot make out also. There is probability of persons having similar problems also in this universe. Some bear the problems silently. They try their best to solve and come out of problems. Some make a mountain out of a mole hill. They run with their problems from pillar to post.They lose their calm. Nature of a person and problems go hand in glove. Understanding problems,living with problems, solving problems and living happily and contentedly is art of living.

Every problem is a lesson. One may forget anything but not the problems that took their breath away. It is always better if a problem is nipped in bud. More a problem develops it is not only difficult to resolve it but also it definitely demands more efforts to resolve it.How problems would affect a person it is difficult to predict also. A person certainly would not be as he was after facing problems.We would certainly notice changes in a person who encountered problems. Maturity one gains only after facing problems after problems. Experience is the best teacher. Only after facing and solving problems after problems one drifts towards perfection. Problems Can Be Opportunities in Disguise.Problems are wonderful. They could be solved . They could be caused. Today's problems could be tomorrow's crises too.

Who has no problems in this world? One thinks that the other has no problems in this world. But everybody in this universe has one or another problem though many pose as if that they have no problems at all. Problems make many nervous. Some people commit suicide because of the problems that they have.One need not go in search of a problem, problem encircles them without their demand. It is problems that make life differ from person to person. Otherwise life would have been monotonous to everybody without any variety in it. Life is swimming against the tide. Life is struggle for existence. Problems create tension pressure, impatience and what not. If problems were not there human mind would have been certainly a devil’s workshop. It is problems that make one remember God and it is problems that make one atheist too.

Problems are often challenges also. Many of the problems that one would have are inexplicable also. Sometimes only those problems are visual. Majority of time one cannot even imagine or guess what problems that others have in this world. Many try to run away from a problem or problems that they come across. People can runaway from a problem only once or twice but not always. Further, quite often problem or problems do not allow one runaway from them too. One has no other go than to face problem or problems. One who runs away from a problem is generally called a coward. What would be outcome of facing problems after problems? Outcome of facing problems is only sometimes good. As a result of facing problems , some problems would have temporary solutions and some problems would have permanent solutions. Sometimes only one would be rewarded for their stress and strain of facing problems . Seldom one is assured of any returns after facing problems. Sometimes, one would not be benefited to a little extent even. Hence, contentment or discontentment often arise after facing problems.

Problem means one immediately thinks of mathematics. A mathematical problem however ticklish it may be it can be solved. It has a solution. It may need time, knowledge & intelligence only. Problems are not confined to mathematics. Problems are spread all over. Their field is vast and varied. Anything that causes worries which cannot be solved easily is a problem .Whenever or wherever one finds some difficulty for finding solution he or she calls it a problem until a solution is found.Thus it is a nomenclature. Sometimes there may not be any problem at all. It all depends on an individual who gives the nomenclature. Quite often problems are our own creations.Some problems are strange.

Some express or share their problems with others and some do not express or share their problems with others. Some problems are such that they cannot be shared or discussed with others at all. Whereas in some cases discussions are not only necessary but also they help to find a solution. Only a few problems have ready-made solutions and majority of them do not have ready-made solutions at all.Extreme problems don't always need extreme solutions also. Normally one should always strive to resolve a problem. Further,method of solving problems varies from problem to problem and from person to person also.

Problems which are left to themselves without being solved and attended normally do not disappear. In fact, they either remain as they are or grow tremendously. Problems are there in every field. Problems spare nobody. Nobody prefers fields where there is more number of problems. Everybody normally prefers fields where there is lesser number of problems. They never invite unnecessarily problems. They as far as possible try to reduce number of problems. There is one or another reason generally to a problem to arise. Age does not bar problems. Children have their problem .Young have their problem. Old have their problem. Men have their problems and women have their problems. Who does not have problems? A man need not be after problems, problems will be after him. Problems need no invitation. Those who believe in astrology, blame the stars for all the problems that they come across. All the problems cannot be prevented but steps could be taken to prevent some problems and some from occurring again and again wherever and whenever possible. As you know prevention is always better than cure. Problems are tests that one faces. Problems test one’s efficiency or capability. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem. Problems are bound to come at one time or another in every field. Nobody can avoid them totally.

A world can never be without problems. The question is where there are least problems, how to minimize them, and how to tackle them. One must learn to live with problems.One should never get either suppressed or depressed with problems. It is said that there is solution to every problem. Some say that some problems have no solutions at all. Opinion in this regard differs from person to person.One should master the art of dealing with problems. At least one should know which problem they should give importance and which problem they should ignore. Whenever one has numerous problems, they should never try to solve all of them at a time. Problems are to to be prioritized and taken up for solution one at a time. It is always better if one is equipped with various tools like intelligence,confidence and support to face a problem instead of searching for solutions after a problem arises. One must anticipate a problem in advance and be ready with a suitable solution for it. That is planning .Problems are like washing machines,they twist,spin and knock us around but in the end we come out cleaner and brighter than before.

Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our problems.Problems are of various types. Some problems are simple. Some problems are complex. Problems are generally mind boggling. Some problems are such that either one can ignore or tackle them. They create dilemma. Some problems are such that we cannot make out either head or tail of them. There are strange or peculiar problems too. Normally one’s problem other cannot understand completely, some problems cannot be shared with others. Sometimes it is financial problem. Sometimes it is labor problem. Some problems are psychological. Sometimes it is technical problem. Some problems we can anticipate. Some problems take us by surprise. How when, from where and why some problems generate we cannot imagine even. Some problems cannot be passed on to others. They are non transferable. The nature of such problems is unlike a mathematical problem. Their nature is unpredictable. We should not have either more or less of anything but according to our need otherwise it gives rise to problems.

No man is perfect. Everybody has shortcoming. Some shortcomings we know, some we come to know gradually, and some we are not aware of. Shortcomings create problems to us as well as to others. Shortcomings are one’s problems only. Everybody wants to overcome them. Some fields are problematic and some people too are problematic. They create problem. Of course, one's experience comes to their aid many a times while dealing with problems. Some problems could be discussed and some problems could be shared even. Similarly knowledge could also be put use to tackle some problems. Sometimes it is peril teaching the way. It is said that there is no charm if there are no problems. Problems come and go. Problems keep one busy and engaged. One should not get disturbed whenever they face a problem or problems. Mindset is very important to deal with a problem. It plays a great role in not only in facing a problem but also in extricating ourselves from a problem.

When a problem is solved generally one breathes a sigh of relief . Solving of a problem or problems give one confidence. Any individual gets elated at that juncture. Life is not over when a problem is solved. Further problems arise in it. Sometimes there isn't even time gap between one problem & another problem. Life consists of numerous problems. Solving of a problem brings complacency too. It makes life interesting. Problems provide one opportunities to show their caliber. Every problem is an experience. Problems make generally one more practical, flexible, and humane. The problems faced by one generally remain in their memory. It is through problems search of talent, demand for more people, incentives, and higher wages sometimes come forward. Sometimes overhauling, repairs etc take place because of problems only. Sometimes problems repeat. Sometimes it is altogether a new problem. Some are fed up with problems. Some problems are intricate. Some problems need intelligence for their solution. Some need tact. Some are well versed with solving particular type of problems. Some are expert in solving some other type of problem. Their expertise is confined to their field of specialization. In every field there are experts who can deal problems of their field. Problems vary from field to field generally. Chartered Accountants assist us in our financial problems. Doctors take care of us in our health problems. Lawyers render their services in our legal problems. However, whenever there is a problem one has to approach the right person. Of course, there are some problems where nobody can assist too. They themselves have to attend to their problems and solve them.

Problems should always be attended promptly. They shouldn't be allowed to accumulate. They shouldn't be left unattended. A few of them only get themselves solved on their own if they are left unattended whereas majority of them grow alarmingly if they are left alone. Problems can be cancerous even. Sometimes they disturb one’s sleep and do not allow them to have proper food also. Sometimes problems create problems. They make one desperate. They make happiness disappear. They create complications. They must be understood at the earliest. It is generally easy to find solution for it at that juncture than later. Unless we attend them solution will not be at sight. Sometimes we may need assistance to cope with them. Some of them have multiple solutions. In that case it is better to go for the best one suited for the purpose. It may be a problem to one but it may not be problem to another. Similarly a solution to a problem to a person need not be a solution to another person even though problem is same to both. Sometimes multiple problems arise and lead to crisis. When there are numerous problems it is always wise to attempt one by one problem than trying to solve all of them altogether at a time. It is better to prioritize them. The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. While finding solution to one problem one should take care that it does not give rise to any fresh problem.

Of course, some problems give rise to hardships. They give rise to worries. They consume our valuable time. That is why people dislike them. It is they that make one understand that life isn't a bed of roses. Many a time’s solution to a problem lies in it itself. Unless a problem is solved it remains a problem, we may forget that problem but it remains alive and creeps up at some other time. By tackling problems only we can only learn how to handle a problem and gain confidence. We become accustomed to them. Whenever one faces a problem, one should never get perplexed. One should understand it fully first. One should be optimistic. One should think coolly and positively. One should do "SWOT" analysis. That is one should list out what are their strengths, weakness, what are the opportunities, what are the threats to tackle that problem and come to the crux of problem. Then plan their strategy. This makes a lot of difference. Of course, sometimes we do not have time to think even when we come across a problem.

The problem needs immediate attention. One should apply themselves fully to the task. One should take quick decisions at that time. One should be diplomatic; one should use common sense, presence of mind etc while tackling such a problem. All problems cannot be tackled in same way. Whenever time permits it is better to go through success stories, autobiographies of great people, meet, listen, or discuss with enlightened people. These habits will help one a great deal to surmount problems as and when they occur. Always one should be ready to meet any contingencies. Patience is a quality which is very essential while dealing with problems.

Everybody does not have same quantum of problems in this world. Some may have more problems in life and some may have a fewer problems in life but nobody can escape from problems. Problems are a part and parcel of a life. However, majority of problems can be overcome and they have solutions. Of course, by worrying one cannot solve any problem at all. By worrying one can only aggravate their problems. Whether problems lead to worries or worries lead to problem we cannot say .Sometimes it is worries that lead to problems and sometimes it is problems that lead to worries. They are synonymous. They go hand in glove. But worries and problems are different. They are not one and the same. It is problems that try to drive one into negative thinking. Whereas it is positive thinking that enables one to extricate themselves from problems.

Problems of rich are different and problems of poor are different. Problems of intellectuals are different and problems of illiterate are different. Every segment of society has different problems. Outwardly sometimes everything seems to be alright but in reality it is not so. Some problems are visible and some problems are not at all visible. One should never laugh at those who have problems because tomorrow they may have also problems. One should never add woes to those who have problems. It amounts to adding salt to injuries.

One should always be sympathetic to those who have problems and try to help them. In case one cannot help at least they should not do anything. They should keep quiet. Every country has problems to be solved. World is full of problems. As long as we are on this earth we have to face problems. There is no end to problems. That is why there are crisis management teams, governments, and armies etc. to tackle problems. One who helps and shares the problems of others is always remembered and similarly those who create problems to others too are remembered. The former are liked by society and are popular whereas the latter are disliked by the society. Society terms the latter as antisocial element and hates them. That is the difference between former and latter.

In order to study and understand anything completely problems are quite essential. Problems are illustrations. If problems are only hurdles, one can jump over them. The trouble is when they become impediments. The real problem is what to do with the problem-solvers after the problems are solved. But that day will never come. Problems will be there for ever. Problems may be a mole hill or a mountain. Problems may be either silly or great. At the beginning problems may bring in fears and tears but in the end they may bring in joy also. Problems have impact on everybody whether it is an individual, institution, body or any entity. The impact may be either good or bad. Wherever or whenever there is a problem work does not run smoothly. Problem is an obstacle. One would know where the shoe pinches only when one wears it. One would understand a problem very well only when one has it. Experience is the best teacher. One of the ways to make one understand our problems is allowing them to step into our shoes. It is one the ways to shut the mouth of a critic too. What affect problems would have on one it depends again type of problems one faces. Problems sometimes bring in stress and strains .Sometimes problems affect one psychologically, physically, or otherwise. As long as earth is there activities are bound to be there. As long as there are activities problems are going to be there. Once we solve some problems, fresh or new problems are going to be there. It is a continuing process. It is old order changes yielding place to new. It is also evident that all are not equally equipped to combat problems in this world. As far as a human being is concerned their all problems will be over only when they bid adieu to this world. As world advances, and as one grows older and older some problems may ease, some problems may vanish but new problems arise in their place. It is very difficult to guess complexion of such new problems before hand. World will never be free of problems.

Problems generally sharpen one’s wit. Problems are opportunities too. More we involve ourselves in problems and come out successful more we become wiser. It is also true that more we fail in tackling problems more depressed we become. But no problem can be neglected or avoided. We cannot call a problem a nuisance. Whether a problem is silly or grave, it deserves due attention . Successful life is one where one tides over all problems and comes out unscathed. Anything that is too cold is a problem. Anything that is too hot is also a problem. Anything which is too much is normally a problem only. Many a times problems do not recede, instead they pile up; under such a situation a person becomes desperate. Their mind do not work normally. Only God must save them under such circumstances.

It's important to think of the challenges or problems in our life. But EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to 'PUT THEM DOWN' at the end of every day before we go to bed. That way, we are not stressed, we wake up every day fresh & strong & can handle any issue, any challenge that comes our way. One must learn to live with problems.