Life with everything but contentment is not heaven.

Life with everything but contentment is not heaven.It is only beautiful to others who look at it.Everyone's life is a story. If a man has wealth & health , he wouldn't be blessed with children. Even if there are children they are notorious. Man is disgruntled in life not because God has not blessed him with wealth but because he has not been blessed with one thing or other & couldn't remain contented .One couldn't enjoy life without contentment at all. Without it there would no enthusiasm & no charm to life too. Everyone without an exception tries to be contented but only few could remain contented . Everyone in universe invariably at one time or other beseeches Him if not anything but for contentment. Remaining contented in life is not a doll's play at all. Many factors which are beyond the control of a man affect contentment. Life is sweet & bitter. Man cannot expect always only successes in life. Man has to face failures too in life. A man to be contented in life it is better favorable incidents occur & untoward incidents shouldn't occur or must be at least minimum.Besides, a man must possess qualities like tolerance & optimism etc also . Belly or stomach is full doesn't mean that one is contented. One must be satisfied within.

Contentment is an art. It's evasive in life more than anything .Hurdles to it aren't one or two but numerous. Remaining contented throughout life is big task but an important one.Finding contentment in life is always the key to happiness which brings us internal peace. A contented mind free of turbulence helps positive thinking. Any other belongings can be taken away from a man but not his contentment. His inner equilibrium cannot be disturbed.His true possessions are all within.What's contentment one would understand better when contented & discontented are compared. All that one does in life isn't for anybody's sake. It's for their contentment only. One with contentment would always have a sound sleep. Contentment is a treasure which could make others jealous. Many lessons about it are to be had from animals. Contentment is always better than happiness too.

What everyone in globe is after is contentment. Wherever it is not there, there is usually unrest.What all a man without contentment would do, it couldn't be said at all. Contentment isn't either a rich man or a poor man can have it, it is anyone can have it. It one must have it without fail too.One must not leave it. It isn't an achievement but an attitude that one can adopt at any time. Contentment is very purpose of life.Greedy ,over ambitious & selfish couldn't be contented at all. One can be contended by thinking more of others than thinking more about themselves. Honor rewards & awards make one contented too.

What is contentment it is inexplicable. How much anticipation one would have for it. To know what is it, better it is felt. Many would do a work not anybody's sake but for their contentment only. How much an an artist ,actor , writer & musician enjoy their work. Contentment is more to them than any remuneration they earn.One would have contentment if everything is as expected. Contentment is not anywhere it is in us only. Proximity doesn't make the task easy at all. It is not easy to be contented. Percentage of contented is always found to be less in the world.Contentment or discontentment is sometimes visible in man's behavior & sometimes they are not at all visible & would be within him only.As such what a man's life is it couldn't be easily always made out.

Contentment means satisfaction of all hunger & thirst of a man. It doesn't remain as it is. It reflects in his activities . A stomach full laughter always indicates nothing but contentment. Only a man with contentment could laugh without bounds. Contentment shouldn't be either more or less. It should be what it should be .

Contentment is the path of peace of mind. It is not the fulfillment of what we want but it is appreciation for what we have. John Stuart Mill rightly says how to be contented. He says " limit your desires, rather than attempting to satisfy them." Be happy with what you have . Do not aspire anything that you could not have to remain contented.In life many people have everything except contentment for one or another reason. It is the tragedy of life. If a merchant makes a customer contented he gets more number of customers. In life if a man brings contentment to anyone it is a great achievement.

Contentment doesn't fall from the blues. Nobody grants it. Man has to develop himself .It has to be built up . Understanding always makes contentment possible. Positive thinking imbibes contentment into a man & negative thinking makes one drifts far away from contentment.Remaining discontented is adding miseries to life. Enjoy what you have & do not think about what you do not have to be contented in life. What you deserve would come to you at an appropriate time in your life.

Whatever you do if you have no contentment what is the use?Whatever wealth you may amass if you have no contentment what is the use? Make others contented is always more difficult than one becoming contented

Contentment is satisfaction of all desires . It is complacency. It depends more upon a person. To be contented & to be discontented much time is not required at all to many people. Contentment differs from person to person. Some are contented with whatever little they have and some are not contented with whatever they have at all. World is strange. Percentage of contented is always found to be less in it. Some are of opinion that contentment is not good. They think ,once one is contented , one wouldn't work. One who is contented according to them is no better than a person whose stomach is full. According to them a discontented man is innovative and wouldn't rest until he invents something.

How to be contented ? Gautam Buddha says " First remove "I ". This is ego. Then remove " want " This is desire . All that remains is happiness. One could be contented by being happy with what they have & take pleasure in what is around them. The way one leads life could make them contented. One should never be too busy to enjoy scenery. Gardening is very contented pastime & one could get in touch with the seasons & growth with it. Learning about what is essential to life like cooking & anything else that brings a smile & pleasure . At the end of the day count at least five things that made them laugh or were very good & one should never compare themselves with anyone else too.