Glory wouldn't fall from the blues

Glory wouldn't fall from the blues. It cannot be bought . It has to be achieved . Selflessness & not the selfishness that adorns man with glory. It is not necessary that one should do something to achieve glory. One can achieve glory without doing anything too. How the glory sometimes dawns upon a man it couldn't be said at all. Glory & greatness are twins. They always go hand in glove. Shakespeare quote " Some are born great, some achieve greatness & some have greatness thrust upon applies to glory too.

The sun has one kind of glory, while the moon and stars each have another kind. And even the stars differ from each other in their glory.Glories are not alike. One glory differs from the other. Each glory has its own splendour . How one wins glory is always a story.

Who is not after glory? It is ambition of many people to conquer glory. What all they do not do in order to fulfil this ambition of theirs . They are under the impression that without glory their life is futile. They are a nonentity.

It is glory that allows one to pat themselves on their back. Every parents wish their children bring them glory. Glory is reward for great deeds & achievements. It's glory that makes one historical. It is appreciation for what one has done. It rises from the soil & could scale the top of a mountain too. It has no bounds. It is recognition. It is praise.It is applause.It is fame & name. It is human to be after glory in life.Glory makes one shine.It makes one remembered. In the courts of kings & emperors there were courtiers who used to sing their glories. Many opine even if they aren't there their glory would remain. It's glory that keeps a man alive for quite sometime even after his demise It serves as lovely memorial to him also. The stories of people who were after glory would prompt a man to decide whether to be after glory or not. Those who deserve the glory & who were conferred with glory,were seldom after glory. Those who are after glory seldom achieve glory. One who is after glory wouldn't usually have contentment also.

Glory is not confined to any one field. Where it is hidden it is not known. Glory brings one more fans & followers.It doesn't allow one to be what they are. It brings a lot of changes in many.Only a few remain like a fruit behind the leaves with it . Glory spreads as fast as a news. A man may not reach a place but his glory may reach it. Always it is glory of a man that reaches a place even before the man reaches it. We may not have seen a man, we may come to know of his glory. Glory makes one very popular. It is as difficult or more difficult to retain glory to anyone than they find difficult to achieve it.

Nothing will just be handed over a plate to man. What man gets out of life is only whatever that he contributes to it . Glory too man has to achieve only. It seldom walks to him. There are numerous ways to achieve it. There are good ways as well as bad ways too. Usually,glory couldn't be achieved overnight at all.It needs devotion,talent and whatnot. Besides,one has to strive, work hard and make sacrifices .John Stahl illustrates how to achieve glory as under.

" A complete merging of the self with a cause such that the self & cause are indistinguishable. Perform heroic action that services the cause at the expense of the self. Have lots of people notice and admire your selfless act."

How far, how fast, how much, glory would spread it couldn't be said at all. Glory would create awe, interest, respect &other feelings. It is difficult to climb any mountain. However, it may be climbed but not the mountain of glory. It is slippery & deceitful. Glory is a mirage. Often, how & when it comes & goes it couldn't be said at all. One who is after it would be seldom complacent. It is more one has more one would like to have. Do not be after it. Let it not be a life goal. Glory makes many a mad. What is glory. There are different thinkings too. Some live on the past glory in life. Glory does not always remain as it is in life. It goes up & down also.

When you deserve it knocks at your door. One must not be after glory. Glory must come to them. When glory knocks at your door also always be careful. It takes it own toll. As one's glory spreads ,jealousy & hatred may develop in others. Glory could be dangerous too. Remember what the elders say "When you laugh the whole world laughs with you & when you weep you have to weep alone." One who is after glory never sleeps. Glory does not mean the end at all. It makes one busy. It becomes an headache. It makes one restless. It makes living difficult. It is not a smooth sailing at all. Everything has good & bad. Glory too has good & bad too

Be what were you. It doesn't matter one doesn't have glory. It is impossible to everyone to have it also. One should not have it and lose it. It is nothing but embarrassing.It is better to remain a beggar than becoming a king & then becoming a beggar again.

Do not allow changes to occur in your attitude when the glory occupies you. One must never be too much carried away by glory at any time. One may be subjected to as much blame as much they may be subjected to glory also. As the glory mounts people flock a person and as the glory declines people desert a person. That is world. That is life too.