Steps are the products of one's deep thinking.

Life is not only one step .Its full of steps. Its packed with actions. Nothing moves on its own in it unless steps are taken. It's steps that give it movement. Life is like a game of chess. Sometimes steps are forward & sometimes they are backwards. Who forgets the steps that they had taken when this happened & that happened in life.

Steps are prestigious to a man. Once he takes steps he would be usually reluctant to retract them even though they don't yield expected performance also.It is not how many number of steps that one takes count but what that counts are how much appropriate they are and how much effective they are. Man is often remembered for the steps that he had taken during his lifespan. Steps create history. Any great name reminds us of the steps they had taken unfailingly. It's steps that give rise to deeds. Without steps a building is incomplete. It is steps that make a building stand erect.

No one is born a perfect. No one can remain in life without taking steps at all. One suffers or rejoices on account of steps they take in their life only. One improves only after taking step after step. What we are to-day is on account of the steps that we had taken earlier. What we would be tomorrow on account of the steps we take today. Any man gets frustrated in life when he doesn't know what steps he has to take. It's when he would be between a devil & a deep sea.Before considering taking of a step it is always important that one must always think of its consequences invariably.

Steps that are to be taken do not fall from the above. One has to work for for them. One has to arrive at them.Steps depend solely on man, his talent & capability. Life would be damn easy if one knows which step when to be taken. Right steps are always right solutions. It is often when one takes wrong steps one would learn lessons & have bitter experiences also. More than contemplating upon a step implementing a step is usually more difficult. Steps are key to any success. Stagnation is where there are no steps.

When what step is to be taken, when in danger what step is to be taken in this respect it is rightly said " Peril teaches the way "What steps one would take is usually not open. It's usually a secret. What are wars, talks, agreements, friendship & trade etc. They are steps only.Innumerable steps are insufficient usually to one to manage & control situations in life. Further, they won't guarantee them either triumph or survival too.Remember always the proverb " In his heart a man plans his course,but the Lord determines steps "

Nobody usually questions if steps aren't taken. It's in our own interest steps are often taken. Steps everyone takes in their life. Steps may improve a situation or may worsen a situation. That is why the idiom "Think twice before you take a step "

One whose steps are useful popular & successful only gets generally recognition.A man who has vision always takes steps ere anything happens. A step alone couldn't do anything.It always needs support of various other inputs & backups. Steps taken are only sometimes visible & sometimes they aren't visible at all. Steps are the products of one's deep thinking. Of course,some people have the habit of taking steps without thinking also. Some people take steps under somebody's advice too.

World is such that in it some take steps which are quite opposite to steps which some others take. In other words some take steps to do good & some take steps to do bad. There are people who don't take any steps when something happens too . Hence, the saying "When Rome was burning Nero was fiddling "No doubt man gets tired with steps after steps that he takes in life. But he cannot remain without taking steps at all. Life is a struggle. One cannot be always right in it at all .

Steps indicate that one is active & alert & not sleeping. Its they indicate what is going on. Steps are one of the methods of solving problems too. Some don't take any steps & leave the problem to solve itself & become successful too.Not taking steps pleases many people also.It isn't enough one knows the steps they must know the appropriate step that has to be taken. One should take steps that are enforceable. It isn't enough if steps are taken,they are to be pursued. Besides,while taking step or steps one should be always optimistic. When steps are taken it may fetch result or may not fetch result also. Steps are usually an "expectation".

Right steps at right time generally produce astounding results. They are often success stories. When what steps are needed it couldn't be said at all. Taking a step isn't easy at all. Many a time man repents for not taking steps in time.The way one takes steps or how one takes steps differs from person to person.Some are rash & without thinking or consulting others take steps. Some have discussions with others and come to their own conclusions & take steps.

Steps are needed not for one or two reasons but for several reasons.Primarily,they are needed for regulating ,modification and improvements. Steps are to be taken as & when needed promptly.When something is taking place if steps aren't taken they could be uncontrollable. Any goal, any ambition would remain a dream only if steps are not taken and pursued. Any achievement ,any project isn't possible also unless steps aren't taken periodically .

Every step has a purpose. Steps can be with either good or bad intention.Steps can be for tit for tat too. Positive thinking results in good steps & negative thinking results in bad steps like destruction, rioting etc. Physical movements are always with foot steps. Life movements take shape in man's mind. Nothing could be achieved overnight. Mind is a workshop where steps take birth . Steps are taken to lead life. They are taken to end life too.Steps give a picture of what is happening and what is going to happen also.

Why then people do not take steps many a time? It is not that they do not know the steps. Sometimes it is due to anxiety , hesitation and lack of confidence that whether they would go wrong. If steps are wrong one has to suffer and may have to under go humiliation or may become a laughing stock also.

When something happens one cannot remain mute without taking any steps at all. Taking of steps gives one satisfaction whether there are results or no results. Who does not take steps ? Young , old, and all entities take steps for one or other reason. Even if steps are taken sometimes there are no results & if steps are not taken what would be the state of affairs ? World is bustling with activities because of steps & counter steps that people take.

Sudden up or down isn't usually good in life.Improvement must be always step by step or gradual. What's always on the vigil in world is each others steps. One contemplates their step usually based on others step. One follows or copies others good steps usually.A picture would be beautiful if it is drawn step by step. A story would be well understood if it is told step by step. Everywhere there are steps to be followed. Steps instil discipline.

If one does not step forward they would be where they are. Where the steps would lead one it couldn't be said at all. Steps are very important in life. It could not be said that one would be always perfect in their steps. A step could be long. It could be short. It could be fast or slow. Steps are sometimes right & sometimes wrong. Only if they are right they yield good results. Otherwise they create problems & make one suffer. Some steps once taken cannot be retracted at all. Only some steps can be retracted and that too with great difficulties.

Sometimes steps are welcomed & sometimes they are rejected. Sometimes they are advantageous & sometimes they are disadvantageous . Always we cannot expect wonders from steps that we initiate. Sometimes only they yield quick results. Sometimes, they are slow in yielding results. Sometimes they do not yield results at all. Sometimes they make one proud & sometimes make one dejected. It is always better one thinks pros and cons and takes steps. Gains or losses depend upon the steps one takes. Sometimes steps bring success & sometimes failure. Success of steps always boosts one's courage & confidence. Similarly, failures of steps diminishes one's confidence & courage. Steps improve with experience & become right & appropriate too .

What steps of a man don't reveal? They reveal his knowledge,efforts, interest, intelligence, feelings & what not. What a man is it could be judged from his steps.