Cricket & Life .

Cricket is a popular game . Young to old everyone is interested in it . It has become a part & parcel of life of many in the world. Many lives live on cricket. Cricket is their profession.Day by day life is undergoing changes. Cricket too is undergoing changes. Now-a days we find 20 overs cricket, One day cricket besides 5 days tests. Shorter versions of game are played usually during night time under flood light. In life or cricket what all inventions have taken place ? What a shot reverse sweep is. Here afterwards also inventions wont stop in them at all. Man bears fruits of good & bad that take place in the world.

Karun Nair recently scored 303 runs in 5th test match between India & England. It is really a great achievement. England bowlers might have tried all sorts of balls fast, slow googlies & bouncers to bowl him out. What a patient record breaking knock it was. It would be remembered long.

In life too to live 100 years is century . Surpassing it is not an easy task at all. It is not a joke at all also. There is no question of double & treble centuries in it. In one century itself man has to face all sorts of googlies & bouncers from Him. Not merely hazards of life but also he has to undergo diseases of all kind .It is a century which cannot be scored with sixes & fours. It has to be scored in singles. Since when one has to complete it without a partner single handled it couldn't be said at all. Hundred years of fruitful life is really great . It is an achievement & record too. My salute to those who complete 100 years. They always deserve kudos & remembrance .

Both life & cricket are full of surprises & thrills. Thrilling moments in life as well as cricket are memorable. Who would forget Yuvarj Singh's six sixes off six balls against England's ace fast bowler Broad It was breath taking. Who would forget Miandad's six off the last ball of Chetan Sharma. How can we forget memorable events in our life too. How can I forget my children's marvellous achievements in the academic field .

In life & cricket all types of situations arise.Best team doesn't win always. Whatever one plans they go awry sometimes whether it's life or cricket. Sometimes fortune smiles & sometimes it doesn't smile.Cricket has to be planned & played.Life too has to be planed & lived.Life & cricket are both competitive.In a way they are battles only where one has to struggle to remain in the race.In them its survival of the fittest. Patience is quite essential in life as well as in cricket. Without it they don't inch forward. What this patience in cricket should be called . Defending wicket through out an innings .Gujarat's 26-year-old opening batsman Samit Gohel on Tuesday broke a 117-year-old record in first-class cricket by notching up the highest score while carrying his bat through the innings of 359 not out during his team's Ranji Trophy quarter-final against Odisha.

The more one likes cricket more one plays it & more experienced one becomes too.Whether one likes or not,one has to live their life. Of course,the more one lives the more one knows what's life.Whether it's cricket or life nothing moves without efforts at all.In life, as well as in cricket what's needed foremost to meet any situation is courage & confidence. With them one can come up even from the jaws of defeat also.

Success & failure are common in both life & cricket. One cannot succeed always. How one takes success & failures in life & cricket is always important.In cricket man resolves not to repeat mistakes earlier committed. In life too he resolves not to repeat mistakes earlier committed. In either case he ends up committing some other mistake.To err is human. Perfection is a rare phenomenon.

Life is a long or a short play . It is one umpire game.Cricket is a game with 2 umpires & a third umpire.Life is a compulsory game to everyone.Cricket is a pet game of a large number of people. It is a day or 5 days play. It is a game of 11 + 11 players Life is a game where number of players isn't limited at all. Cricket is a game played in open air on a field .Where all life has to be lived & played its unknown. Umpire's decision is final in life as well as in cricket. An umpire's mistake would be always costly. In cricket at least it could be referred to 3rd umpire but in life it couldn't be referred to Him at all.

In cricket every player tries to exhibit talent. In life too everyone tries to exhibit their traits. In both life as well as cricket, it is survival of the fittest. Many factors like pitch , weather, & toss play their role on outcome in cricket . Life too depends upon many factors like health, wealth & events.

Great cricketer Martin Crowe says "To bat right, get your mind right "While playing cricket what all should work. It is not merely hands, legs, eyes, but also mind too should work, Likewise to lead a fruitful life man not only should work hard but also should utilise all his intelligence.

Cricket teaches man how to accept & meet challenges . Life too teaches man how to accept & meet challenges . Successes make life & cricket enjoyable & failures make them bitter.Successes either in life or in cricket enhance courage, confidence & improve performance of individuals . Victory or defeat in life or cricket are lessons to be noted. What one always expects from life & cricket are achievement & contentment. Life & cricket are full of decisions. In life man decides what step to take & what step not to take etc.. In cricket man decides which ball to play, which ball to let go, whether to bat first or field etc.

Life & cricket are inter related . Cricket impacts life . Life impacts cricket. Cricket can be a part of life. Life can't be cricket only at all. One who has been successful in cricket needn't be successful in life.There are laws which govern cricket. There are laws which govern life too. Life is life . Cricket is cricket. A cricketer sends the ball to all corners of the field using his tact & delights himself & delights onlookers too. In life a man cannot live satisfying himself &satisfying others at all. Life experience is different to different people. It's never never ending at all.

Cricket develops team spirit . It is "One for all . All for one."