
Idea is nothing but a useful thought. It is a concept developed by the mind. There is nothing in the world more powerful than an idea. No weapon can destroy it; no power can conquer it except the power of another idea. It is ideas which are behind every creation or destruction that one comes across. It is ideas that make seemingly impossible into possible.Some ideas are simple. Some ideas are complex.Their composition varies.Sometimes only ideas leave clues and sometimes they are clueless. Ideas often save time, energy and money. Sometimes one is full of ideas. Sometimes ideas do not flash into one’s mind at all. Brilliant enforceable ideas are scarce in this world. Sometimes ideas are marvelous and work wonders. Sometimes ideas do not work at all. They fail miserably. Yet, ideas are always required. They are required especially when a task is very difficult.One can accomplish a difficult task with ease with an idea only. They are required to counter others idea too. Different situations, different circumstances demand different kind of ideas. An idea required to catch a thief, an idea is required to save a life,an idea is required to unearth a conspiracy and so on. An idea is required to fool others also. An idea can change a life. In fact, ideas are required for different purposes. Sometimes, they are required for good purposes and sometimes , they are required for bad purposes .Great ideas have small beginnings. Just like shortage of food, water, and shelter world faces shortage of ideas too. When ideas work a task becomes easy. When ideas do not work one becomes desperate also. Lack of money may be sometimes only obstacle whereas lack of an idea is always an obstacle. Ideas are indispensable in this modern world. The demand for an idea is universal. There is always an upward trend as far as demand for ideas is concerned. Moreover, the demand for ideas always outstrips supply. Ideas are always to be put to use wherever and whenever possible without any demure. Ideas that are kept idle are worthless.Only after an idea is put to use, its worth comes to light. If they are stored, they serve no purpose at all. They become useless and amount to waste of time, energy, and what not. In an instance where an idea or ideas is not utilized, it is obvious that one has not utilized their intelligence or scruples. As a result, normally such an exercise turns out to be a futile exercise too. There is a beautiful saying in Kannada language in this regard. The saying conveys that one had to make use of an Axe to get rid of a silly matter which otherwise could have been easily removed with a nail. Ideas are to be exchanged. Ideas are to be shared. They are never ever for preservation. Sometimes by a trial and error method ideas are tried. Only when we are confident about an idea, it is directly implemented. Same idea need not work always. As we put an idea into more and more action,it becomes stale or outdated. It needs change.

When what, and in whom an idea emerges nobody can prophesy. An idea is just like a bolt from the Blue. Ideas emerge even in an idle mind. That is why the proverb “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop” Cunning and crooked ideas generally arise in an idle mind.There are ideas to move things. There is ideas to move things faster & faster. There are ideas to decelerate. too. In other words there are ideas to control momentum in every way. Where might does not work, ideas work. Ideas depict human brilliance. Sometimes a lone idea serves a purpose or purposes. Sometimes a chain of ideas are required to serve a purpose or purposes. Sometimes idea or ideas are brain child of an individual only. One who is full of ideas is called innovative. Sometimes ideas belong to a number of individuals and they are a concerted or collective effort. A project generally consists of a single idea of an individual or a number of ideas which belong to a number of people. In case of some tasks numerous ideas come forth. In case of some tasks a few ideas come forth. Wherever ideas compete against one another good, better and the best ideas emerge. Normally, the best suitable idea suitable to a task is chosen by experts for implementation in such situations.

At the nick of moment if ideas get exhausted in anybody their defeat is almost certain. Similarly, it is not strength or number that always counts in a battle or competition. A weaker person can achieve success over a stronger person provided the former is equipped with better ideas, Ideas perform wonders. When ideas flash in mind one is happy. When ideas do not flash one becomes morose and thinks that mind is not working. When ideas are successful one becomes happier. It is not enough if ideas flash in a mind they should click. If ideas click, they do marvel. They perform magic.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. It is very difficult to describe what an idea is. When an idea is developed by an individual it is his or her brain child only. While when an idea is a borrowed one, it is somebody’s brain child. Those who have intelligence and those who think get ideas. Idea is something, such as a thought or conception that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. “Human history is in essence a history of ideas”. Idea has the widest range: All do not think on same subject. Sometimes subject may be same but line or angle with which they look at the subject may be different. All are not interested in the same subject to same extent. Further all do not have same intelligence quotient. That is why different people have different ideas. They are numerous types of ideas. Some have good ideas and some have bad ideas. Some have funny ideas and some have silly ideas. Some ideas are partially good and partially bad too. The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. Pros and cons of an idea should always be looked into. We cannot say all of a sudden which idea is good and which idea is bad. Some ideas are practicable and some are impracticable. Some are dangerous also. In other words ideas may be constructive or destructive. Ideas come to our mind according to our nature. All ideas do not come to same mind. Individual thinking may differ. Individual thinking has limit. Ideas depend on one’s knowledge too. Sometimes our mind is agitated. It does not work at all. Sometimes in a spur of a moment, some fantastic ideas come to our mind. Most probably our subconscious mind might have been working at them without our knowledge. Mood,or state of mind is very important to ideas to flash. A relaxed or rejuvenated mind generates many good ideas than an agitated one. One should have no worries, stress and tension for ideas to galore his or her mind. Further the idiom that necessity is the mother of inventions applies to ideas also for some need badly ideas to earn their bread. One may be mad after ideas. They strive to arrive at an idea.They think while eating, drinking, and standing, sitting and sleeping about ideas only. They mean business. They work so hard. They think of idea even in dreams. Whether an idea is good or bad, it is for the others to decide. Our ideas always seem to be good to us. If the ideas are good we call them innovative, brilliant etc whereas if they are bad they receive cold welcome and adverse comments. Ideas play a big part in any success. Ideas make solution of many vexed problems easy. We come out of a difficult situation with some ideas only. It is said that where nothing works ideas work there. Sometimes situations provide us ideas. Sometimes ideas alone do not work. They need support or backing.

How one could develop ideas, this is a million dollar question? When we devote our attention to this subject, many views emerge in us. Many say ideas emerge only if one has talent. They opine that it is an inborn quality. It is said ways and means to develop ideas are in exhaustive. One who developed ideas which are successful can only guide and lead us. One must develop one’s intelligence. One should spare no pains to bring in new ideas. It is an exploration. One must concentrate only to fields where he or she has immense interest. One should have a specific goal or two only. One must work hard. One must improve their knowledge. One should interact with people who are in those lines. One should know how to develop human relationship, elicit others views, exchange of information etc. These are a few suggestions that may help one to develop new ideas.

Contemplation, concentration patience, and such other qualities are quite essential to develop ideas. We should be inquisitive. Then only, many queries like what happens if we do this, what the other may do etc knowingly or unknowingly relating to matter arise in our mind and bother us. Answers also arrive in our mind simultaneously to these series of questions too. This question and answer session continues in the mind. We ponder about pros and cons of outcome from every angle. Ultimately, we arrive in this way to the best possible solution, decision conclusion by using our knowledge experience etc. That is how an Idea is formulated. It is a mind boggling process. Some gather opinions. They elicit ideas from bunch of opinions. There are various methods for generating ideas. Sometimes ideas are born out of ideas. Sometimes ideas come out of experience. Sometimes sufferings give birth to ideas. Peril teaches us ideas. Idea is generally an extra ordinary thought that arises in one’s mind. It generally arises only when one puts in more and more efforts or pains. Rarely ideas arise in one's mind sans one’s efforts. An idea is just like a secret weapon. It is by and large useful to one or another person in one way or other.

Having an idea is fantastic. Equally or more important is utilizing it. A scheme is formulated by clubbing many ideas. In other words scheme is nothing but pooling of number of ideas. Similarly planning is nothing but formulation of schemes. Further implementation of any plan needs ideas too. It is always better that there is co-ordination between ideas that come together otherwise everything may go awry. Collecting ideas and knitting them together to form appropriate schemes that could be implemented and which would be beneficial and that would bring in surpluses are all difficult. In other words preparing a viable plan or a project and executing is really a Herculean task. All ideas cannot be shared with others. Some ideas are always kept as secrets. Some ideas could be shared with relatives and friends. Nobody give even clues of ideas they have to their enemies and, rivals. Marketing and manufacturing need new new ideas. Ideas are not a commodity. Yet, sometimes it is sold and there are people who purchase them too especially in marketing and manufacturing. Business or trade ideas are known as trade secrets and are not generally shared.

All thoughts are not ideas. Ideas are not concentrated in anyone individual. Ideas are not anybody’s property. They can arise in anybody. That is why we come across plans and counter plans. Ideas are spread all over. In who a particular idea is there it is difficult to predict. It is also difficult to say when and how it will emerge also. Normally ideas come to intelligent people and not to dull herds. It is intelligent people who can understand others ideas too. They can smell a rat. If necessary they produce ideas to counter those ideas of others or opponents'. Mere ideas are of no use. They should be applied appropriately .Anything could be put to either good or bad use and ideas are too. Ideas are there to serve all purposes. Ideas help many people earn their bread. It is ideas which produce wonders. One can come out of clutches of an enemy with ideas only. One can fool others through ideas only. Nothing is impossible for ideas. One cannot even imagine the uses to which ideas can be put into. Ideas work in wars. Ideas work in catching thieves. Ideas work in expediting work. Ideas work in consoling a child. Ideas bring one another closer. There are ideas to make others happy. They bring peel of laughter. They are known as humorous ideas. Generally jesters, comedians, magicians ‘buffoons’ and jolly persons toy with humorous ideas. The question is where idea does not work? Definitely it would not work where the other is smarter than us. The fact is that one cannot make out which idea lies in whose brain. Ideas save our life from dangers, enemies’ etc. Some ideas work once or twice only. If an idea is really good it lasts longer. It becomes a routine as a process, or method. It would be called an invention. Thus inventions are born out of ideas only. Ideas are so important that one has to beg borrow or steal ideas at times. Nobody allow ideas to remain idle for long. Ideas are the brain child of one or another human being. Positive thoughts bring good ideas into our mind and negative thoughts bring bad ideas into our mind. A man with bad ideas is generally perverted and is called a crook. A crook would be punished one day or other. Success if any to them is always temporary.

Human nature is inquisitive. Generally a person is always ready to come out with his or her ideas. Only some wait for an opportunity to put forth their ideas. They wait for an appropriate time. Some do not have patience to withhold ideas within them because they would like to receive praise or prize for their ideas. Ideas are used for either good purpose or bad purpose. Murders, a conspiracy, a theft, a burglary all need ideas. Our employer needs ideas for development of business, scaling down of expenditure, increasing of revenues, increasing of profits. Hence, the question where the ideas are not needed arise in our mind. Ideas are needed in every walk of life. A man with good ideas always thrives. Demand for ideas never declines. It is always on the rise .Quest for ideas never ends. Some ideas cannot be valued at all. They are so superb. They are fantastic. They take us by surprise People with ideas are generally men of letters like scientists, engineers, doctors, writers etc. When such men with ideas migrate from a country, it is called brain drain. If one’s idea is accepted what a satisfaction or contentment one would have, definitely it would be more than what one would have if one finds a treasure. It is a time to rejoice for them. It is when they pat their back themselves. Further it is apt also. Good ideas bring fame, name, honor and reward to one invariably at one time or another whereas bad ideas bring disrespect and dishonor to one unfailingly. Encouragement, incentives etc persuade one to work more and more and come out with new ideas. When an idea is formed, it is formed with all the efforts of an individual. If that idea is not accepted but rejected, that individual would be disappointed. That individual might have built a castle in the air and it sees dust. Besides, if an inferior idea of someone else is accepted in lieu thereof means that individual would be dejected

Ideas are great. Idea should be always our own. We should not copy others ideas as far as possible. Some ideas are good and are worth emulating. If the inventors of such ideas have no objection then only one can copy them. Motivation always ropes in new ideas.

Exchange of ideas is to be carried out wherever and whenever necessary. It is important with whom we are exchanging ideas and why. One should be careful while exchanging ideas. Exchange of ideas should be always for the good. While exchanging ideas one may receive better ideas in return also.

Israel is a small nation that threatens mighty Arabs through ideas. Ideas can be countered through ideas only. It is always better to use ideas than force. Here is a story from Mahabharata which tell how ideas work. At last, uncle Shakuni, the great schemer, found the weak point he was looking for. He knew that Yudhisthira as a king would unlikely to refuse to play game of dice if royal invitation was sent to him. Here Shakuni was adept in this game of dice. He had specially prepared dice that followed his command! He could very easily fix the game where victory of Kauravas was assured. Thus after proper persuasion, Dhritarashtra sent invitation to Yudhisthira to participate in the game of dice. Yudhisthira had to accept the invitation and loses everything. What was not possible by might was achieved through ideas. Ultimately, Pandavas won Mahabharata war because of Krishna's ideas only.

How Vali was killed In Ramayana with idea only. Rama concealed himself behind a tree Sugriva wore a garland around his neck as to be easily distinguishable to Rama from Vali for both brothers were alike. Rama, standing behind a tree, shot Vali with his arrow and killed him. How ideas are used that is also equally important too. Importance of ideas will never recede. Beware idea is a web ,it can catch anybody.