How to Be Happy

Two important aspects of a life are happiness and sorrow.The difference between them is that happiness is always welcomed by everybody whereas a sorrow is always despised by everyone. However, either of them are not transferable or permanent in one's life. Besides,there cannot be a life without them too.They are two sides of the same coin. In fact, a duel always takes place between them in life. They are not in the same proportion in everyone's life.Their proportion varies from a person to person. Nobody is happy all the time.Only one who is fortunate and blessed would have a large slice of happiness in their life. They are considered as really lucky too. There are ways to do anything and everything. There are ways also to be happy too. To be happy is one of necessities of life. Without happiness a life is no life at all.One does everything in life with the goal to be happy ultimately.Happiness Is The Meaning of Life.

Happiness is a sweet fragrance which makes the atmosphere around lovely, lively and beautiful.It takes one into fantasy world. It could be so powerful as to make one forget not only the world around them but also everything. .It washes away bitterness if any one has. More and more one throws out bitterness more and more unhappiness leaves them. One rarely says enough to happiness. Once, one comes to know what is happiness they would be always hankering after it. Sometimes,when one is over poured by happiness they are unable to speak and express their happiness to others also. Happiness is emotional. It's healthy. It differs from person to person. A life without happiness is no life at all. To be happy is one of necessities of life. The mind works good only when one is happy. It's not enough if one is happy, everyone must be happy . Often,we don't find suitable words to describe what's happiness. It's wonderful.

One can toil and earn money but it isn't so one to be happy. It's really harder to be happy. Seldom happiness is a reward to hard work. Happiness is a butterfly .That's why a few are happy. Only if blessed one would be happy.Happiness doesn't descend from the blues. This is a fact. Many think that with money one can buy happiness. It's an illusion only. Money is not everything.Happiness is a state of mind. It depends more on an individual than anything else. We needn't search for it at all. Happiness is a pleasant emotion made out of contentment love, joy, inner peace and fulfillment. No one says "Don't want happiness" Everyone is after it in this world without an exception. One cannot enjoy anything without it too. One cannot relish food well without it also.

It is happiness that can only lead to contentment. When one is fully contented and has no wants or needs whatsoever, they are happy. Generally, we find smile, kindness and love too in such a personality and they are reflected on their face also. It's happiness that relieves one of stress and strain. Muscles and nerves remain relaxed when one is happy.Being happy, it seems, can help us stay physically as well as mentally healthy. Happiness can undo negative emotions like fear and sadness. As one grows old their attitude changes and situations that make them happy also undergo change. That's why situations that make young and old happy are different too.

How to be happy?Where is happiness? Is there charm in life without happiness? These questions haunt not only those who are in difficulties and who are suffering but also they haunt almost everyone in this universe without an exception. Further,these questions creep up again and again because they aren't at all answered to the satisfaction of one and all till date.It is in fact one of the aims or goals of one’s life to find answers to these seemingly simple questions. It's a wonderful feeling to be happy. It's an unique feeling. Many a times, it's not even possible for one to find apt words to describe their happiness.In short, it is indescribable. It is to be felt and understood. One would be longing to be happy again and again.Happiness of one needn't be happiness of other also.Life is certainly better when one is happy.Happiness is always more than a treasure.It cannot be seen. It's immeasurable.It cannot be either bought or sold too. It is a secret. It is an art.How to be happy that could not be taught. How to be happy one has to realize. There are numerous opinions and tips regarding how to be happy.

Why so many can't find a way to become happy when they want it so much? Millions are struggling daily in this world to be happy. There are no definite or prescribed ways and means to be happy. By hook or crook one cannot be happy. In fact, in their pursuit of happiness one may even tread a wrong path also. Thus everyone likes to know more and more in this context. Happy moments are memorable one. It is they make one forget difficult days of their life or worries . Thus, majority of people desire happiness. However, there a few who may like to dwell in melancholy in this world. Those who are always unhappy are said to have depression. One of the ways to be happy is to move away from that which causes unhappiness and one of the best ways in that context is to follow Mahatma Gandhi. Always remember Gandhiji and his three monkeys. That is do not see bad , do not talk bad and do not listen bad.

One shouldn't compare themselves with others more in order to be happy in life. One should be contented with whatever they are blessed with and should never even think about whatever that they are not blessed with too. Contentment is very basis of happiness. Further, to be happy, it is always better if one’s wants and needs are a few or limited and those which could be satisfied with ease too.The Happiest people do not necessarily have the “Best”Things. They simply appreciate the things they have. HAPPINESS IS ALWAYS WITHIN. Contentment is very basis of happiness. There cannot be happiness without contentment at all. More one diverse their attention to various other matters one drifts away and away from happiness. It is said that happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but if we sit down quietly, there is every likelihood of it alighting upon us.

To be happy one should definitely know what happiness is. One must be aware of the ingredients to happiness too. An amicable atmosphere or environment is one of the prerequisites to be happy.Unless one is cool, relaxed and comfortable, they cannot be happy at all. Some say living is an art. Our mastery over the art will make the life very pleasant. There are others who say that we have to lead a simple life and habits will make it pleasant. They are people who think that happiness is something that is to be inherited and that it is a property of some privileged people only. Some people believe that it is fate that decides whether one should be happy or unhappy .Sankara says "Who knows his own nature knows heaven. So what is our true self? That is the central question. " If you keep on smiling or laughing, does it mean you are happy? No definitely not. There are laughing clubs all over the world now. People become member of this club to keep themselves fit. Shakespeare says a man may smile and smile yet be a villain. Generally, appearances are deceptive. Some people do not like others to be happy. When they see others happy, they become jealous of them. The sadistic people derive pleasure by troubling others or when other people suffer or get hurt. Happiness is a temporary phenomenon to them. They are not complacent. They are always agitated. Laughing or smiling is only a way of expression of happiness. It may be an artificial one or deceitful one even too. One who laughs or smiles need not be necessarily happy at all. It is impossible to say when & how happiness would appear and disappear also.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them. Company of those people who are happy makes those who join in also happy. But happiness is not always transferable.It is only a catalyst.Good company,pleasant weather, favorable events which one could enjoy can make one happy.They are the tools to make one happy. If one is happy, they can make others also happy. Happiness is a byproduct of a creative mind. One who can divert their thoughts with ease have the ability to be happy under any circumstances. That does not mean one should be fickle minded.

Little little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Similarly,a little,a little happiness add to make a feeling of great happiness.Happiness lies in us. Be simply happy. Enjoy present. Try to maintain mind calm and peaceful always. Do not give room to guilty feelings. Learn lessons from your mistakes.Majority of us are ignorant of these facts just like a musk deer which does not know that the fragrance is emanating from its own navel. We unnecessarily search for happiness here and there. Happiness is psychological. Happiness is a state of mind. It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere too. It is evasive. It is not a commodity to be bought in a market. Everybody thinks that happiness is at the top of mountain. In fact happiness is found while gradually climbing and touching the peak. Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is. It cannot be evaluated in terms of money. When asked to choose between wealth and happiness, people who are sane prefer happiness. Unless one is complacent, one cannot be happy. Wherever there is happiness, there is generally complacency. Happiness is always to be experienced. It never decreases on being shared. It does not last for long. It tries to elude everyone. One could be happier for a longer period only if they know how to preserve happiness. It is a tact that is not so easy for anyone to imbibe in them. Happiness is scarce. It is priceless.

Nobody can remain in this world without being happy for ever. One needs to be happy at one or another time in life.Happiness rejuvenates a person. "How to be happy "is the subject matter. Nobody teaches a child how to walk, it learns by itself. Similarly how to be happy we should learn by ourselves. It is a tendency. Here and there we may get only some clues from others to develop that tendency. Our mind plays a major role in evolving happiness. Human mind is a workshop. It is mother of all inventions. It is also behind much destruction that has taken place in this world too. Either good thoughts or bad thoughts enter our mind. Mind will not remain idle. We have to replace bad thoughts with good thoughts.What are good thoughts? What are bad thoughts? Good thoughts are thinking about our successes, achievements which have added feathers to our cap and made us proud, events we enjoyed a lot, remembering the people who have helped us in one or other occasion, good things about our friends, children, kith and kin etc. This is known as positive thinking. Thinking in other way, means thinking of our failures, defeats, humiliations, quarrels, enmity, and other short comings. This is negative thinking. We must think always positively. Our efforts should be to make good thoughts occupy mind predominantly. If we allow bad thoughts to dominate,we will become sorrowful or depressed person. Happiness consists of "positive emotions" and "positive activities". Positive thoughts only can make a person happy.Unless one drives out negative thoughts, they cannot be happy at all. The happiness of our life depends upon the quality of our thoughts.

One who wishes to be happy should be lively and enthusiastic. There is real magic in enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber. Enthusiasm is very good lubrication for the mind. What one who is depressed lacks is enthusiasm. One who is depressed can never be happy at all.

Hard work pays normally one rich dividends..In order to achieve a blissful state, one needs to strive hard.: It is always easy to preach but it is always very difficult to practice. As per Shakespeare " there is nothing good or bad thinking makes it so". Learned people say by practicing yoga, pranayama, prayers, and reading good books containing lives of great people which increase concentration and devotion to God, one can achieve self control. Their mind will be receptive to good thoughts. They become master of their mind and all the happiness in the world will be theirs .On the contrary, if one allows bad thoughts to dominate their mind,their mind becomes devils workshop.The brain of human which is mother of all inventions may make life horrible and miserable.

Control over our mind is very essential to be happy. Mind should not be allowed to vacillate. One should have a firm mind. One shouldn't be either pessimistic or optimistic also. By falling prey to vices, one can enjoy life only for a brief period. Pleasure is not happiness. It is only a component of happiness. Some enjoy at the cost of others. Some have pleasure in taking alcoholic drinks, drugs etc. In such cases their life becomes miserable as the time passes. It is better to streamline our thinking process and keep our mind healthy to enjoy our life. Our mental health is as important as our physical health.

Reverting to subject matter, I feel sometimes, ignorance, innocence, illiteracy, turnout to be blessing in disguise to be happy. More you know, more difficult it will be to become happy. If you are ambitious, if your ambitions are not full filled, you become disappointed and dejected. You lose charm in the life. If you are content with little things and complacent, you are happy. Be satisfied with what you have. Do not long for what you do not have or what you could not have. On the contrary, if your expectations are high and the result is not up to your expectations, you become sad. In this regard, one of my friends, used to say hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. If your friend is a follower of sayings in Bhagavad Gita, he would advise you to do your duty and leave the result to God .Sometimes you start comparing yourself with friends, classmates, colleagues, relatives in terms of wealth, achievements status in society etc and if you find yourself not well placed, you become unhappy. Thus, thinking makes us happy or unhappy. Is our intelligence is a curse to us. Do the animals which have less intelligence are happier than we human .Like this bunch of thoughts emerge in our ever busy mind. The chain of thoughts must ooze out systematically like flow of water in a beautiful stream where water inches forward slow and steadily without any hindrance in a particular direction. We must have a healthy mind to be happy. In order to lead the thoughts in proper direction, I feel Psychology must be a part of our education system. A subject must be introduced at higher secondary level of education compulsorily on Psychology. It must cover essence of human psychology by eminent psychologists. This will save abundant man hours to the world and productivity will increase definitely along with efficiency in the world.

One would always like to be happy again and again. But one would not like to be sorrowful again and again. What is happiness one would realize only after losing it. One should be always satisfied with whatever one has. One should never be after anything that he or she does not have. Desires always lead to one or another kind of sorrow. One with less desire could be happier. In other words one who dreams less and who has a sound sleep could be happy and one who has no desires would be always happy. Of course a desire less person is a saint. Further, one should know how to forget bitter memories comprising of bitter experiences or incidents of life to be happy. One should worry less to be happy. By worrying one achieves nothing. By worrying, instead of keeping an enemy at arms length, one goes hand in glove with enemy. Worrying becomes one’s natural ally. One should allow that to happen. One should have good hobbies and keep oneself engaged in or another way. One must bury the past. One must treat it as dead for ever. One cannot make any changes or alterations to it at all. Similarly one should not think about unborn tomorrow too. Instead one should enjoy to-day to the maximum possible extent to be happy. This is what Fitzgerald means in one of his poems.

Happiness never decreases by being shared. One should know how to share it with others . One should know that happiness increases when they share it with others. They should know how to treat both happiness and sorrow equally.That is they should not be either be carried away by too much of happiness or too much of sorrow. Happiness is better than all kinds of wealth. It is a treasure. It cannot be stolen. One must not have any kind of fear to be happy. This they should know to be happy in life.

Here are a few guidelines to be happy: - 1 Do regular exercise. 2 Improve your quality of sleep. 3. Listen to good, soothing music .4.Get close to nature. 5. Maintain cleanliness.6.Dispose off rubbish 7. Anger, sign of weakness.8.Don't advertise your problems 9.Enjoy each moment of life.10. Learn to appreciate others.11.Be optimistic.12. Follow your gut.13.Make enough money to meet your basic needs 14. Stay close to friends and family 15. Find happiness in the job you have now. 16.Smile.