Be Yourself

Do not compare yourself with anybody and try to imitate them. In life, as far as possible, one should never imitate others. One shouldn't try to be anybody else.One should remain self. One should be what they are and not what they are not. Otherwise, what's the use of having a name & a specific identity. One loses their identity and becomes a nonentity while trying to be somebody else.One should always maintain their individuality . Be yourself doesn't mean that one must think too much about themselves. It means be what you are. Sooner or later, one would be definitely in trouble by trying to be what they aren't. It is an act of deception too. Imitation is suicide. It's foolish and dangerous too. Be yourself; because an original is worth more than a copy.

As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Accept who you are, just be yourself, and you’ll feel a world of difference.

Stealing isn't mere stealing of some material only.Truth can never become false.Similarly,a false statement can't become truth even if repeated any number of times. Be yourself. Be what you are.Be unassuming.Be yourself means be yourself in thoughts and deeds. It never means that one should be self centred. One would be no better than a monkey if they imitate others as a monkey always does. Of course, a child imitates others because it does not know what is good and what is bad. A child is innocence personified. Its actions are pardonable. It is ambition, greed, jealousy and such other qualities that instigate one to be somebody.

"Live the life you were meant to live." "Be the person you were meant to be." says Shakespeare. Be yourself. Of course, it is very difficult to remain yourself in this world because imitating others is one of the basic human instinct . You have to overcome numerous hurdles in order to remain "yourself " Do not get perturbed or change your mind in your endeavor . It is when you are "yourself "you draw others attention more than usual. It is then , you take responsibility on your shoulders. That is how you play a big part of a successful person and live your purpose. Being yourself is a mindset, a way that you make your self think. You can wear a mask yet you cannot hide your identity.Sooner or later your true self would be revealed. Just like imitation , copying is also undesirable. In literature, if a writer copies another writer it is unfair and objectionable. Everything must be a writers own. A student is debarred for copying in an examination. Be yourself. Do not copy anybody. Otherwise ,your life would be mediocre, not lively, not living – just a duplicate.

A man is losing his identity in this busy modern world. One is not at all projecting their true self in this world instead they are trying to project themselves as somebody else. Why one tries to be somebody else? Is it due to lack of confidence in self? If one has no confidence in themselves who else would have confidence in them? That is why the call “Be yourself. It is where thinking, deeds, and utterances all belong to you only. Everything bears your stamp and it is always for your betterment.Nobody can be your greater well wisher than yourself. You are your greatest well-wisher. It is in fact a personality development. Dependency is always treated as a Shortcoming and not advisable also. How to Be Yourself :- There are eight steps. 1. To be yourself, you need to discover yourself. That is you do have to know, understand and accept yourself. 2 Stop caring about how people perceive you. 3. Be honest and open. 4. Relax. Stop worrying. 5.Develop and express your individuality.6.Have a productive day. 7 Believe in who you are. 8. Follow your own style.

Be what you are. Assert yourself. Everywhere, we find hypocrites in this modern world. We boast of our cultural heritage but follow some other culture. A few are frank and straight forward in the present day world. What one feels or thinks is different than what one actually talks. Honesty is scarce. This is not thinking negatively but scribbling what is noticed and felt actually. We cannot take anything as granted. They are making words of William Shakespeare that “world is a drama theatre and we are all actors in it” come true. We are reminded of other sayings of Shakespeare like “a man may smile and smile yet be a villain “and “Appearances are always deceptive ". These days, we can rely upon or believe only on a few people. Now a days, everybody wants to get their work got done by hook or crook and in the process they stoop to any level. Corruption has made in roads into every walk of life. It has been affecting common man more than anybody else especially in developing countries. People are becoming more and more selfish. Everybody is not simply ambitious but over ambitious. Everybody wants to amass wealth, climb the ladder in his or her professional or employment hierarchy. Everybody is after fame and name. Everybody is struggling, competing but a few are honest and sincere. A few are complacent. Everywhere we find unrest, tension, deceit, etc. A husband does not believe a wife and a wife does not believe a husband. A son does not believe a father and a father does not believe a son. In other words, we cannot rely upon our own right hand and left hand. Relationship between one and another is deteriorating day by day. The idiom that one should give respect to another and take respect in return is being forgotten. Only comforts, standard of living, mortality have gone up at the cost of moral and ethical values. Is this old order changeth, yielding place to new?

Everybody preaches, but only a few practices. We come across lengthy sermons, and lectures . Some spend a part of their illegal or sinful earnings on religious charitable activities either because of prick of their conscious due to their throwing every fare practice to wind or with the purpose of getting benefited politically or socially or some other purpose. Times have changed. Everything gives room to doubt. We cannot make out easily which is real or which is unreal .Everything is looked upon suspiciously. Self-respect, affection, and independent thinking are necessary for an individual always. Unfortunately they are on the decline. People do not have time to think independently. Everywhere spoon-feeding is rampant. They do not have time to love their children, brothers, sisters’ and parents. Most of us fail to establish our identity as a result. Be yourself. It is a solution to all modern ills. Be yourself develops courage, confidence, esteem and other requisite qualities in individuals. In fact, we find people who feel proud to be themselves in this world.

Craze for movies is increasing day by day. Most of the movies are having ill effect on masses. Day by day people follow the fashions displayed in movies and also copy what models wear. As a result day by day less and less clothe is being used. Especially, feminine dress has been worst hit. It is becoming display of their physique or in other words it has become nothing but skin show. As a result sometimes we doubt whether weaker sex has become still weaker that they carry less clothes on their body. What we used to see in vulgar movies we come across daily on roads. Demand for saris has been decreasing in India. Women do not want to cover their body fully. Use of tight jeans is on the increase by male as well as female population. Housecoats are used not only within four walls but also outside while going for walk etc. At least some of them are lazy even though they deny it. Their problem is who will change the clothes and go out. Some of them say that it is very very convenient and their husband has no objection. Further, they say that they dress to please their husband. They never mind what others would think. They do not understand that sparse clothes on their body create wrong impression about them. They forget that it would have all adverse or undesirable effect on opposite sex. Especially, those who have loose character or have no character at all. Such people try to make advances. Likewise even gentlemen irrespective of age could be found in Bermudas. This tells how copying of other culture is deteriorating our moral and ethical values for which our elders stood for. There should be always method in madness. It is artificiality that creates all the troubles of life ,it does not allow you to "be yourself"

According to Hindu tradition hair cutting by ladies is inauspicious. These days numerous Beauty Parlors could be found in towns and cities, I do not know about villages where ladies get their hair cut. Some young ladies appear in street with hair cut like boys and dressed like boys. It has become difficult to distinguish between boys and girls. We keep blinking .Is this all necessary? A lot of valuable time, money is wasted for make up which is nothing but appearing what you are not. Then we complain we have no time. Is not enough if we please our better half? “They do not realize that once the make up has gone they are the old self. It is person who is respected and not his or her appearance. “Be Yourself.” There is nothing more beautiful than God given our natural features, which may be a little less for some and more for others. We cannot change. Further, it is inner beauty that is more counted than outer one. Thus time has come for a change. We have to assert ourselves by being ourselves. That is by presenting ourselves as we are instead of projecting ourselves what we are not. More we give our mind work, and do independent thinking, new, new thoughts ideas, views, all emerge. Mostly that come out are original. We become innovative. That is how inventions were possible in this world. There is always advantage by being “ourselves”. Otherwise, our intelligence gets rusted.

Sri Krishna has told Arjuna in Bhagwad Geetha that whenever you tell the truth, you only tell the truth, which pleases others, and do not tell the truth, which displeases others. But time has changed now we have to tell the truth whether it pleases or displeases others. Our attitude must change. How many among us have the courage to tell the truth? When we tell the truth nobody accept it so easily, on the contrary they get annoyed. Some people even ask us to mind our business. Natural behavior has given place to artificial behavior. Whether greeting somebody or bidding good-bye to someone. A cordial intimate smile does not emanate now a days. Everything begins and concludes with Hi and bye. In U.S.A. when we go for a walk, we come across many strangers who realize that we are foreigners and give a smile and say Hi. Everywhere we find artificiality. Formerly, in majority of Indian families, children used to address their parents as Amma or mama and Papa or Anna, which are the apt words in their mother tongues for the purpose too. But now a day, that is on the decline instead child is often taught to address its parents as Mummy and Daddy, which westerners generally do. Here, those people are under the impression that one would think that they are highly educated and civilized if their children address them as Mummy and Daddy. It is copying. It is foolishness. Do not pretend. Do not wear masks. "Be yourself.”

There are various cultures in this world. Every culture develops according to geographical situation, climate, habits and customs of that region. Costumes are designed according to the need of place. After much thought only, our elders arrived at the life style that is suitable to our place. Be a Roman when you are in Rome but do try to be Roman everywhere. Simply we should not fall a prey to any other culture. Whatever good is there in other culture we can adopt only if it is absolutely necessary. We can open the door for other cultures. There is nothing wrong in it. But it is not prudent to sacrifice our culture just for cultural exchange. When our culture is exceptionally good, when it is not bankrupt following others culture blindly tantamount to imitation. Then question arises whether it is because we are decedents of monkey we imitate? Is there no self-respect left with us? There is no doubt we should say adieu to our superstitions and blind beliefs etc. No doubt we are born equal. We should all live as equal. We should give respect and take respect but at the same time we should remember that parents, teachers, elders, who are all responsible for our upcoming cannot be treated as equals they are always above us. We should respect them always. We are morally bound. We should not say what they did it was their duty.

Where the climate is chilly where are people are mostly non-vegetarians, where it is absolutely necessary to keep them warm and fit people use alcoholic drinks like beer, whiskey, brandy, along with food and even use cigar irrespective of gender. That is their custom also. Whereas, in places like India following such practices when it is not absolutely necessary it is imitating and a bad precedent too. Some people in the process become drunkards, addicts’ etc. Thereby they morally degrade themselves also. Whether it is India or other country people should follow their practices, which are generally really good. One should not leave their traditions and customs except when quite essential and it should be for the better only. One should not try to please others except when absolutely necessary. It is enough if one pleases one’s own conscious. My neighbor adopted a different life style. He spent more than what he earned. He did not cut the cloth according to its size. As a result he was in debt and yesterday the financiers came and took away whatever there was in his house. Nobody sympathized with him. His children who were studying in colleges were the worst sufferers. How can they concentrate on their studies when situation at home is at the worst? This is an example, which illustrates that “ Be Yourself ” and do not try to be what you are not. Even if we eat a little less at our home, if there are no valuable items are not there at our home it does not matter, people may only think we cannot afford. But definitely we will not be a laughing stock and cut a sorry figure if we are what we are not. Be yourself.

We may occupy high positions in life through our hard work or luck,yet we should remain what we are.We should know our responsibility. We should maintain dignity and respect of the chair. We should not be egoistic. Position, and power etc are always temporary. As soon as we vacate the chair we lose them. Whatever good deeds that we did when we were in the chair that only remain. We should be always unassuming and remain what we are whether we occupy any position or not. That is “ Be yourself.” It is that makes us complacent expeditiously.

Though, they do not like a man ,they do not convey their opinion openly except when they want to serve their connection with him for ever. On the contrary, they try to please him, they talk nicely to him , they shower all praise, even qualities, which are not there in him, are found because they want to get a work got done through him. We find all kind of pretension until captioned work is finished. Some people behave as if they are very courteous. They try to please others and be in others good books. But there is a proverb which means that too much of courteousness are signs of a villain and one should not believe such persons. True colors of anyone cannot be concealed for a long period. They would come to light or known either to day or tomorrow. It is impossible to please one and all. It is foolish too. Why should one enact a drama? Why does one wear a mask? We should be our self only. One should be firm minded and not fickle minded to be them self.

Great people are never unnerved under any circumstances, they remain what they are. It is a quality which all great people are bestowed with. Shed all pretension. Be yourself, it is you what you are. It is a determination. It equips you with moral courage. Your self is a reality. It enables to build up self –esteem. Self-esteem is a basic human need. Be yourself, otherwise you would be dancing to others tunes and virtually become a toy in their hands. As a result, there is also every possibility you’re becoming a puppet in the hands of others too. Be yourself otherwise you do not have any individuality. Be yourself, on any achievement without any hesitation you can pat your back yourself. Anything you do is original and not copied from anywhere or anybody. Be yourself, otherwise definitely conscience pricks you sooner or later. Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. This is what sane people advise us. Be yourself, whether it is success after success or failure after failure. It never means that one should be always adamant, rigid or rock like . One should be flexible and change with time only where it is absolutely necessary. Here and there whatever good others have, they have to welcome and adopt them. Choice is always theirs. The achievements of Great compel one follow them. Everyone can't be great. Be yourself & achieve something . That could be a great one day. "Be yourself" could be always an additional qualification too. There are certainly more advantages than disadvantages in being yourself .It's be yourself that brings one often many time contentment than anything else.