
Impossible and possible are two diametrically opposite divides. The divides are there in every field since time immemorial.That which is not at all achievable is impossible. Likewise, possible is one which is achievable.The fact ,that there are impossible things is hardly surprising. Impossible is as good as making heaven and earth together. It needs not only efforts but also requires everything including luck, talent, intelligence, patience ,strength, and encouragement. Lest,one should have inherited supernatural power to make impossible into possible which is rare and exceptional. No doubt a man plays a major role in making impossible into possible but other factors too play equally an role in making impossible into possible . If somebody does impossible thing possible, it is really surprising. It is an achievement.It is a feather in one's cap.The possible are more but impossible are not less by any means in this world.

Making impossible possible is always difficult. Generally people get their fingers burnt in this hard process. Many times it is fraught with danger too.It is adventurous. Elders say one should not make even an attempt also. They feel that it is nothing but foolishness. But one should not consider anything as impossible without making an attempt. According to Napoleon Bonaparte, there is no word called impossible in his dictionary at all . Which person is capable or who will succeed in making impossible into possible we cannot say before hand also. Appearances are always deceptive. There are always surprises in store in this regard. A dream is always imaginary and is generally not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with. It is totally unlikely. Hence it is also known as impossible unless it turns out to be a reality. Mountain cannot go to Abudulla and Abudulla has to go to mountain. King cannot go to Abudulla, Abudulla has to go to King, Sea cannot go to river, and river has to go to sea. These are all time truths. Any change in them is impossible. Impossible will remain as impossible for ever unless one tries and absolves it. It is like a unsolved riddle. Human capacity is always limited.That which is beyond one’s capacity is generally impossible .If one does anything that is beyond their capacity, it is really astonishing. It is great. They are applauded and praised by everybody.

If one sits idle thinking that it is impossible things will never move at all. They will remain where they are and as they are. In fact, such a stance helps opposite camps. Many appear impossible initially but when attempted are found to be dead easy. According to many nothing is impossible and thinking that it is impossible is nothing but only a negative a thinking. It is human beings who say that it is impossible. It is human beings make it possible too. Both possible and impossible are in the hands of human beings only.Human being can write an history. Nothing is impossible to human beings. It is always true that where there is a will there is a way. Impossible must be the last word that one must say always. It is determination that is always essential to make an impossible possible. Everything always seems impossible until its done. Inventions have made that which was impossible till yesterday as possible to day.Kudos to science.

Once it was said east is east west is west never twain shall meet. But ,to-day world has come so closer that differentiation is almost vanishing. It may be a Herculean task at the most. Even Everest is conquered. Man landed on moon. Bhageeratha brought Ganges to earth through his efforts .Even a dream can become a reality. What is not possible? They question. Lord Tennyson says “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dream of” Some are of the view that that through devotion one can do marvels .

That is their view. It is positive thinking also.

Successes, success stories, encouragement motivate one to attempt that which is impossible. Confidence is always required to make an impossible into a possible. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Overnight, impossible does not become possible. It is always gradual. It is generally time consuming. How long it will take we cannot predict even. It requires patience and consistent efforts. Sometimes, it is a lifetime achievement. We should never lose hope. With the advent of new medicines many diseases which were once thought to be incurable are curable to-day. Kidney transplantation, heart transplantation is taking place. That which was impossible is becoming possible to-day .But impossible cannot be removed completely from this world. It cannot become zero. They may decline in number at the most.

While attempting an impossible we may fail .We may fail once, twice, or a dozen times or even more. We will not fail always. Failure is always a stepping stone to success. Take for example, Olympics. In every Olympics records tumble like nine pins. In every Olympic world records are broken and new records are established. Records are always for being broken. Nothing is impossible. Shane Warne has taken highest number of wickets in test cricket. Muthiah Muralidharan is near that record, he may break or some other cricketer do that in near future .One has to put their heart and soul to do impossible into possible.

Competition sometimes makes impossible into possible. Everything is not that easy. One should never spare any pains. Success and failure are all part of a game.Pleasure comes only after pain. Attempting at anything impossible does not amount to building a castle in the air. It is a valiant attempt. But where there is risk of life, where it is prohibited by law of the land , we should think twice and make sure that it is quite essential in larger interest, before we make any attempt at an impossible. The story of hare and tortoise is also one where impossible becomes possible. A weaker man beat a stronger man provided he adopts better tactics. Here weaker man may win and lose a limb also. Sometimes impossible and possible are like between devil and deep sea.Thus possible and impossible may take place simultaneously too.What is possible becomes impossible if not attempted properly.

Good atmosphere and encouragement are too always required to make anything impossible possible. It is believed by many that by His grace they could make an impossible possible. It all depends on the mindset and abilities of individuals.One requires opportunities to make impossible into possible. Person to person possible and impossible are different. Sometimes, a task that is possible to one may be impossible to other. There may be some reason behind it also .Some are of the view that it is foolish to try to make an impossible into possible. According to some making impossible into possible is a miracle and only God will do it. That is a man who does anything impossible into possible is superhuman. He is a genius. He is a prodigy. Opportunities do not knock at our door. We have to try for them too .

Everyone would be proud of one who make the impossible possible and hold them in high esteem. Great people have always made one or other impossible into possible. That is their greatness. One who always does what is impossible to others is a prodigy. Of course , magicians, hypnotists do perform but that is possible only and not impossible. Hypocrisy is not impossible. It is cheating. Similarly, one who is adventurous always attempts at impossible.They always aim in life to achieve something that is impossible and that nobody has attempted also. In their enthusiasm to do something impossible, one should never forget the laws of the land. What one does should always be within the parameters of law. Sometime our boss, friend, relative ask us to do something that law prohibits even though it is possible and within our reach we should never even attempt such a task under any obligation. Breaking a law should never include among possible and impossibles. It would amount to foolishness. It is always impossible only.

Success goes to those who dare and act and not to timid. Some are of the view that we have to toil day and night to make an impossible into a possible one . Some are of the view that everything must favor us and dame luck must smile on us to make an impossible into a possible. It is certain that making an impossible into a possible has never been that easy. It is an uphill task. It is a magic. It is an achievement. It requires strategy. It requires planning. Some say we have to try and say whether it is possible or impossible . Some,without making any attempt say that it is impossible. Opinions always depend upon an individual. Without attempting one cannot make out whether it is possible or impossible .By experience only we could know whether it is possible or impossible. Some are of the view that attempting at an impossible is loss of face, and it is burning of fingers. Some are of the view that we know our capabilities and we must know whether that anything is possible or impossible to us. By and large anything impossible is always a hard nut to crack.Opinions differ person to person. We require patience, intelligence, strength, and tact for making impossible into possible. These are not vested in everybody in the same proportion. Mix of these various factors differs from person to person. That is the reason one that is possible to one is impossible to other or hard to achieve for the other. That is why some have to put in more efforts and some have to put in less to make impossible into possible.

Non following of laid down procedures, laxity in following rule & regulations , carelessness, no strict vigil make impossible into possible. That is why frauds, thefts, break down of law are there. Some especially anti social elements wait for such opportunities to make impossible into possible. With negative thinking possible becomes impossible. Failures, discouragement demotivate us to attempt impossible.With negative frame of mind one cannot do any wonders. One can never do impossible into possible. Sometimes, muscle power, money power are used to convert impossible into possible. In such instances success if at all it is there, it is temporary one only. Unfair means boomerang one day or other. Many a times impossible and possible go hand in glove. Crime is an impossible to a sane person even if there is strict law and order is there or not for because he or she knows that it is an offence whereas to an unscrupulous fellow it is always possible for he or she does not follow law . When one does a series of murders, we call him or her as inhuman for it is an impossible for an ordinary man. There is every possibility of that person being mentally ill too. Otherwise one cannot be so blood thirsty or barbaric. However,sometimes circumstances compel one commit the impossible.Necessity is the mother of invention.

Achievements are not ordinary feats. They are making impossible into possible. Here is an achievement of my friend. Emerging out of poverty means rising up from the scratch. One can really be proud of him or she provided he or she extricates themselves from poverty with their own efforts .It is an achievement. It needs hard work, patience, and a little bit of luck too. It is an achievement under adverse circumstances. Their achievement proves that money is not everything Here is a real story.Bharath Beedi Works provides substantial income to poor families of Karkala. One can sit at home and do the work and earn. It is preparing beedies with tendu leaves. Mr. Pai was from a poor family. He was earning by tying beedies for his education. His family was so big that it seems people were hesitating to call them for a dinner. He studied hard and worked hard. He obtained bachelors degree in commerce in 1968. He passed CAIIB examination in 1969. In 1970, he became an officer in a bank. Thereafter, he climbed the ladder of hierarchy in his career path. He became manager, divisional manager, assistant general manager, deputy general manager, and general manager. He was a self made man. He passed LL B examination also . It was a success story. What he had not even dreamed , he achieved in life. Life of great people are such success stories only . There may be a little more success than this . That is all. Sometimes our achievement may not be recognized or come to light at all but self contentment will be there and that is more than anything else.One’s fate is written .It is impossible to change it. Similarly it is impossible to effect changes to one’s past. Changes in these two are ever impossible.Success and failures are secondary. One will be remembered for attempting something worthwhile that was impossible. Fame, name and impossible generally sails together.Everything demands a price. Making an impossible into possible too demands a price. Besides fame and name , sometimes it brings wealth too. But it takes its own toll. One is fortunate only if they receive more than what they pay.