Education is prosperity.

“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” said John F. Kennedy, President of United States of America.

Education is prosperity. World Bank president Jim Yong Kim rightly says "No country or community has prospered without an educated population. Education is key for economic growth, competitiveness, and social cohesion. It is also the foundation for innovation and development, and opens the way for lifelong opportunities, which are essential for long-term peace and stability.

What a an honour education brings. It can make anyone bow .It is quite essential for the development of man as well as of the world.It isn't diminishing wealth . It is visible, but indestructible wealth.Its importance always remains high, unaltered,unparalleled .Genes of every human being contain seeds of education it's up to them to nurse & develop them into plant & tree. Education is fresh air to breath in & breathe out .Today many common people are occupying high positions because of it only.

Education enables one to analyse & know what is fair,what is unfair ,what to spread what not to spread .It enables one to live & let others live.It's a treasure.Success in life lies in how best one makes use of it.It's a tool to prosper. It's a friend in need indeed.Discussions & arguments take place on account of it.It makes life lively.What's good,what's bad.This enlightenment , it develops in man. It drives away many of the superstitions that men have.Life is hazardous not only if one has no money it is hazardous if one has no education too.

No education means ignorance.Many make misuse of ignorance. Ignorance of law is no excuse too. Education is prosperity .There's no limitation to get educated. The limit is the sky. It is education which often drives away darkness, blindness & tries to enlightens everybody. It isn't merely inventions are fruits of education,whatever reforms that have taken place in man & world from time to time are its fruits directly or indirectly.Education reforms thinking ,updates thinking.It could be a magic wand too.

Education develops man intellectually & makes him more independent.It makes him a different man a liked man,a beautiful man,a useful man.It is money not real prosperity . It is education, real prosperity.Education is not merely bookish knowledge. It is practical too.

Education isn't mere a means of employment.It's knowing more & more whether what's there or what isn't there also. It begins with alphabets never ends goes on goes on.It makes one wise & smart.It drives away ignorance .It increases efficiency, helps one understand themselves as well as others. It leads one on the right path. It enables one to understand what is right & what is wrong & tread right path .It makes one more curious & enthusiastic. Albert Einstein says " Education is not the learning facts, but the training of the mind to think "

Achievements in education is not a mean achievement . It is scaling a mountain after mountain.Education is as important as the air we breathe. It is the most important possession a person must have. What man does not know can know through education. Nobody need tell the importance of education man himself realises. Great philosopher Aristotle rightly says " Education is an ornament in prosperity & a refuge in adversity " Nothing brings more success than what education brings.The rich man is not one who has more money, he is one whose education has no bounds at all. It blesses man with better life. Comparison , improvements, modifications etc are its brainchild. It expands only never contracts.It is education only that could give real clear unbiased complete picture about A to Z . It is real knowledge. Success of education is not one or two, but endless. Benjamin Franklin rightly says " An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. "

Education must change or modify & reflect in one's behavior. There's a lot of difference between the behavior of a learned & not learned. It's a tussle between superiority complex & inferiority complex, confidence & non confidence too.Donating to education is not a less a charity than donating food to needy.

Education doesn't allow one to simply conclude. It enables one to study, discuss, argue ,understand & decide.It helps one plan ahead too. Branches of education aren't one or two but numerous.

Without education a man cannot be a complete man. The Story of the Blind Man & an Elephant At the Centre of Global Education is used to help explain Global Education. The story originated from India. In various versions of the tale, a group of blind men (or men in the dark) touch an elephant to learn what it is like. Each one touches a different part such as the side, tail or the tusk. They then compare notes on what they felt, and learn they are in complete disagreement. The story helps to show that each man had a part of the truth as to what an elephant is. Only by listening to one another and putting each part together, could they then get the full picture. Global Education is mirrored by this story, in that it is made from various parts: • Values & Perceptions • Human Rights • Sustainable Development • Interdependence • Conflict Resolution • Social Justice • Diversity • Global Citizenship .Only by acknowledging and understanding all 8 key concepts one can truly grasp Global Education in its entirety.

Education doesn't fall from the blues. It is not a cakewalk.One has to have it put in all their efforts, burn midnight oil & do what not. It's hazardous . His blessings are quite essential for being well educated .Modern education & ancient education are different .The education system has been undergoing changes.