Cheating has never been an honourable way of living at all.

Son cheats father . Father cheats son. Wife cheats husband . Husband cheats wife. Student cheats teacher. Teacher cheats student . Mother in law cheats daughter in law. Grander mother exclaims " Time has changed " (Kala Mari Po chi)

Go for shopping. Vegetable vendor cheats. Shopkeeper shows one thing & gives something else. In weight , price, quality & in everything there is cheating. Engage an auto auto rickshaw driver too cheats. Cheating does not allow one to be calm & peaceful at all . It makes one restless. No one wants a cheat to go scot- free. They want to teach a befitting lesson to the cheat. In the process man learns many lessons.

Is it necessary to know what's cheating in life?Definitely, it is necessary to know what's cheating in life. Charles Dickens says "Honesty is the best policy". Now a days, honesty is diminishing everyday whereas cheating is increasing manifolds in every field. Where is no cheating ? Why people cheat? What are the reasons for escalation in cheating everyone wants to know. Cheating is always surprising . It is often a bombshell. It is a bolt from the blues.One's innocence and ignorance are often exploited through cheating.Many matters do not need a teacher to master. Cheating needs no teacher too. Man himself often develops it. Anything good develops in a man gradually whereas anything bad develops in him overnight. Often. bad would be waiting in the wings .

I had been to Tirupathi with my cousins to have darshan of Lord Venkateshwara a few years ago.At that time,we paid a local man & had punganama on our forehead. It reminded me of having punganama in our real life. It is 111 (one one one).

It is said if dullard has one way, intelligent has several ways.There are not merely 7 ways of cheating. There are countless ways of cheating. Cheating is not confined to anyone class . Rich , poor, young ,old male , female & everyone cheat at one time or other. It's a negative attitude.There are numerous reasons for it too . Sometimes they are one and sometimes they are several . Some of the reasons for cheating are need, success ,selfishness, jealousy, failure relationship & revenge etc. It would have been good to man as well as to world if man utilizes intelligence other than to cheating. One can cheat anybody but not themselves. It is said that one can cheat anyone but not God. In fact, on being cheated a man becomes more wise. Cheating is the getting of a reward for ability by dishonest means or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation. It is generally used for the breaking of rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation. It is an unfair tactics. Every cheating that one undergoes is a lesson .It is not only dullards get cheated but also intelligent get cheated. Some share it with others . Some do not share & consider it as an insult /shame. Who is a cheat ? It could not be easily made out. Why it could not be guessed also. No cheat on the earth admits that he or she is a crook. It is their deeds that prove what they are.Cheating is a double acting. It is always a dual role. Charles shobhraj is one of the famous crooks of recent times.A cheat is never recognized as an intelligent person at all . A cheat is always called a cunning guy or fox only.Anything may require an opportunity but not a cheating. A cheat never waits for an opportunity to cheat at all . Of course if there is an opportunity never misses too.

Different tactics are adopted to cheat different people.Man must be beware of the cheats as much as he is beware of the thieves. When,where & how one would cheat others ,it couldn't be said at all.How cheating would affect one,it's one who has undergone it only knows.No one wants a cheat to go scot free.They want to teach befitting lesson to the cheat. Sometimes, cheating is visible to eyes & sometimes it isn't visible to others at all.When one is cheated, some sympathise & inquire how it happened etc. Whereas, some instead of inquiring laugh at them. If one who cheats a person who cheats others there is little justice in it but if one cheats an innocent or an ignorant person,it is unpardonable at all. A cheat is generally a heartless person. A cheat does not distinguish between good & bad at all.Shakespeare has described a cheat very well in his play Hamlet. He says " A man may smile & smile yet be a villain. "

When cheating took its birth , it is unknown. It is there since medieval days. It is going to be there as long as man is going to be there on the earth.It's innovative.It's an art too.While cheating others man would be happy, he wouldn't know others pain at all. It is when he is cheated he often realizes his flaw & repents usually too. One who knows pain would not like to cause pain to others normally.Cheating is always not easy at all. It too requires thinking & planning etc. Nobody tells and cheats. One often cheats & rejoices. Of course, it wouldn't last long. Anything hard earned itself would not remain, how could anything that is earned or achieved through cheating could remain. It is only momentary.

Modern life is so complex that it couldn't be dreamt even in what ways one would be cheated in it. These days cheating is a profession.Shakespeare rightly says " Appearances are deceptive " One needn't go anywhere to get cheated, the cheats call on our doors in different guise. Cheating is a way of life. There is no person who is not being cheated in the world at one time or other.Cheating Is so rampant that it is not known whom to trust & whom not to trust. Only if a man anticipates any cheating, he could be cautious. A cheat seldom discloses his game plan. He takes others usually by surprise. A cheat fools others by crooked plans. Cheating is not stabbing from the front. It is backstabbing.

Cheating isn't good at any time at all. It seldom goes unnoticed . It comes to light sooner or later.A victory obtained by cheating is no victory at all.Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond & picking up a rock.No one likes to get cheated. But everyone gets cheated either due to smartness of cheaters or due to their own carelessness in life. It has given rise to the proverb " once bitten twice shy".

Banking involves financial transactions. In it scope for cheating is enormous. At every step a banker must be cautious. His position is that of a person between devil & deep sea.

Here is an incident of cheating in a school. In the test day, a student who hadn't prepared for the final exams copied from the classmate sitting next to her who was the smartest student in the class. After finishing the test, she was very satisfied with her paper.

A few days later the teacher called her to the teacher's room. The teacher said, "Hmm, you got the highest score on this test. I was impressed with your result because I didn't think you were such a hard-working student." The student said, "Yes, I am."

The teacher replied, "However you made an unfortunate mistake. You know what it was? You also copied your classmate's name. I told you to keep your eyes on your own paper! So the poor students had to take the test again in a classroom without any classmates.

Cheating some people its easy & cheating some it isn't easy at all. Cheating no one appreciates. Cheating is not a mistake. It is a choice. It needs no intelligence.It needs perverted intelligence only. Cheating is always with one or another intention. What feelings cheating would arouse in a man who has been cheated, it couldn't be said at all. Cheating strains relation between who cheats & who gets cheated. Cheating doesn't make one famous but it makes one infamous. Cheating is a crime only. Cheating if once developed would never leave one easily at all. It is contagious.

One must think twice before cheating others. No one likes cheats. They keep them at arm's length.One who has been cheated would never forget it easily at all. They not only abuse those who cheat them but also they curse them. Building trust after cheating is an uphill task.Cheating isn't either a great deed or an achievement at all. One can cheat others once or twice but not always.One cannot always live cheating others at all. A cheat would be caught one day or other. He could not throw dust to others eyes forever.

Cheating often brings one temporary gains & satisfaction only. No one need punish a cheat,his conscious itself pricks him. There may be reason or there may not be any reason for a man cheating another man too. Sometimes circumstances make one cheat others also. Yet,cheating has never been an honourable way of living at all.It is a cheat who is the one who is one of the most disliked one but also the one who is one of the most hated one too.So what does God say about cheating? In the Ten Commandments he said, "You shall not steal" (Deuteronomy 5:19). And cheating is stealing—usually, it's stealing someone else's work.