Life is Very Complex

Weather is not uniform. Sometimes, it is hot . Sometimes it is cold. Sometimes it is windy. In short, it is complex. Similarly, life too , people speak in different tones, different languages, in different styles and on different matters. Life is complex.Complex is the physical organization of human body, extremely complex is the emotional life of people, their thoughts, ideas and endeavors. Quite complex is organisation of human society, complex - tangled and interdependent are dynamic processes manifested in our planet, in our solar system and universe. Yet, life is beautiful because of its complexity. It is admired because of its complexity. It is complexity that makes it more interesting too. It is difficult to understand it . It is difficult to lead it. How many changes one undergoes in life. Man has got seldom control over changes that take place in life. To-day, he is in rich, tomorrow he is poor, to-day he is healthy, tomorrow he is unhealthy, to day he is popular and tomorrow he is unpopular. Life cycles of change go on without any stop. Nobody can lead life in any way as they like, as they want or as they think. If life was simple, it would have been easy to lead it. More people would have been successful in life too. One would have certainly questioned what is there in life if there was no complexity in it .They would have said it is boring. But life is not simple.It is not stationery . It moves on . In which direction and how it moves and when it comes to standstill etc are not known at all nor could be guessed even. Life is complex. Future is always uncertain. Life is swimming against the current.It is really very complex because we do not find solutions to too many of its vexed problems and we remain shattered. Life is never a straight line.Life is not a cake walk. It has many curves & twists and ups and downs .Sometimes those curves & twists and ups and downs are gradual and sometimes they appear all of a sudden and take us by surprise like a bolt from the blues. Life is unpredictable. Life is a roller coaster ride. Life is a web, it is really difficult to come out it. In Darwinian terms, life is a struggle in which only the fittest survive to reproduce. Thinking that life is complex is not at all a negative thinking .It is a reality. Life is not a joke. It is not so easy as it seems. It is not like eating a plantain.What is life ? Even the creator will not say what it is. He won't say anything . He will never disclose a little bit even."Take a birth and know what it is " That is what He hints.Our life doesn't run if we want it to run. It doesn't walk if we want it to walk. It moves as it wants . We are fortunate if it obeys us. It is very complex.

M. Scott Peck says "Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another… The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness. " We not only notice difference in the appearance of a human being when we compare with that of another but also we notice difference in their personalities too. We also find variance in qualities of individuals. We notice innumerable qualities in human beings. Those qualities are invisible but could be noticed in one or another human being in their behavior. Some of them are good qualities some of them are bad qualities. Some of them are neither good nor bad qualities .As a result, quite a good number of questions like what are the good qualities. What are the bad qualities? Whom we can call as a bad man or whom we can call as a good man? etc arise in us. Man is generally a mixture of both good and bad qualities. No man is totally bad or totally good. Everybody by nature wants to develop only good qualities .But sometimes, some qualities do occupy us without our knowledge and we are ignorant of the fact that those qualities are unwanted. Whatever the qualities we acquire become an integral part of our behavior and generally never leave us till the end of our life. It is really very difficult to get rid of these qualities which we knowingly or unknowingly absorb at one or another stage of our life. Everybody has one or more distinct qualities by virtue of which they are known in the society.Circumstances, environment education, customs, traditions, food,and genes etc are responsible for the development of various qualities in us. Though we cannot tabulate good qualities or bad qualities as they are innumerable, we could make only an attempt to know what these two different types of qualities are. The complexities of life neither could be completely described nor could be completely understood. Life comprises of thinking, mistakes and what not. It contains numerous uncertainties. Besides, life is competitive also. Life is a mystery.

Honesty,sincerity,boldness,kindness,generosity,frankness,simplicity,helpfulness,friendliness,intelligence,knowledge,gentleness,softness,truthfulness,sportsmanship,patience......etc are only some of the good qualities. Jealousy, revenge, stealing, cheating, harshness, rashness, dishonesty, timidity, miserliness rudeness, bluffing, hatred, enmity, crookedness, ferocity.......etc are only some of the bad qualities. Those who possess more of good qualities and who are known for their good deeds are recognized in the society as good people and those people who possess more of bad qualities and who are known for their notorious activities are called bad people.Thus society consists of different kind of people who have different qualities .There are not one or two reasons , there are many reasons for life being complex. Life is complex because dealing with people is not easy.We can not live in isolation. We have to mingle with both kind of people and lead our life. We have to develop relationships with one or another. Relationships too are complex. Life is an art which a few possess. Our success in life depends very much on our mastering the art of living. In order to know more about these qualities and human behavior, better we study" Psychology". It is a science of mind and behavior .During our secondary school education, generally, we are taught compulsorily subjects like history ,mathematics ,geography, general science and as a result to-day reap the benefit in our day to day life. Many more reforms are quite essential in our educational system to cope with the times .One should learn at least basics of Psychology during school life as it would definitely help them a great deal in leading life in this modern world.

Life is complex because it never runs smoothly. If situations are not properly handled in life, life becomes more and more complex and messed up. As a result, everything gets compounded. One of the reasons for the life to become complex we consider it as simple at the outset and we who mix it up and make it complex. Life does not comprise of good times only. It comprises of bad times also. We face numerous problems in our life.Further there are numerous varieties of problems too. Many problems do not have solutions at all. They are created and decided by our fate only.They are beyond our control too. Some problems do have solutions but those solutions are difficult to be carried out. In addition to problems of life, one has to face natural disasters and diseases. There are numerous types of people as illustrated above in this world. Appearances are deceptive. A man may smile and smile and yet be a villain. It is difficult to deal with many of them. It requires tact. All are not bestowed with it. All are not bestowed with same opportunities and comforts in life. One is born equal and die equal .It is only philosophical. Nobody is equal in between. Disparities are numerous between one individual and another. They are bound to continue as long as life is there on this earth. It is not easy to decide also what to believe what not to believe, who to believe and who not to believe in this world. Life is always complex. Many a time one cannot make out whether to live or whether to die. It is not a bed of roses .We cannot take it as easy also. Some are of the opinion that life should be complex and never should be simple. They feel that otherwise there is no charm in life at all.

Why do some people try to run away from life. Why are all not contented ? If life were not complex, there would not have been any suicides in the world. There would not have been any difficulties in it at all. None would have come to know what stress and strain are. More number of people would have been successful also. There would have been no grouse or frustration anywhere too. Life would have been like one in heaven. Everyone would have been happy . Everyone would have enjoyed life . We would not have come across disappointments, failures; and sufferings .We need not have to face awkward situations also. Sometimes circumstances are such that we become totally helpless. We do not find words to describe our difficulties to others. Others would not also be in a position to help us. That is why people throng religious places like temple, churches, masjids, and gurdwaras etc where they offer prayers to Him to relieve them of their hazards of life. These are all indicators that show life is complex. Intricacies of life are inexplicable. A few are complacent in life. A few have only peace of mind. Majority in life are restless. They are worried about tomorrow. Future is also unpredictable. Shakespeare says "When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But in battalions." Life is very complex. As time goes by there is no likelihood of life becoming less complex but there is every is likelihood of it becoming increasingly complex. Life is a challenge. What number of people in how many ways have tried to describe what life is. Yet , the exercise remains incomplete. It is continuing..We are dolls in His hands. A poet very aptly describes life as His fantastic playing with the dolls.