Man's attitude.

We are not always right. We go sometimes wrong too. To err is human. Our thinking forms our attitude. Attitude is the way we view something or tend to behave towards it.It's that either pleases or offends others. Man is what his attitude is. Attitude plays a part in virtually every phase of man's life. It has powerful influence over behavior of a man. It's a vital ingredient of life. A man's actions would be always in accordance with his attitude . Nobody need tell what their attitude is their actions reveal what it is. Of course, what's the attitude of those who are mild and silent it isn't not at all easy to make out. It’s attitude through which the world sees man and forms opinions and attitudes of its own. In other words a man is judged by his attitude .Conscience is a spiritual quality that bids man good attitude.Man shouldn't adopt an attitude that's against conscience at all.

Environment in which one lives influences their attitude.The interesting thing about an attitude and human beings is that it alters between each individual. Attitudes aren't alike.A man's attitude not only affects him but also it often affects others also.It makes some happy and some unhappy It's an individual's ideals,his concepts of right and wrong,and all his aspirations. It represents an individual. Actions show whether one's attitude is good or bad. Attitude has to be formed only after much thought.It must be socially acceptable, purposeful and motivate others. Many times attitudes are strange and difficult to understand also.An attitude is an individual choice but it must be a suitable one . What attitude when one should have that only experience would tell.Life is too complicated to predict what attitudes will persist and which will change. Usually with good people good attitude and with bad people bad attitude are adopted in this world. Change in attitude often brings in other changes . However, it is seldom easy to change the attitudes.

Attitude of a benevolent man is different . Attitude of a miser is different. Different people have different attitudes. Different situations demand different kinds of attitude. Nobody is born with all their attitudes. When a wanted guest arrives, it's a different attitude. When an unwanted guest arrives , it's a different attitude. Only some aspects of an individual's attitude are inborn. There is always a reason to adopt an attitude . Attitude develops as one grows in the company of parents and others. The challenges and difficulties of life have their imprint on it.It also depends upon many other factors too.

"Come what may let His grace be there " is an attitude. One with such attitude can concentrate on their task or goal without being bothered what's happening around. Success surely knocks at their door. Helping one even though they themselves are in trouble is really a great attitude. Only one who is selfless would have such an attitude. A man would have certain attitudes because of the qualities that he possesses too. A man who is jealous and hatred adopts an attitude that it doesn't matter we are drowned , they are also to be drowned. What is tit for tat? It is an attitude. It is adopting the same attitude as the other adopts. It is paying with the same coin.

Attitude depends on mindset of a person. Attitude would be as the relation between on another would be.If the relation between one another is good ,attitude would be good and if the relation between one another is bad attitude would be bad. Attitude wouldn't be as Gandhiji says. Gandhiji says if someone slaps one chin give them another chin to slap. Attitude now a days is if someone slaps one chin . Slap them on their both the chins .

Giving room to positive thoughts in mind leads one to positive attitude. While negative thoughts in mind lead one to negative attitude.Even research says, patients with a positive attitude towards life tend to recover fast than compared to ones with negative and pessimistic approach.A positive attitude enhances one's emotional, mental,physical and spiritual well being because one operates in the way that they are created to function and life becomes happier and successful to them. A negative attitude on the other hand shrinks one's personality, poisons their health making them to operate below their true innate capacity and life becomes distressful and a failure .

By and large, attitude of a person won't remain as it is. It changes under circumstances .It becomes either tough or softened according to it. Often endeavor would be to improve attitude. Of course, attitude of some people won't change a bit even whatever may happen. It isn't enough if one's attitude satisfy them.It must satisfy others too. Further, it's always better if one is aware of consequences of their attitude. It's always better too if attitude doesn't hurt or inconvenience anybody.

Attitude is important. It needs intelligence to be more effective. A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing. An attitude can be liked or disliked. It can win or lose a friendship.One's attitude could be either right or wrong. One must try to develop right attitude . Our attitude is reflected in our behavior. Our minds and attitude shapes how things turn out in our lives. We are liked or disliked for our attitude . Nobody need tell us whether our attitude is right or wrong. We ourselves can know whether it's right or wrong.More likes indicate that our attitude is right. If attitude is right everything goes right. Anything is possible attitude is quite essential in life.

When everything goes wrong it means something is wrong with us. It means our attitude is wrong. We have shown hatred where love should have been shown.It means our attitude needs a re look. When attitude goes wrong one often regrets very much also.Where necessary one has to change their attitude. Same attitude wont suit to all and at all times. Attitude must undergo suitable changes as situations demand. Seldom a stubborn attitude is essential. Attitude must be flexible and adaptable and not always rigid. Sometime hard attitudes and sometimes soft attitudes yield dividends. One's attitude can have a strong influence on their life and their overall success/failure. The greatest discovery is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude .One man's attitude has influence on other man's attitude. More one experiences and understands life better would be their attitude towards others.

Good attitude is essential everywhere.Attitudes aren't confined only to human beings. Attitude would be there towards other nations. Attitude is there towards various topics too.When many are involved all their attitudes must be only one and one only to be successful .