Criticism is part & parcel of human life.

There is no one in the universe who has not come across criticism at one time or other for one or other reason in their life. It is one that is most dreaded. Everyone adopts their own strategies to deal with it. There is a saying " One can please God, but cannot please a man. "One may want to keep quiet. Their tongue wouldn't keep quiet at all.Great Greek philosopher Aristotle says " Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” Many opine that conveying what one feels is always better than criticism. Criticism is often due to superiority complex and ego in a man. Language of criticism is always different.. What is needed to listen or go through a criticism is always patience.

A memory takes me back to 1959-1960, when I was studying for graduation. My kannada text was Kalidasa 's Shakuntala. How much dignified decent could be a criticism . Dushyanta maharaja rejects pregnant Shakuntal in crowded darbar. How she responds to him she merely utters " Uncivilized "

Whatever development may take place. Whatever may happen As long as sunset & sunrise are there, as long as man is there, there would be criticism in the world.It isn't merely politicians criticise one another but also everywhere criticism has spread its wings.

What wouldn't be criticized. Who are all not criticized. Prose, poetry, deeds & all are criticized. Why anybody criticise him many a times men himself criticises himself for his lapses & deeds.Similarly,he appreciates himself too. Life is strange. There is more criticism than appreciation in the world. One may forget an appreciation but wouldn't forget the criticism that they come across at all. It remains often green in their memory. What is prevailing even in these days is criticism of mother in laws by daughter in laws & vice versa in many societies.

With criticism rampant everywhere this is the state of affairs in the world. What would have been the condition of it without criticism at all. World would have been certainly in jeopardy. Criticism is quite essential, otherwise a man may assume that he can behave according to his whims & fancies. Criticism is the controller. It is the regulator. It reforms. It tries to make things perfect. It is not merely enemies & rivals criticize but also others too criticize. Of course to bear criticism one should always have strong mind & heart. Criticism could be made use for self-evaluation and self-improvement .

What is essential in criticism & appreciation is always frankness. Otherwise, people make use of them to their convenience. Great poet Sarvagnya rightly says " They simply appreciate & appreciate & crucify one to golden trident "

Criticism may be from the bottom of heart. It may be out of knowledge, jealousy & what not Dakkanna Achari son of Jakanachari criticized his own father's sculpted statue. Result was that father had to cut his hand.

Stars of some people are such whatever they do would be subjected to criticism. Criticizing is easy. Nobody can stop criticism .In world, even if one does bad or good one would be criticized . Even Gods are criticized. Criticism carries weight only when it is on some basis. Otherwise , it is a comment. It has to be always substantiated otherwise it has no meaning at all. It is the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.It seems to be free of cost, but it isn't so one may have to pay a high price for it. One has to think twice before criticizing anybody or anything always.

Some are sensitive to criticism .Some are not sensitive to criticism. Some like criticism & welcome criticism. Some dislike criticism & hate criticism. Criticizing is habit of some people & they do not get sound sleep without criticizing somebody at all.

Criticism mustn't be a fault finding excise at all.It mustn't be criticism for criticism. It must always carry weight. It must be reformative.It must not curb enthusiasm & demotivate anybody at all too. It is a tool to be used prudently. It affects one's confidence. It has a basis. It should be where it should be. It should be always made after wearing their shoes & feeling what we would have done. It's one which can stop anything bad happening. It is one which can stop anything good happening also.

Criticism is a form of communication.It should not be either discarded or too much of importance has to be given to it. It is to be treated on its merit. Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.

All cannot criticize. One should be competent to criticize. Criticism has good & bad also. Criticism may cut a man to his size. It may not allow a man to be too proud too. Good criticism improves one. It helps growth.It shows right path. Bad criticism discourages one. Pains one.

A genius is not affected by criticism. He takes always good & leaves the bad.

Here is a story I came across regarding " Criticism"

Criticism : Take it With Pinch of Sugar! Critics are Useful till you Limit Them to positive lessons only!

Once upon a time there was a painter who had just completed his course.and painted beautiful scenery. He wanted people's opinion about his caliber and painting skills.

He put his creation at a busy street-crossing. And just down below a board which read -"I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake."

While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was completely shattered to see that whole canvass was filled with Xs (crosses) and some people had even written their comments on the painting.

Disheartened and broken completely he ran to his master's place and burst into tears.

This young artist was breathing heavily and master heard him saying"I'm useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I'm not worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely. I feel like dying"

Master smiled and suggested "My Son, I will prove that you are a great artist and have learnt flawless painting.