Life is a chain of numerous truths.

Truth is a test which challenges man in various ways in his life.It isn't always not Truth vs Falsehood . Many a times it is Truth vs Truth too.There can be no justice without truth.Man must always know the truth. Without knowing it one cannot tread truthful way. Truth is the torch light that shows the way.Nobody imposes truth.The man only accepts & follows it.It is quite essential in life. One of the aims of life is to know the truth. Life would be fruitful only if able to grasp a large number of truths in it. Finding truth is seldom easy.Those who have a sharp brain grasp it quickly & those with blunt grasp slowly. Ultimate is always truth. Beyond it, there is nothing .

Knowing truth is a noble ambition.Many a times though it's in front it isn't visible at all. “ Truth searches for no one. It waits to be found.” says Suzy Kassem. A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes says Charles Spurgeon. Why truth comes out later? Even if seen with eyes it has to be ascertained whether it's truth or untruth. Truth may be late, but it is certain to arrive. It is like a tortoise slow & steady. It always wins the race. It's an armour that protects one from all evils.

Telling the truth is not easy. Practice makes one perfect. Truth tells too needs practice. Then only it would take fine shape & effective.Truth hasn't become supreme overnight. How many oppositions it has fought & won in the history. It has proved its mettle. Truth is an ideal . More one uses it more one shines like a diamond in the sky.

Truth always matters. According to Aristotle great philosopher, Truth is " To say of what is, that it is, or of what is not, that it is not " Nothing should be accepted as truth blindly. Truth emerges out always more shining after a test. There's always a sea of difference between truth & untruth. Man must always have an urge to know the truth. Wrong thinking, wrong steps is all on account of absence of truth.Truth enlightens one. It makes one a positive thinker. It never gives room to negative thoughts at all.It binds one morally.It generates moral strength.Life proves nobody need be with you if truth be with you. Truth is a magic wand what it would do & wouldn't do it couldn't be said at all.It makes one confidant. It is like an oasis that comes to help in the desert. It is it only comes to man's help when nothing comes to help.It's “priceless, invaluable”.

Failure of a truth isn't a defeat at all. It's a test.It's a try again.Truth relates to all times.It relates not merely to present.It relates to past & future too.Once a man stands by truth he is a different man. Truth can change the entire picture. It can make everything Topsy turvy. Truth is a mirror where everything appears crystal clear.All God fearing people usually speak nothing but the truth only. What others would speak it couldn't be said at all.Not telling truth allows a culprit go Scot free & innocent punished & humiliated .

Truth often plays hide & Seek game.Where are truths in what forms it couldn't be easily said at all.The truth couldn't have with ease. One truth isn't like the other at all. Truths differ one another. It isn't a bolt from the blues at all. What all has to be done to know it,it couldn't be said. It's an Herculean task.One has to fight tooth & nail. One has to sacrifice.One has to burn midnight oil.One must have the desire to have it. Only one who is fortunate & blessed would secure opportunities to have it. One must have a cool mind to grasp it too. Sometimes it is mysterious.Often there's a story behind every truth. Many a times it doesn't come out at all. It cannot be described at all too.Further, presenting truth is an art .Some present lies in such a way that one could hardly make out that it isn't a truth.

Detecting truth is sometimes an investigation. All investigations are based on truth. One need not make use of Narco test always to arrive at truth. There are various other ways of arriving at truth. They need skills. Intelligence is quite essential to device ways & means to find out truth. One of the ways of finding out truth is interrogation.Good people have no fear of truth at any time, but guilty & who faults always fear truth.

Truthfulness is the greatest & most important of all human virtues. All religions, all epics are based on truth. Great poet Keats rightly says'" Beauty is truth, truth beauty,that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know".Life is a chain of numerous truths. Sometimes truth is so horrible that it's hard to believe.It isn't enough one knows the truth, they must know how making the best use of it.How it's made use of is always important.Truth shouldn't be manufactured,its beautiful if it originates.Many a time no one need tell us that it's truth we realise that it is truth.It's a truth that could bring peace of mind,happiness ,& contentment. Its power cannot be evaluated or measured at all.Often, truth needn't be searched it would be in front of our eyes, we have to open eyes & see only. Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita " When you tell the truth say what's sweet. Don't tell the truth that's not sweet."Truth is limitless. Quench of it mustn't subside at all. It is anvil to greatness.

Man is inquisitive . One of the goals of everyone in life is exploring truth.Knowledge is knowing truths.God's favourite is truth. Truth is the way to heaven.It always shows the right path.It develops one's image. It makes one liked. It illustrates which is water, which is milk.What the world needs are truth & not the lies.The truth comes not from tongue only it emanates from the bottom of heart too.Telling truth clears conscience . It does often society better. Pleases self, & God.

Life is nothing but traversing one truth to another.While uttering truth one needn't think at all whereas one has to think not once but twice while uttering a lie. Truths never die,they are born only. Knowing truth is always wisdom.Truth told by anybody has to be accepted whether it's from a child or it's from an enemy.More one knows about truths more there is to know about them. It is never ending.

What is truth? How is it ? It can't be always said. Sometimes it's plain & simple. Sometimes it's complicated.It is a unique force in the universe. The Truth is true. It always has value. Truths are of different types.They are known & unknown.Often they are suspense too.Quest for them would go on. One of the difficult tasks in life many a times is knowing what is truth what is falsehood.The Story of My Experiments with Truth is autobiography of Gandhiji. Everyone's life is experiment with truth.Truths are inexhaustible.Many truths are not expressed they are to be realised. Only God knows all the truths. What truths we come across in books are a few only. They are the few among those found in life. There are more in life. Truths are endless.

Truth does one good, proud & free of tension. Anything can be hidden,but not it.It emerges in one way or another if not today tomorrow.It rises even from the grave too. Search of it never ends. Sometimes truth is grasped by eyes as well as heart & sometimes it's grasped only by one of them .It clears various misconceptions & misunderstandings . It often opens one's eyes, enlightens them & shows the right path.It's a power that can't be defeated.It's always a winner. Every success & failure in life are truth only.

Every truth that one comes across in their life is always a lesson.It's an unforgettable experience. Survival is possible in the world because of importance that truth commands in it. Truth doesn't change, but it can bring out changes. All depends on what's it. One who would have a sound sleep is a man who speaks always truth.It's truth that develops pure conscience & peace of mind.What's always needed in a man is absolute faith in truth. Truthful speaks truth under any circumstances. He always stands by truth.

A mother is every child's first teacher. The mother must never smile when a child tells a lie. She must give a slap to it on chin & tell always to speak the truth. It's how she makes it aware the importance of truth. It's rightly said in a poem " Story of a cow ".God won't be pleased if life isn't led in a truthful way.God is truth.Truth is God. Bhagvad Gita says " Truth always triumphs ".Truthfulness in one even when in dire straits always deserves more kudos than at ordinary times.

Truth always works well & does wonders. It's right information. It puts one on the right path.Falsehood isn't so,may work only initially well but always harmful. Once a liar always a liar.Even if a liar speaks truth,nobody believes.In life man undergoes many tests.One among them is undoubtedly truth test.Where there's truth there no other protection needed. Truth is a great weapon as well as a shield.Where there is it there is always victory.If nothing spreads no matter truth must at least always spread. More it spreads better it is .Telling the truth is in fact an unburdening that eases conscience, gives one relief & makes one contented.