
Who doesn't want to improve ? Who doesn't want suggestions ?All thoughts don't emerge in a mind only. They emerge in different minds. Always more minds are better than a mind. As long as the world is there the need of suggestions won't subside at all.What the man needs most is suggestions for leading & living a better life. Good suggestions boost sales. They tone up administration. They make life pleasant. Everywhere they work wonders. Everywhere they are sought. They come forth especially wherever there's motivation,trust & relationship.They are as a result of man's thoughts.Some suggestions hold good for all times & some are for a particular moment & a particular task. Suggestions are called as tips too. They must always emerge from bottom of a heart. They build a pool of ideas.Which suggestion to accept which suggestion to reject is often a dilemma.Accepting a suggestion or ignoring it is a tough job. It is a decision to be taken shrewdly.

Everyone cannot emerge with good suggestions. Only those who have intelligence knowledge & experience could come out with good suggestion. However,they could be from anyone .They need n't be only from a boss. When they are accepted & implemented triumphantly,it's an occasion to be proud of. It's a feather in cap.It's jubilation.Wherever there is crisis and when one doesn't know what to do, a good suggestion is a sigh of relief. It's suggestions that augur changes wherever essential . At good times they pour in from all quarters and man not only pays attention to them but also follows them at that time and prospers too. Otherwise man thinks that they are job of a person who has no better work to do at all and doesn't heed to them however good they may be. One can give suggestions. It is up to others to follow them. One can take a horse to the water but they cannot make it drink.

Suggestions pour in on a man depending upon what type of a person he is . A mild or soft spoken person usually receives more number of suggestions .Suggestions often create a dilemma. Whether to accept them or not to accept them would be a dilemma. Life is not a straight line. Situations are not similar at all times in life. At times there would be too many of them and they put one into a dilemma also and would n't know what to do at all. When suggestions are more, it is difficult to make a choice. Elders say "Do not listen to anybody. Do what you feel is right"

Suggestions are suggestions only. Before they are put forward it must be ensured that they are practicable.What it is one would know only when it's studied & understood.They are generally offered without any risk & responsibility. They can be either accepted or rejected. Suggestions many make but their performance a few only guarantee. Often, in life when one wants them one won't get them but when one doesn't want them one gets them more. Further, suitable suggestions that one gets often would be a few only.When & how much suggestions one would need in life it couldn't be said too . Way anything is conveyed is always important. Suggestions too are to be communicated always properly. Otherwise, there is every possibility of them being misunderstood too .Offering suggestions is always an opportunity. Suggestions are guidelines. Success always lies in accepting suitable suggestions.

Others problems are our problems. This must be always human attitude. What we may not think others may think. When there are complexities ,when one doesn't know what to do suggestions are the most wanted. They are wanted for development & improvement. Suggestions comprise of phrases like don't do anything ,keep quiet and begin now etc Two heads are always better than one.That's why suggestions are solicited.Suggestion is always voluntary and not compulsory. It is a mode to help. It mustn't have any other motive than helping. Number of good suggestions could be made for betterment wherever possible. They aren't confined to anyone field at all. Following them is one's option.If one follows them that would be certainly to their advantage only.

Some hesitate to give suggestions & some come forward to give them . Suggestions depend upon nature of person. They must be always selfless and without any expectation. By giving suggestions one wouldn't lose anything. In fact, one often gains something by giving them. They must be given only after thinking twice.

Same suggestions don't always hold good. They need change from time to time. They vary from person to person and from situation to situation. After much serious thought only suggestions must be arrived at. They must be worthy valuable and suitable.

There's no compulsion that a suggestion is to be followed.Suggestions are followed mostly for one's advantage and benefit. One must be grateful to one who offers suggestions. Suggestions sometimes work well & sometimes don't work well .A suggestion is simple few words that can do wonders. Richelle E.Goodrich says " It's advice,not a commandment. Don't swallow it whole until you're absolutely sure you've been given good,healthy advice.” If suggestions work well one may shower praises & receive pats . If they don't work one gets unnecessarily blame or brickbats. They are rejected. Suggesting is quite often a tough & thankless job.

Suggestions often help one to make improvements & find solutions. Sometimes they are called for. Sometimes,they are considered as poking nose into others affairs & they are uncalled for too. Well wishers give suggestions, experts & experienced give them too. Sometimes, they pour in & sometimes there's dearth of them. A suggestion must spring always from bottom of a heart. It's a clue as one visualizes.It's an opinion. It neither costs anything to one who gives nor there's compulsion to anyone to follow it also. One should always try to go through a suggestion. Otherwise, they may have to definitely repent for it later on. However, they mustn't blindly follow them. One must be careful about them. Suggestions may be good or bad too. Wherever possible they must be put to trial before implementation.