What is tomorrow?

The answer one gets to this question is not same to everyone.

Tomorrow isn't merely 24 hrs afterwards.God only knows what it is. It's full of suspense. It can be what we want it to be or may be everything what we don't want it to be. Everything Topsy turvy.

God cannot be described. Tomorrow also cannot be also described fully .What all forms it would assume it couldn't be said at all. Tomorrow is different to optimist & different to pessimist.Sun rises in east & sets in west but tomorrow isn't same to a man& man or to a place & place at all. Further, seldom today isn't tomorrow. Tomorrow isn't today. Variety is the spice of life.

Here is a proverb about " tomorrow "

" Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring"

Life isn't merely today.It's tomorrow too.A wise man always thinks not only of today but thinks of tomorrow too.Tomorrow isn't same to all.Some like & welcome it.Some fear & don't like it.Difference between today & tomorrow can't be completely made out at all. Those who are all there today may not be there tomorrow & those who are all there tomorrow may not be there today too. Similarly, what is there today may not be there tomorrow & what is there tomorrow may not be there today too.

A day after the world was born tomorrow was born. It would be there as long as the world would be there. As long as anybody is alive they have to face it. It is unavoidable. They have to undergo not fixed but varied number of tomorrows in their life. To whom tomorrow doesn't bother. It bothers young & old.It bothers man, woman, children & even animals & birds too. The reasons are different for botheration.Many times more than today tomorrow bothers man. Alphabet "O" stands for Opportunity which is absent in Yesterday, Available only once in "Today" And thrice in "Tomorrow".

The question what is tomorrow arises to a man at different times not merely when he is hungry & pockets are empty but also on all vulnerable situations when he doesn't know what to do.

What's tomorrow it's unknown.It's which often arouses anxiety.Life offers another chance. It's called tomorrow. It may be a treasure or it may be nothing . No astrologer can foretell rightly always what their tomorrow is. Man is more concerned about tomorrow than about today. It's shredded with uncertainty. It & uncertainty go hand in glove. Between today & tomorrow what cannot happen ? Anything can happen. Its opinion of many today is a bird in hand & tomorrow is a bird in bush.Tomorrow contains not merely man but also contains nature, climate & what not. Every one of them play their role & affect tomorrow. Life is mix of good & bad tomorrows. Mere intelligence wont bring a good tomorrow.. Great poet Keats reposes more faith in tomorrow . He says says " Heard melodies are sweet but those that are unheard are sweeter "Better always think today & act tomorrow.More than what's man today what's he is going to be tomorrow is important.

Tomorrow is another name for better prospects. While taking any job or agency man always ascertains whether there is future prospects are there or not.

What one imagines & what would be tomorrow are seldom alike. Tomorrow is one for which one has to wait &see. It is a lottery. It may be either good or bad.Tomorrow is what a man proposes & God disposes. It is one screen going up & another screen falling down in life drama. It's one that is neither to be overlooked nor to be taken seriously. Sometimes it needs planning .Sometimes planning doesn't work with it all. Those who are fortunate would usually have more brighter tomorrows & those who are not fortunate would have pale tomorrows in their life.Tomorrow is only something in our hands. It is more in His or in the hands of fate. Clock doesn't stop. Tomorrow comes & goes.It would be fruitful only if something worthwhile takes place.

Tomorrow isn't merely a sunrise & a sunset. It is not 24 hours . It means different to different people. It is entire future to many. It isn't independent . On one tomorrow another tomorrow stands. Life is full of tomorrows. Some see more tomorrows. & some see less tomorrows.They are not similar . They are challenges. Only after passing through them life ends. Everyone tries & struggles to make their tomorrow beautiful.Life is mix of good & bad tomorrows. Mere intelligence wont bring a good tomorrow.What's done today often comes to light tomorrow. It couldn't be hidden.Hence,the saying "Every dog has its own day. "

More than anyone else man knows whats his tomorrow is. He toils for it. Whats tomorrow that today often hints.What would be it often depends upon what's today.Toil seldom goes waste. The fruits of it are always tomorrow.If today is like this what would be tomorrow this thought often arises in a man.What one imagines & what would be tomorrow are seldom alike.The majority of realisations & corrections don't take place forthwith. It will be tomorrow in which man repents for lapses, carelessness, negligence & failures and tries to make amends to them.

Man plans tomorrows . Saves for tomorrow & wants tomorrow to be hassle free.Tomorrow is a hope. Hope is oxygen that keeps one alive. What enables often a man bear sufferings today is that tomorrow would be a better day. A wise man thinks not only of today but also thinks of tomorrow too . As days go , days are better. Tomorrow is always better than today. It will be tomorrow when the dream that one had become real.It's tomorrow one is remembered & appreciated for the way they lead the life.Tomorrow always comes forth with one or another new lesson or lessons.Optimism & experience always make man face tomorrow with confidence.

Whether it's tomorrow or any other day how a man utilises it is always important. Basavanna architect of Veerashaiva philosophy says moment one decides itself is auspicious. In life a day comes only once it doesn't come again & again.

Whether a man is there or not there tomorrow would be there & his deeds would also be there too.Man must be grateful to Him for providing tomorrow. How much useful it is .What one couldn't understand today often understands tomorrow.It will be tomorrow man gives second thoughts & takes follow up actions.