Stories are the best mode of sharing anything

A man may come man may go . He may be forgotten, but not his stories. Stories make one famous. They give a clear picture or details. Romeo & Juliet died long ago. They are remembered for their love story. Shahjahan & Mumtaj begum died long ago. Taj Mahal at Agra reminds us of their story.What has happened can be a story. What has not happened can be a story. What's going to happen can be a story.The story can be on any topic.Some stories that fall on our ears can be improbable. They can be cooked up stories too. There are stories to fool others. There are stories which guide or misguide also. There are a variety of stories.

Any materials can be handed over & shared. Feelings, knowledge & information couldn't be shared in that vein. It is stories which enable sharing them. Some stories how they would proceed & end could be made out. Some stories how they would proceed & end it couldn't be made out. Story are not alike. They are mysterious. They not only that take place before our eyes, but also they are one that take place behind them too. Latter stories sometimes only come to light & sometimes do not come to light at all. Life wouldn't have been interesting & lively so much if not for the stories . Stories are there to be understood. They are there too good to be chosen & bad to be ignored.

No need of a story being taken place. Man uses his imagination & builds up stories. They are countless. They cannot be counted. Walt Disney rightly says " There is no bound to imagination ." With one hand a clap is not possible. With one character without incidents a story would not happen. There are less or more characters & incidents in it. A story is a drama. A drama is a story.

If we look back we recollect numerous stories. If we look forward, we visualise many stories. The former are real stories & latter are imaginary stories. Life is full of stories.World is full of stories.As long as earth & moon are there would be stories. It is stories within stories too. Present, past & future are all stories. They are useful lessons They fill man with knowledge & experience. They are unique in their own way. Every story is beneficial in one or another way. How one makes use of them depends upon individual. Success stories are beneficial in some ways & failure stories are beneficial in some other ways. They bring out the reasons for success & failures. They bring out many useful hints.Some are interesting from beginning to end . Some are interesting in the beginning only. Some are boring in the beginning but interesting at the end .Some are unforgettable stories. Some are stories to be forgotten. They have telling effects on others. They are memories. They inspire others. One wants to become great many a times on account of their influence only.

Stories don't need education.Illiterates too can create stories.They aren't confined to a language.They are in all languages. They are elastic A short story can be pulled & made longer. A long story can be shrunk & made short.Stories give rise to emotions. Stories means whose ears do not widen? Young ,old, man ,woman & all stand on tip of their toes to listen them. Everyone is fond of them.They are a mode of communication & impressing people. There are various skills & techniques for the purpose.They aren't mere time pass.They aren't merely to keep kids quiet & make them sleep too.They are to make them learned & intelligent.They are powerful.Across time & culture stories have been agents of personal transformation--in part they change our brains.Our story we can only make beautiful. On its own it won't become beautiful.We know that we can activate our brains better if we listen to stories. Stories get us new thoughts & ideas.

Stories are not merely scribbled. They are narrated. They take place. Some of then are short & some of them are long. God is not merely a creator but also He is a great story writer. What His stories do not contain? They contain comedies & tragedies. Our appreciations or criticisms do not affect or deter Him at all. He is " sthita-pragnya ".

Man has to compare his own story with others stories & draw always consolation. Fitzgerald says.

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

What we are to-day. It is a story.It is a long journey. It is an adventure. It is a struggle . It is a battle . It is an autobiography.

Our own story is personal, & confidential & shouldn't be shared with Tom, Dick & Harry. It should be shared tactfully if at all only with, one of whom you have confidence. Sharing may yield help, sympathy, suggestions or may may boomerang too.Man is important in sharing.

It is not merely human beings give rise to stories, but also animals, birds vegetables , grains &other materials too give rise to stories. Stories of suicide of farmers, scarcity of food grains & spiralling of prices are a daily affair nowadays

Here is a popcorn story

What is happening in malls. Apart from prices of movie and parking being exorbitant, what was too shocking and alarming was the cost of popcorn. Popcorn being charged at 100, 200 and 300 rupees.

The actual cost of these pack of popcorn should not be more than 5 rupees. Even after considering the various other costs involved, they can charge at 20 rupees, or 30 rupees, but y more than 300% of the cost.

When the matter was took up, the vendor said, as long as we have takers, we will charge.

Why r we wasting our hard earned money and make these buggers rich.

Let's curb the temptation and let's boycott this popcorn and teach them a lesson.

One average show at one screen has At least 500 people and if 300 people buy this popcorn they make easily 25 to 30000 rupees in one show in one screen, u will be shocked to know that this money runs in lakhs per day per show in just one city.

Come on friends lets voice it up, if we stop buying popcorn at malls, it's sure within 3 months the cost will come down to At least 50 rupees, if not 20.

What all & what all forms stories occur. What all types of incidents take place what all types of people are there when what takes place etc stories bring to light. Stories are indispensable.They appear in prose poetry.& gossips There are possible & impossible stories .They are detective stories, horror stories, historical stories, love stories & mythological stories. Stories are there to cater to taste of all kinds of people right from children ,youths, women to old men .Story building is an habit of some people.Some are good at story telling. It is their pastime .It is an art or talent. It is a recreation.It is not enough a story is narrated. The way it is narrated is also quite important. The narration must be effective & humorous. One should enjoy it.The reader or listener must be kept lively.That's in the hands of writer or narrator.They can make stories grander.

Stories began when the universe came into being, they would continue to be there as long as it prevails also. Every story has a beginning & ending.One can share their joy, sorrow or anything as they wish through stories. They are chain of incidents that take place in life & world They are know how . Where the stories will take one where they will not take one it can't be said. More it is interesting, one wouldn't be aware where they are. Passage of time also they wouldn't be aware too. They forget everything. Stories are a craze.

The old order changeth, yielding place to new. This applies to stories too. As world has been progressing stories are also progressing too. From grand mother tales, ghost stories , king & queen stories. Now it is Harry Potter .Since the release of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on 26 June 1997, the books have found immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide. Today stories are undergoing lots of changes. To-day they aren't yesterday's stories. Stories which one cannot even imagine are also taking place these days. Son & wife murder husband. Mother murders daughter & what not. Life styles & thinking have entirely changed. In place of bullock carts, kutcha roads, & guns, etc, we find nuclear bombs , rockets, face book, & mobiles. Contents of stories are undergoing sea of changes .