Noises only do not make disturbance.

Disturbances aren't one type. They are of different types.

Disturbance makes one keep cotton in their ears, bewildered & run away. It doesn't allow a man to remain as he is .

A teacher explains "Disturbance" to his pupil by throwing a stone where water is still & stagnant .He continues by ringing the bell where there is silence to explain it more. What beautiful waves emerge in either case. One attracts the eyes . Another attracts ears.

Good & bad shouldn't be as they are .Disturbance gives rise to change.Where there's good there should be disturbance & where there is bad also there should be a disturbance too. It is all for the betterment of the world. What is life ? It is disturbances make one well known.

Noises only don't make disturbances. There are other disturbances too.Incidents which occur in life contribute primarily to disturbances. Besides, there are soundless disturbances also. Disturbances don't allow one to understand and control them completely at all.They prove,life isn't a straight line & bed of roses. They reveal what's life.They not only prolong processes , but also affect the outcomes. The results of a disturbance can be short-lived or can be one of long-term too. Only after disturbance a clear picture usually often emerges. Further, soundless disturbances are hard to tackle than disturbances caused by noises.

Disturbance is called by different names.It's called revolution,mutiny,riots,storm, tsunami & various other names. Nobody wants to disturb others unnecessarily.Circumstances compel one disturb others. Many a time there is no other go to one than disturbing others to get their work done at all.

Anger, insult,failure & what not disturb a man.Disturbance rarely does one good.It doesn't allow thoughts to run smoothly in mind .It's often regarded as a nuisance. Without a reason no disturbance takes place.How it brews, what all it does & how it ends etc It couldn't be made out easily at all.There is a lot of difference between one done in disturbance & one done in no disturbance. In disturbance,nothing would be clear or perfect at all. It isn't merely man & man wrestle. Concentration & disturbance also often wrestle too. What's disturbance that only one who undergoes it knows it better & could explain it better.

Disturbance isn't a little thing.It can be thunder, storm & lightening.Healthy mind,intelligence,common sense,knowledge, courage & patience are required to drive away it .It isn't confined to man only. Natural disturbances are caused by forces of nature,including weather,geology & biological fluctuations.

Many a time disturbances are a bolt from the blues.They are memorable.They are experiences .Normalcy of mind is primarily essential to anyone to function . In disturbance what is affected most is mind. In fact, one wont be usually aware at all what's happening around them in it.

The world consists of all types of people. In it one can find people who cause disturbance deliberately,intentionally or otherwise too. Life is unpredictable when disturbances occur. Disturbances are involuntary & aren't same to all. They create chaos not only within but also they create chaos around. Skills ,tolerance, patience & ad justifiable nature are quite necessary to wile away them. They leave no one untouched not even one who is in sound sleep.They are a part & parcel of life.They don't disappear as fast as they come.Normalcy always takes time.In disturbance control of feelings is a hell of a job.Disturbance not only torments ears & mind but generates disgust .It is always a challenge .It shouldn't be allowed to have an upper hand at any time at all. If one has no control over their mind disturbance makes them dance to its tune. Often disturbance is a crisis only. At times it makes life unlivable. In it, no entertainment can be had. Music would amount to a clarinet blown before a he buffalo in it. Many a times it is responsible to upheavals of life also.

Some disturbances can be described. Some disturbances can't be described at all.There are people who take advantage of situations especially in disturbance. Reasons for disturbance aren't always the same. Sometimes it's unknown also.Except politicians,antisocial elements,& enemies, nobody welcomes disturbance.Nobody goes in search of it. It walks to them.

It comes either with one or other problem or creates one or other problem. It doesn't allow one to be peaceful at all. It heralds unrest. All do not tackle it in the same way.

What modern era has contributed to mankind. One of its contributions is no doubt noise pollution. It is nothing but disturbance. Round the clock vehicles, aeroplanes, train & machines make noise. No cuckoo bird singing heard in any city at all. Villages are vanishing. Where there is calm & no disturbance only one can perform wonders.Disturbance is always an hurdle.It is in it often one forgets what one knows & fails to control feelings .One of the main reasons for stress & strain prevailing in modern society is it only.

How a disturbance works.It depends upon individual, what it is & the reason behind it.It doesn't allow one to rest. It keeps one alert.

Man is strange. Some are disturbed on fall of a pin.Some aren't disturbed even when bomb explodes.Some don't need any reason to get disturbed at all too. When expected happens, nobody is usually disturbed. It's when the unexpected happens, one is disturbed. One wouldn't be their usual selves in disturbance.Appreciation & criticism create at a times disturbance in man if they aren't as expected.More than anything else what disturbs a man is his own thoughts or other's words. They don't make noise, but create waves in mind. One won't be their usual selves in disturbance.It's in it one knows not what to do. Keeping their cool amidst disturbance depends more upon individual.When disturbed not merely mind is disturbed but also other parts of body are too disturbed.Concentration becomes a casualty in disturbance.What to talk & what not to talk one wont be often aware when they are disturbed.Many time when disturbed one talks what they shouldn't have talked In fact, a disturbed man behaves like a mad man. What one who is disturbed needs primarily is relaxation.Nobody likes disturbance. The only one who is always in sleep, one who is too much immersed in anything & one who does what is harmful to others needs disturbance.

Disturbance isn't caused by noise only.What causes it,it's impossible to think many a time even. It never tells & comes.It's often a surprise. Negative thoughts, bad dreams, disappointments & many other reasons also cause it. Disturbance is a storm that one can't withstand easily at all. Nothing tests a man's patience than it. One who can live in it is really great.It's an achievement. It's an art. Greatness always lies in not being disturbed under any circumstances.

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.

If we did not sometimes taste of adversity,

prosperity would not be so welcome.

Says - Anne Bradstreet

Life too isn't beautiful without disturbance at all.