What We Should Understand in Life

What we should understand in life. This is a question confronts everyone in life. Majority of us are in a state of confusion in this context .Most of us know not what to understand and what not to understand in life. It is difficult to make a choice.Can anyone can say what we should understand in life? We break our head to understand what's wanted and what's not wanted in our life.There's no prescribed syllabus or guidelines whatsoever in this regard.No one knows exactly what should be understood in life.There are no bounds to what we should understand in life.There are different views in this regard. It's better one knows what they should understand in life. It saves time and energy. It gives direction to life. In order to understand inquisitiveness, opportunity,efforts and intelligence are essential. Understanding anything isn't easy at all.

Understanding anything fully may be difficult but it's seldom impossible. Nobody can become a master overnight. Where there's a will there is always a way.Unless one takes a dip in water ,one can't understand fully what's swimming. Similarly unless one envisages interest in life, they can never understand what's life. Often more than what one understands life out of their own efforts, it is life that makes one understand what it is. It is believed that destiny decides what we should understand in life. More one understands what life is, easier it would be for them to lead life.

Understanding life is a never ending job.More one understands more there to understand in life. One has to begin to understand life from the day they are born to their penultimate day in life. Life is practical as well as theoretical. It's a mystery. Nobody knows it's composition fully . It is abundant with knowledge. It is an ocean. There are innumerable lessons to be learnt in it. It's a vast subject. It is an adventure which is full of experiences, successes, failures and what not. There are innumerable aspects. In life something we have to understand ourselves & something we have to understand with the help of others and something it is life that teaches us. One's entire life span is insufficient to study and understand even a single aspect of it completely.Yet,a man strains and tries to understand abundantly in life.

Understanding means knowing fully and it does not mean partially. Thus, there is no other go for us but to prioritize. That is why every scholar is after “specialization” . They do not want to become jack of all trade but master of none. Whatever one understands in their life that they should understand correctly and completely. A little knowledge is always dangerous.At the outset, one must understand how to make the best use of short span that is at their disposal and ensure that they are on a right path. Life is so short and task before one is so enormous that one faces a dilemma, as to how to allocate precious time, where to concentrate etc. Sometimes much energy and efforts get wasted in that process alone.Sometimes there's more misunderstanding than understanding while understanding what life is.That is really unfortunate. As such some people say life is for enjoyment, life is for amassing wealth, and life is for making fame and name etc. These are their misconceptions.If we do not understand life correctly, we mislead it. Only option that we would have afterwards is to repent. Past can never be set right. Our understanding of purpose of life must be proper in all respects. We should understand that we have come to this universe to do something good. It is our duty also. We should understand in life that we are indebted to the society where we are born, brought up and live. We should be always useful to the society and never be a burden to it.

All that we are is the result of what we thought. We must understand that nothing disturbs a man more than his own thoughts and only if our mind works properly we can think properly, feel properly or do anything properly. Billions have come to this planet and billions have left this planet too. We are one among the billions of billions and we do not know when we would be in oblivion. Only a few are remembered.We too may become a nonentity unless we do not prove our mettle through our deeds . We may perish but our good deeds remain and may even become immortal also.We must understand that we must have a purpose for our life otherwise it would just like a ship without a radar. Understanding life is not at all easy.

Understanding of life depends upon an individual.It depends on many factors. It depends on individual's interest and enthusiasm. It depends on opportunities individual gets. As such, understanding of life differs from person to person. It is not uniform. Some understand more and some understand less. Life could be viewed from different angles. We get different pictures of life. If we consider life as boring ,it is definitely boring. If we consider it as interesting , there is every likelihood of it turning out to be interesting. As Swamy Vivekananda says " We are always the makers of our own destiny".

Life never runs in same manner to anybody. It changes its course. It is different to everybody. It is not a bed of roses. It is a constant struggle for existence. More complex a life becomes more difficult it becomes to understand it also. It is testing times that makes one understand who is their real friend is. It is testing times that teaches one more lessons .We have to understand in life not only how to deal with a situation but also how to deal with people. We should distinctly understand that we are really fortunate to be born as a human being and there's no guarantee that we would be born as a human being again and again. Thus,it is better we understand and develop good qualities and habits of a human being and lead a good life. Life is to be understood first and then led.

Now-a-days life is so busy that we do not find ample time to make any kind of study. Most of our time is generally required for earning our livelihood and looking after the needs of our family. Further, life has become so fast and competitive that only the fittest can survive. We do not have adequate time to go through other intricacies and complexities of life. As such, much of our attention would be paid for making life as comfortable and pleasant as possible. We should try to understand at least some of the important things relating to life.

More we understand the life more we know about it and we find it easy to lead it. Before embarking on this venture, at the outset we should understand ourselves fully well. We should know what are our strength and weaknesses are. What is our capacity? How we can put it to optimum use. That is we have to contemplate on how to bring maximum out of our strength and weaknesses successfully. Our achievement should be aimed according to our capacity and limitations. Imitation of others ‘life is always not good .We should understand that life is the best teacher. However, whatever good we notice or find in other’s life should be invariably followed. It is experiences that we gain from incidents, opportunities and, failures that we come across in our life make us understand what life is. Intelligence,knowledge and experience are entirely different. It is not enough if we have only intelligence. We should have knowledge and experience too in life. We must learn from every incident that we come across in our life. We must understand that what we know is only a little what we are yet to know a lot. There must be always hunger to learn. There is no end to learning, limit is sky. We must understand that we are not the only intelligent person in the world . We must remember that there are others who are equally or more intelligent than us in the world. We should never consider an opponent as weak at all in our life.

Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant we must master a basic set of skills, more or less making us a jack of all trades. Contrary to what we may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one. There is no doubt that success goes to those who work hard and tirelessly but success is bound by our capacity too. Thus, if we aim at the sky and if we are not able to hit the target means failure is certain. Failure leads us to disappointment, which in turns may end in depression. We should study and understand others well in our life. We should not come to hasty conclusions. Our judgment of other people as far as possible should be very accurate. We must understand their nature very well. It is quite but natural that we come across all types of people in our life. All that glitters is not gold . Appearances are always deceptive. A man may smile and smile yet be a villain. We should know how to deal with all kind of people in life. Honesty is the best policy. Man management and money management are equally important in life. We should understand every personality that we come across very well . We should not apply same yardstick to everybody. All do not deserve same kind of treatment at our hands. We should develop tact to distinguish between people. More we develop our capacity to read other's mind, motive, and intention better it would be. Hypocrisy is increasing day by day in the modern world. In every field we find hypocrisy now a day. We should understand this fact very well and must be cautious always. We should understand how to conduct ourselves under adverse circumstances. Sometimes, we have to compromise, here also we should know when and why. Thus some people call life as an art. If we do not master this art of leading life we may definitely land ourselves in trouble or duped by any one at any time. We may also become a laughing stock at their hands too.

It is not enough if we have confidence in us but others too should have confidence in us. Similarly, it is not enough if we have only intelligence, wealth and knowledge, but also we should have courage and self-confidence to face any kind of situation. The courage could be mustered and self confidence could be acquired only after meeting success fully a number of situations. Experience is the best teacher. We should never runaway from any situation. We must learn from our mistakes and failures too. We should never be overconfident. We should develop presence of mind and commonsense as much as possible in us and use them as and when required. We should always be optimistic and think positively in our life. We should never make either hasty decisions or quick and immediate conclusions. We should never lose our cool at any time. We must understand that every dog has a day . Patience always pays rich dividends in our life.

One should understand in life that one should not leave everything to fate and keep quiet. One should understand that in life sometimes one has to swim with the tide , sometimes against tide and reach the shore.Ultimately it is truth that always triumphs.We should learn from our mistakes.One has to remember always “Gandhi and three monkeys “Here Gandhiji conveys to us that we should always not see bad, listen to bad and talk bad. We must understand that this is one of the best lessons one has follow in life. When we are distracted or at the fit of anger, we should not contemplate any action or make any decisions. We should not unnecessarily worry and waste our valuable time too. We cannot achieve anything through worrying. We should contemplate proper and quick steps to tide over any crisis rather than worrying .We should never allow ourselves to be swayed away by emotions. We should never be fickle minded. We should be strong willed. We should always arrive at conclusions and decisions only after much deliberation or deep thinking. Our strategy to meet the challenges of life must start when we are very young only. We should not fail to do introspection from time to time. Introspection periodically is absolutely necessary in one's life for it helps the person to give a new look to the life. Happiness is a state of mind. There are various ways for attaining that state in our life.We must try to understand and follow at least some of them to be happy. We must understand that intelligence alone or wealth alone or health alone is of no use in life. All of them are essential in due proportions and they should act in unison and cohesively.

There are numerous races in this world. There are various cultures, religions etc also in this world with people of different mindsets and life styles. Man is a social animal. Every man has to live in a society. Nobody can have control over the composition of a society. Composition of society is not uniform through out the world. Composition of society varies from place to place according to the environment where the society comes into existence. Generally we find all types of people in a society .Any attempt to understand life would be a half-baked one until and unless we understand how to lead a life in a sophisticated society.

There are many people in this world who want to face their life as it comes to them. Their philosophy is "come what may". They are of the opinion that peril teaches them the way like a man who does not know swimming on accidentally falling into water tries to swim to escape from the clutches of death. Best philosophy adopted in life now -a-days is live and let others to live. In modern day life where spoon-feeding is in rampant, people would like to understand life in a easiest possible way. We must understand in present day life how to manage tension, stress and strain. It is better if we acclimatize to live under stress and strain. Besides, depression has also always been causing much concern to people of present day world. We cannot understand life fully well without leading it. Everyone has to lead their life themselves. Nobody can lead life for us and at the same time we cannot lead life for others too.Books, traveling, sermons, experience of people of past generations are all only some of the tools available to us to understand life and give it a better shape .It is experience that only enables us to have our own view about life. But we cannot understand completely what life is. Our understanding of life is always partial. It is only a bit. It is our experience and all that we understood from our ancestors. We can share our experiences of life with present and future generations.All quotes, proverbs, idioms, sayings etc that we come across arise out understanding of life only . The process of understanding of life is always continuous . It continues as long as this universe is there. One should contribute to that encyclopedia .

Here is a piece of advice rendered to his son by Polonius in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet.” It is worth understanding and remembering.

"Look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,

Nor any unproportioned thought his act.

Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.

Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,

Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel,

But do not dull thy palm with entertainment

Of each new-hatched, unfledged courage. Beware

Of entrance to a quarrel, but, being in,

Bear ‘t that th’ opposed may beware of thee.

Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.

Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.

But not expressed in fancy (rich, not gaudy),

For the apparel oft proclaims the man,

And they in France of the best rank and station

Are of a most select and generous chief in that.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be,

For loan oft loses both itself and friend,

And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

This above all: to thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man."