
A hero laughs, a villain laughs,a woman laughs, & a child too laughs . In short everyone laughs . According to Shakespeare those who don't laugh and who are always pensive are dangerous. In fact,one would appear more charming when they laugh.It's when one laughs usually photograph of them would be had.Laughter is the experience or manifestation of mirth, amusement, scorn, or joy. It is an essence, a movement that produces a sound. Laughter is a regular series of short, vowel-like syllables-that are usually transcribed in English as ha-ha, ho-ho, and he-he. Man who laughs knows when to laugh and how to laugh. No one laughs without a purpose usually.One who laughs without a purpose is often of unsound mind. Laughter doesn't merely indicates happiness. It also announces that all is well. It's the music of life.That which is always in demand in the world is laughter.

Life without laughter is no life at all. It's boring boring only.One teases others with laughter only. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter could be controllable or could be also. It's elastic . It depends on person.Laughter mustn't be only from throat. It must originate from naval too. And that one from naval is always a genuine one.There's no artificiality in it at all. Artificial laughter and genuine laughter sound differently.One can laugh and laugh make the stomach full. Many situations in life one can laugh and laugh and allow them to pass away. Laughter costs one nothing but it should be utilized appropriately.People who laugh more actually live longer than those who do not laugh.Due to magical effect of laughter , even a patient is advised to have hearty laugh by his doctor these days.Laughter is a boon to mankind. It brings people together.

One can laugh in whatever manner they want. Laughter is a good food too. It makes one fat. It does wonders. It makes one forget the world. It's which reduces tension.It's a good habit.It's a good exercise.It's effective.It relaxes muscles. When one laughs 13 muscles of their face are brought into action and a chemical named endorphin is released. These are the same chemicals triggered in response to sexual stimulation. They make a person feel good, relieving stress and indirectly reducing one's risks of suffering a heart attack and other health problems.Plenty of laughter creates 'laugh lines' in a person's face, giving the person a kindly look, as opposed to wrinkles and creases caused by stress, unhappiness and hardship, which age a person and give him or her a hard and angry appearance.It's scientifically established fact that laughter, in the sense of a cheerful and hopeful temperament, improves digestion; regularizes hormone secretion in the body; and thus provides us with energy to resist many diseases.

In dramas there are comedians who send the audience into peels of laughter. In olden days kings used to have jesters in their court to keep everyone in good humor. In circus, there are buffoons to make us roar with laughter.When we laugh the whole world laughs. A mother always wants her children to laugh. Laughter is there in the world since time immemorial. Man is the only animal capable of laughter. With laughter not only one can be happy but also one can make others too happy with it .Laughter is sometimes seen as contagious . Laughter is wealth.

A laughter sends wrong signal into enemy's camp.Laughter increases confidence. It's a weapon. Laughter can rise to any high pitch. It can mellow down. It is limitless. It is variable. It is difficult to understand it many times.There are various kinds of laughter. There are people who like laughter and who dislike laughter in this world.There are laughing clubs all over the world these days to impress upon people the importance of laughter.Anyone can become a member of a laughing club. Membership of laughing club is absolutely free of cost.Laughing club members assemble daily early in the morning. They laugh boisterously without any rhyme or reason as a ritual to provide their lungs with the much-required free flow of oxygen.

It is not enough if we laugh. We must make others also to laugh. One can forget themselves while they laugh and laugh. Life is not even to all. Seldom it runs as one wants it to run.It's so unkind and bitter to many of us that they aren't even in a position to why laugh they aren't in a position to smile even. Sad moments in life steal one's laughter too. More than what we have realized there's more to realize in life. Life is not a bed of roses.One person who has full control over our laughter is God. He can make us laugh more or make us laugh less also. Why He can steal our laughter too.

Man may not be able to remember everything in life. It is impossible also. However, man remembers many of the instances that made him laugh. Many of the instances aren't just to laugh and forget at all. They are lessons. They are worthy to be remembered. In fact, whenever man is happy and leisurely or otherwise also he recollects , enjoys and follows them.