Harming others isn't a great deed at all.

Everything isn't money at all. Money is usually secondary. Where there is a will there is a way. To do anything good no much thinking or reason isn't essential at all only a good heart is enough. A good deed yields immense pleasure & one would be fully contented with it.

But it isn't so when one harms others.They won't be thought free either earlier or afterwards. They won't have any peace of mind & remain distracted . Negative thoughts haunt them.They would have usually stress strain & anxiety invariably for it is not a fair deed at all. It is a misdeed . One who does bad would do always bad only.A villain can never be a hero at any time at all.How much one can harm others what is the limit it couldn't be said . That all fate only decides.Who would be target for harming & who wouldn't be it couldn't be guessed. It could be even kith & kin also. Recent Indrani Mukerjea - Sheena Bora murder case & Bhaskar Shetty murder case make one wonder harming others goes to what extent. When one's interest is in jeopardy when one is in trouble one would be ready to harm, why others, they would harm anybody. Self interest is always paramount.

What is harming others. View what it is differs from man to man. Harming is bitterness. By it nothing else can be earned other than bitterness.It's a wrong path. It isn't closing a chapter.Its opening a new chapter.When somebody harms it is always better to forget & forgive to end the chapter. Nobody would be happy by harming others. Harming others one shouldn't dream even.

A man would not harm others if he realises what returns, he gets from harming others. A man would never be benefited or gets any praise, but gets curse only usually when he harms others.

Harming others is nothing but one becoming intentionally cruel.When one harms others even if nobody asks their conscience asks. There's no need of reason to harm others to some. It is their nature only. Jealousy,revenge, anger &other qualities prompt some to harm others . One may forget anything but cannot forget easily the harm that anyone inflicts or anything inflicts. Before harming anybody it's always better one thinks twice about repercussions too.What harm others did nobody asks what harm did you do many ask.Actions always speak louder than the words. There is no use of repenting after harming anybody at all. It would appear like crocodile tears only.

Here it may be remembered that no one has right to hurt or harm others in any way. Harming others is an offence only. Further, a society does not like self harm how it can like harming others. History reveals that dictators, however powerful they might have been they were dethroned especially for harming others. Why even in mythologies God intervenes wherever & whenever people are harmed. Harming others doesn't please God too.It draws all round sympathy.Harming others would never go unpunished at all.

The harming is not the only way to teaching a fitting lesson to anybody. There are other ways too . Harming worsens relationship between one another. It creates unbridgeable gulf. Better to avoid it wherever & whenever possible. Even birds & animals do not want to harm others . For self protection only they attack .That too when others trouble them. Harming others cannot be considered at any time as an achievement at all. It is always a blemish in life. It is a foolishness.

World has all types of people.Human nature is such if one does him many good & does one harm, he remembers only the harm. Some don't understand others pains at all .

Doesn't harm others if you couldn't do good to others either by deeds or words. By harming others one harms themselves rather than others. Harming others isn't a great deed at all. Harming others don't need much time at all. It could be done in a split of a second also. However, healing the wound or setting right is not always that easy at all.Harming others instead of solving problems often creates further problems. It is not a solution to a problem at all.

When one harms others, they would not feel pain, they may in fact have pleasure. It is when they suffer only they realise the pain or know what it is . When harming others always remember Newton's 3rd law of motion namely "Every action has got an equal & opposite reaction. Elders also say "One has to pay for their deeds either today or tomorrow. Nobody in life is without hazards. Why people add to their miseries by harming. Harming others have been always a sin "

Wayne Dyer says "A mind at peace, a mind centred and not focused on harming others,is stronger than any physical force in the universe."

Any deed needs others best wishes & His blessings to succeed, Harming others too needs them. But wouldn't have either others best wishes or His blessings at all usually.

Many religions, especially Jainism, Buddhism are based on Ahimsa. It is non hurting or harming not only humans but also animals & insects What Mahatma Gandhi advocates is " Ahimsa Paramo Dharma" No one harms one who is harmless. No law allows one to harm others at all. Hurting others may be with the knowledge or may be without knowledge too. Hurting others without knowledge has always to be pardoned. Harming for harming is not fit reply. It is only tit for tat. It develops animosity only. It has to be settled otherwise. It has to be dealt tactfully & diplomatically.

It is said that tongue is sharper than the sword. While using it, one must be careful. Many a times words hurt one's feeling. Words are expressed in conversations, talks, writing & slip of the tongue.

One must give no room to thoughts of harming others for they may turn into disasters.

Life is strange. It is not same to all at all. Some have more opportunities to help others. Some have more opportunities to harm others. Life would be good or bad depending upon how one utilises opportunities in it.There are as many ways of harming & frustrating others as there are ways of helping them & making their life plesant. Man remembers in his life usually those who helps him as well as those who harm & frustrate him too.

In what way one who wants to harm others would harm it couldn't be said or imagined .They do not hesitate stoop to low level. They hatch plans. They spread information whatever they have or whatever they come across about the person whom they want to harm. They resort to gossiping & join hands with enemies with the only intention of harming. One need not tell a story to illustrate what is harming others. An incident explains fully what it is. It's known to everyone from their life experience.

Harming others do nothing. It is unproductive. It simply adds fuel to the fire only.Hurting others intentionally or unintentionally is on the increase in modern world. It is sometimes psychic . Everyday Sadists Take Pleasure In Others' Pain .