Life is full of experiences.

A man would have different experience in summer,winter,autumn,& spring. Besides,his experience of them is altogether different in other countries.Why even a man's experience during daytime & during nighttime don't remain same. More a man travels not merely he experiences different weather but also he comes across different life experiences . When where & what experience one would have it couldn't be said at all.Life experiences are varied. They are sometimes pleasuresome & sometimes worrisome & troublesome.They differ from person to person.There's no end or beginning to them. Many of them needn't be searched even,they come walking.Its enough they are noted & followed. To everyone life experiences are supreme. They are memoirs.The flow of experience came into existence since world came into dawn. Life is an ocean of experiences. There is no dearth of experience whatsoever in it at all. Dilemma is which experience when to be used. The flow of experience would continue for ever. It is unstoppable. A man grows with every experience.

Experience is always within but it can come out at any time. It's a magic wand. What it can do & what it can't do, it can't be said. It outshines in a work or a task & proves its worthiness always. A man is always not only proud of his knowledge but also he is proud of his experience too.What that saves often a man more than anything else from jaws of death,failure or in case of any eventuality is it. It's always helpful.It's behind any excellence. A man can always understand anything better with it . He gains strength, courage,& confidence by every experience. Experience is a fuel to make anything move on the right path. However ,it is impossible to man to have all experiences & know what they are. Some experiences only a man can undergo & know what they are.

Everyone wants to have only good experiences in life.It's the goal of every man. However,in real life man undergoes all kind of experiences. Some experiences that he undergoes only would be as expected by him & some won't be as expected by him at all.Besides,there would be unexpected experiences also that weren't dreamt by him even. Based on experiences his life would be rated either as good or bad.In order to excel & come up in life people compete amongst themselves to gain more & more experience also. Experience is Truth & Truth is experience.Life experiences are essential to know the world, face the life & to be human.They are a simple guide to a life. They are certainly helpful to pass exam called " Life"Man can rely them more than anything else.Man wouldn't have been what he is to-day but for his life experiences. Do not be perturbed if anything happens in life. If not in life where it could happen . Be cool. "Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors at all." Every man is the sum total of his life's experiences .

Life experiences make a man wiser & wiser . There are different kind of people in the world & there are different kind of life experiences in it also. Life experiences aren't confined to any one field.They are spread all over.A person who is dynamic would generally have more good & bad experiences in life than a lethargic person would have in it. Some have short life & have numerous experiences & some have long life & have numerous experiences. Life experiences are good food to novel ,stories & movies. Besides, it is they that contribute to quotations or sayings that one comes across everyday in life.Life experiences reform a man. A man with experience & a man without experience are never the same. Life experiences make a man better.They are always for the good. An experienced knows how to lead life. He always notes good experiences & leaves the bad ones in life. Its always better to have experiences than not having any.

Experiences can come together. They can join one another. They can be pooled & wonders can be performed. World had countless experiences in this respect . It's going to have yet more also. What an enthusiasm & faith experiences generate. People leave all their job and throng to listen or witness them.

Experience is simply learning . It is nothing but another name given to a learning. A man dies only once physically in life. But there's every probability of his dying a number of times mentally in life. It is incidents in life that bring about such situations in life .When stars are bad what would take place in life of a man. it couldn't be said at all. A man must always have a strong mind. A few people are only capable of facing whatever that may come in their way.It's at that time a man undergoes mental depression usually.It isn't a surprise if they commit a suicide at that time. Many of them even don't share their agony in such precarious moments.A man needs more support at such a moment than at any other time. It isn't financial support. It is moral support. Life experiences only prompt one to respond to such situations in life.

Life is full of experiences. Whether one wants or doesn't want , whether one likes or dislikes they take place in life. They aren't solely in man's hand. Some are in his hands & some are in His hands. It's they that make one understand "what's life." They are powerful. They aren't merely adventurous, they are also pathetic, humorous,& inspirational too . They put every man into the dilemma which to remember & which not to remember too. Man must have patience & strength to bear them .There won't be anyone who wouldn't have undergone them in life at all. Of course, some of them are avoidable. They are neither uniform nor similar to all. They give only a rough idea or ideas to a man as how to lead life . Life experiences contribute a lot to knowledge of a man.

Leading a life is certainly not an easy task at all. It's life experiences which made Siddhartha into Gautama Buddha. Emperor Asoka a Buddhist & highway robber Ratnakar to Valmiki. It's they either enable man to face situations in life & make life pleasant & bearable or make his life horrible & unbearable. There could be an end to anything but not to experiences in life. There's no maximum or minimum to them .One can understand anything better or completely only when they have experience. One would be satisfied when they make the best use of experiences in life. It isn't enough only if one has more experiences in their casket how best they always utilize them in their life is very important & essential also.

Experience is a book which will be never be complete . There 's no bound to experiences at all.They aren't confined to anyone field or anyone. They are spread over traveling ,profession ,business ,research, astronomy, astrology & what not. They are immense & invaluable. They would continue to be there as long as there's world.What man is to-day is his experiences. Experiences enlighten him.They mold him. They clear all his doubts & give him a real or true picture.They make him know whether anything is good, bad,excellent, or horrible. They drive away all his ignorance. No one forgets them .They also don't allow anyone to forget them too. They come & stand before eyes or remain in sub conscious mind . They are unforgettable. Experience doesn't mean merely to be in a career for long but also it is to be coupled equally with gathering efficiency also.

Anything is termed experience only with substantial reason or reasons.Experiences don't go wrong. It is we who go wrong. It is difficult to remember,understand & make use of them. While leaving this world a man has to leave everything. Value of his own experience a man often doesn't realize at all. It is better a man leaves all his life experiences at that time. They are no less better than any other wealth that he leaves.Man deals with anything or anyone based on his experience only. How is my experience ? This question always enters his mind first. He proceeds ahead only if it is good. It is experience that pushes one either forward or backward always in any matter.

What doesn't take place in life? Contribution of incidents that take place in life to experiences isn't measurable at all. It's experiences which make life lively & interesting. It's they that make one either laugh,or cry,or shiver.They are thrilling. They are either good or bad memories to cherish. Man without them many times burns his fingers. Often, one cuts a sorry figure when they have no experience. There is no life without experiences. Life is "experience vs experience "too. Though problems are headaches in life, they also undoubtedly impart everyone experience in one way or other. It is experience that often enables one to recognize who is a cheat and who is an innocent too.

The question what to do next? This question doesn't arise where there is experience. Exchange of experiences is usually mutually beneficial. It develops friendship between one another also. A man with experience can face anything with confidence. Experience is an armor.More one experiences life more mature they become. Life experiences are either success or failure stories .They are replete with all kinds of feelings hidden in lives. They always wait for an opportunity to come to light.There is nobody who doesn't go through their own life experiences periodically. Majority of people review their life experiences not only from time to time but also compare them with that of others too. Based, on that they are either contented or discontented in life.

Many matters if anybody says one doesn't believe at all. Such matters it is experience that make one believe. There is no proof beyond experience . Nothing helps a man more than his experience at any time. There is vast difference between one done with experience & one done without experience. What one does with stress & strain an experienced does with ease. Experience makes everything appear easy & fine.When there's experience one needn't think more . One can straight away take up a task & finish it in no time. In simple words experience is "What to do & when. "It's know how.It's practical . It's not theoretical . Many experiences do not find place in any of the books . One of the reasons for any failure is lack of experience.

Knowledge is experience. Experience is knowledge. They must always go hand in glove. One may possess immense knowledge even that seems inadequate at times without experience. Knowledge & experience always command respect. In any branch of science or technology these days marks are allocated equally between theory & practice. That is between knowledge & experience. One may not like a person but they bow to the knowledge & experience of that person. Experience & knowledge can make one an expert. Experience after experience only makes one perfect. Man always grows with experience.

Where is experience not needed? It's needed everywhere. Sometimes only it is said it isn't required. Its to pay less & train a person only.It's in fact, a tactics to have an experience of their choice too. In decision making experience is always very useful. One should always think whether experience suits anywhere before making use of it. In fact, sometimes it may not suit also & may have become outdated too. Man & matters don't move swiftly without experience. Experience moves man & matters fast & efficiently in right direction. How experience would grow. It wouldn't grow overnight. One must have an aptitude for it. One must get an opportunity to gain it . One must aim, strive & totally involve themselves. Mere participation never fetches it. It's rigorous.However,professional experience & life experience aren't one & the same .They are quite different . Experience differs from one field to other.Experience in one field won't be useful generally in another.Further,life experience is entirely different. Life is so smart that even though a man would be ready with strategies based on life experiences that either he or someone had, it counters & surprises him in some other way .

Experience embarks on its journey from the womb itself. It 's enough a man absorbs it from time to time & makes use of it. It never stops. It follows him right up to the end of life. He needn't go in search of it always also. Sometimes it is a bolt from the blues. An experience is indeed a friend in need only. It's which only often comes to help many a time. Fruits of it are often sweet. Experience often doesn't let one down. It never goes waste.What all experiences one would have in life it couldn't be said & explained completely also.Many of the experiences that a man would have in life, he might not have dreamt even. Listening to them from him only is always heartening.They are helpful lessons.They are a treasure . They are invaluable.A man won't have similar type of experience always. Sometimes experience is sweet & sometimes bitter.

Experiences differ person to person. They are one thing you can't get for nothing. Further, all don't gain same quantum & same type of it too. Why life is called the best teacher ? Its because of experiences it imbibes into man. Experience is the best guide. One must make best use of it & get themselves benefited. One can learn not only from their experiences but also can learn from experiences of others too.There's no use of simply having experiences . They are to be shared. Some only share them.In fact,they are proud to share with others. Some hesitate to share them. Experiences are real stories . They are what had happened & what could happen hereafter once again also . Sharing wouldn't cost one anything. Only what that could be shared could be shared & what shouldn't be shared, what's embarrassing needn't be shared at all. Sharing depends on an individual.Here, one should always share without any bias or reservation.

Which herb is useful in curing which ailment that many rustic or tribal people know. But many of them don't share their experience with others at all.It's great loss to the society.At a place near Anandapur near Sagar in Shimoga District ,it seems herbs are there which have been helpful in controlling dreaded disease cancer too.

Sometimes needed experience wouldn't be available .One has to go in search of it. Experience sometimes walks to man & sometimes he has to walk to it. Sometimes , man has to wait for it & sometimes it doesn't make him wait at all . It is varied. Often ,changes and modifications take place in the world because of experiences. Many men & matters would have remained as they are but for the experiences. Experience is precious. Lack of it is always a shortcoming . It is a better qualification.Committing blunder & learning lesson from it is really a great useful experience . One would be wise only if they commit mistakes. One who sits idle fearing that they would commit mistake is an idiot Only.

Bad experience no one forgets easily. It teaches one numerous lessons. One wouldn't usually try it once again at all. One cannot have always have only good experience. Life is mixture of good & bad experiences. To-day, we know what to eat and what not to eat, what to do what not to do , what to see and what not to see and what to hear and what not to hear. It's all because of experience. Tomorrow, we don't stop at all, we proceed further in life and have some more experience. Experience would never be a full cup at any time. It is architect of human life. It shapes man. Today's man isn't yesterday's man. Life experiences make a man more humble & mature.It makes his life colorful. It makes life a roller coaster ride. It moves him towards perfection. Others life experiences may influence a man but more than them, his own life experiences influence him more. Man is nothing but a product of his life experiences.

Experience alone is not enough always in life .A good intention & good attitude it must carry along with it. Days may pass on without experience . However to a day to pass on elegantly & peacefully His blessings are always more important. Man always prays to God every day . "Bless me always with good experience. Let me not come across any bad experience to-day at all" Magnanimous God by and large always grants him good experience only. Of course, sometimes it turns bad . It may be due to either deeds of a man or God may want to make a man realize a little what's bitter also.