
Comparison is prevailing since time immemorial in this universe. It is certainly more essential to this modern era than ever before.Who doe not compare their life that is now and their life that was a few years ago? Comparison is the habit of many people.How could one know that they are not eccentric and they live like everybody in this society? How would one know or gauge the development that has taken place around them ? Comparison is instrumental to standard of living going up. Often, it is comparison that causes contentment or discontent in human beings. It is an answer to many questions. We cannot do away with comparison. It is indispensable. Certainly, standard of living of people would not have improved this much but for their habit of comparing. Only a few opine that there should be no comparison. Of course, one tries to evade comparison with anybody who is bad or anything bad. We come across comparison everywhere. Wherever and whenever there is a change comparison of present with past generally takes place invariably. Comparison is a human instinct.Comparison has not left any field untouched at all. Nothing is beyond comparison. Of course, when one’s performance is superb, when it has no parallel it's said to have no comparison at all or incomparable. If one does not compare themselves with others they may not know where they are. They may remain where they are. Comparison often doesn't allow one to remain as they are. It impacts an individual either favorably or adversely.One can come to know of the progress that they make through comparison Similarly, a decline can also be measured or controlled through comparison. Comparison is a mode for evaluation. It highlights difference or differences. It is not at all for joking. It should always be undertaken with all seriousness.It should never be treated lightly at all. At times, it is strenuous. It is definitely worth the exertion or pain that one would have. It is an useful exercise. However, one shouldn't resort to unnecessary comparison at any time.

Often, we realize value of a person or a thing only after a comparison. Comparison is an eye opener. It's finding differences between one another. It enables one to know their strength and weakness. We can make several deductions from comparison.We can chalk out our strategy based on outcome of a comparison. In short, comparisons enable decision making easy. World would not have developed this much but for comparison.Comparison & competition go together. Sometimes it's comparison that develops competitive spirit in a person.It's noticed that majority of people compare themselves more with others than undertaking any other comparison . One even sits in front of a mirror and compares their image. One compares their life at various stages that is when they were young, after marriage and at present and make inferences and draw conclusions. One also compares their life with life that others lead too. Comparison is an appraisal. Comparisons are useful to convey information about different topics to show what makes each topic unique in its own right while showing the inherent similarities.

Comparison is a study. While undertaking a venture one compares risks involved in various ventures and chooses a venture where there is least or no risk. A judge too makes use of comparison while delivering judgements. A judge always compares offences of various culprits and punishes them appropriately. Comparison can be a hobby too. Sometimes, comparison is a need also. We need comparison many times to bifurcate good better and the best. It's comparison that enables us to make the right choice. One can use comparison &contrast to describe things, to define things, to analyse things, to make an argument. Success of comparison lies in how best we make use of facts, analysis which it provides. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt says. However we often find that man compliments God when he compares his difficulties with others. He feels that his are less or nothing in comparison.

Comparison does not allow one to remain quiet. How comparison would affect an individual or what affect it would have on an individual, it is difficult to conclude. By and large it depends upon mould of an individual. Sometimes, it activates one. Sometimes, it enlightens one. Sometimes, it puts one on alert. In fact, comparison is a craze as far as some people are concerned. Sometimes, qualities like greediness and jealousy develop in people only because of comparison. One can utilise comparison to improve or correct themselves . Comparisons always lead to a judgement. Comparisons often give us the true picture.

One should not either be complacent or depressed after a comparison. Outcome of comparisons seldom remains same. It often changes with time. Today one may be progressing well but tomorrow they may not be progressing at all. Further,nothing should be hidden in a comparison. Everything should be included in a comparison. Comparison in all respects only brings in a real or true picture and fruitful also. Comparison should be fair and there should be no bias whatsoever in a comparison. Elders say “It is not enough if we see with our own eyes we have to ascertain everything to come to a conclusion.” It is always better if a comparison serves some purpose. Anything that is without a purpose is like a ship without radar. Further, any hanky -panky or topsy -turvy in a comparison defeats very purpose of a comparison and does not unfold a real or a true subjected picture at all. Many times everything appears fine for comparison but in realty nothing is fine. That is why Shakespeare says “Appearances are deceptive”

Question is what is that which is not compared. Almost everything is subjected to comparison. Comparison is routine. Comforts are compared. Difficulties are compared. Happiness is compared. Sorrow is compared. Wealth is compared. Poverty is compared .Persons are compared. Progress or developments are compared. Beauty is compared. Ugliness is also compared. Standard of livings are compared. Standard of education is compared. Handwriting is compared. Olden days are compared with the modern days .Natural calamities, catastrophes, are compared. Value of anything would be better known and appreciates or depreciates only on a comparison with something else. Comparison should never be made according to our whims and fancies. There should be basis for any comparison. One should be reasonable while comparing too. Comparison must provide us a clear picture. It should serve some purpose. It should be useful or helpful. As far as possible comparison should be made with equals and should not be made with unequal. One should compare themselves with their equals or with those who a little above them. One at the bottom should not compare themselves with those at the top. One who is at bottom comparing themselves with those at top generally becomes a laughing stock. There is no use if one compares them with a non performer. Comparison of a tall, aggressive, strong-willed woman to Amazon is common in the west. Normally in India comparison of a simple and vice less man to Gandhi is in vogue. Likewise comparison of dictators to Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin prevails world over We come across comparison of promising and budding talents of games etc with greats in those categories. That is how Tendulkar is being compared to Don Bradman. One would be really proud when they are compared with all time greats. It is often fulfillment of their ambition too. In fact, one's status or position improves many times when people start comparing them with all time greats. Sometimes, especially when there is tough competition it is difficult to make out who is great or who is not great also.

Simile is a figure of speech where we find nothing but comparison .Beauty contest is one where comparison of beauties takes place. Similarly in world of fashions we find comparison of dress, hairstyle, jewels etc. Poets, writers etc make use of comparisons abundantly in their write ups. It is comparison that gives scope for their imaginary & creative skills. Some do comparison openly and some do it secretly. This fact is evident from one who sits in front of a mirror. One looks into a mirror normally for comparison of their own image only. A lover compares his fiancée to what not. Comparison is common in this world. Why do we compare? We compare not with a particular intention. The reasons for a comparison are numerous and vary also. Sometimes comparison is nothing but a recollection. This fact is obvious when we think of good old days on coming across difficulties in life. This is only an example. There are numerous such occasions. Comparison of rates, quality and quantity is always good for any purchase. Comparison is one of the ways to choose the best among a lot. It is through comparison one comes to know what is the difference between one item and another. Why one item is superior and why other is inferior. But world is so busy that many a times there is no time to make any comparison even..

In English grammar, there are three degrees of comparison namely positive degree, comparative degree and superlative degree. When one loses their temper, they make use of all types of words and phrases which are not found even in a dictionary to express anger whereas in comparison when one is normal one makes use of apt words to convey their feelings ranging from positive degree to superlative degree to air their views or feelings. Comparison enables us to choose the better of the two, best of the lot, and the worst of the lot. It is through comparison only many a time we come to some conclusion or a decision. In flattery one is compared to what one is not. One is compared to great or famous people. One is compared sometimes even to God. In short, we come across exaggeration or false comparison in flattery.

What is a balance sheet? Balance Sheet is comparison of assets and liabilities as on a date. A profit and loss account is comparison of income and expenditure for a particular period. How many useful information they provide. One can make out many things out of them. One can contemplate many changes in their operations. Facts and figures revealed by a Balance sheet and profit loss serve many useful purposes. Many data’s can be compiled and compared in this fashion. At least two persons, two objects are required for any comparison. Comparison cannot be in seclusion. Comparison could be with anybody too. Further anybody can do a comparison. But there are numerous fields where comparison is essential and there is expert or experts in every field. Though anybody can do a comparison, an expert can always do it better for expert has capacity to make comparisons. An expert knows what are to be compared. An expert can draw inferences from a comparison. Knowledge is not only essential for any comparison but also it brings perfection to any comparison. Some acts of courage, kindness, sacrifice and cruelty are incomparable. We come across such instances not only in epics, history, novels, and stories but also in our day to day life also. Genius and prodigies are incomparable too. Great people are also not comparable many a times. Comparison with great people is itself an honor. It enhances one’s reputation. Comparison with a dull herd is generally to humiliate one and make one improve. We cannot compare an ant with an elephant. Similarly we cannot compare a cat with a tiger. Comparison need not necessarily be with equals .It is a way of knowing what we are and where exactly we stand. It is a way of gauging performance. That is how we come to which is better of the two. How much proud one would be if one is adjudged better in comparison? Comparison is generally done with one or another purpose. Statistics, records help a great deal a comparison.

Why we are comparing. That is always important. It is always better if it serves some purpose. Sometimes it is impossible to compare for no data or information would be available to compare. Comparison should not be a futile exercise. Comparison should not be a fault finding exercise. It should never be kept aside. It should be put to use. Efforts are always needed to make it fruitful. It should lead to improvisation. Comparison with unequal generally does not reveal a true picture. It is not appreciated. At times of distress only one should compare with those who are in more distress or trouble.

What is comparison? Is comparison good? Is it necessary? Such other numerous questions arise when we think of comparison. Comparison is weighing one against another. All comparisons one cannot do. One can do comparison relating to their field only. Comparison needs expertise. An artist can only compare one art with another art perfectly. A scientist cannot compare one art with another art perfectly. One gets elated if they are compared to stalwarts in their field. One gets annoyed if they are compared to nonentities. In order to get a work done or to fool some compare a person to a stalwart. It is a ploy. Comparison is a statement or estimate of similarities and differences. Comparison is an exercise. Poets, writers, historians etc all make use of comparison to make us clear certain matters and impress upon us. We too do the comparison. It is sometimes necessary. Of course facts and figures render the comparison possible. Sometimes our eyes do comparison. Sometimes it is our memory that does comparison. Sometimes feelings do comparison. It gives a clear picture. It is a study. It is an instinct in many people too. They go on comparing themselves with others. It is a tussle which goes on in their mind. Sincere and honest efforts are quite essential while making any comparison. We confront many problems in the process. In the process one realizes many facts. While allotting works,and accepting tenders comparison is always necessary. Comparison is always not easy. Comparison must cover all aspects. Only cost should not be compared, quality of work should be given due importance. Sometimes it is an uphill task.

One would be happy if they are compared with superiors whereas they would be unhappy if they are compared with inferiors. And there are people who are not bothered about being compared with Tom Dick and Harry. They say "we are what we are." All types of people are found in this world. There are people who are beyond comparison too in this world. Some are of the opinion in this world that we should not compare one with another. They do not like comparison. They feel that comparison does not motivate anybody. They feel that dissatisfaction is wide spread in this world because of comparison. That is why nobody is complacent. Greediness and such other qualities are on the rise. They feel that comparison is no good. They become angry if they are compared with others. They think that by comparing them with Tom Dick and Harry, they are belittled. Some of the qualities in one cannot be compared with others at all.

Some misuse the concept “comparison” They use comparison for flattery. ” They use it for teasing and fooling others too .There are others who use comparison to proclaim that they are God. Of course, sometimes it is comparison that breeds inferiority complex or superiority complex in a person. On comparison, if one is found inferior, it may have an adverse affect upon them. As a result they may allow inferiority complex to develop in them. Generally, those with superiority complex and those who are egoistic do not like comparison also. They hold a high opinion about them. They think that they are incomparable. Whereas there are others who feel that comparison is quite essential. They feel that comparison gives scope for improvement, development and growth. It motivates people. Ambitions, desires etc develop because of comparison only. Comparison is a measure. It is useful in arriving at compensation, wages; and remuneration .

Comparison is one of the ways of choosing the best. It is a way of selection. However, the election results are not true comparison of popularity of either candidates or political parties in India. They are reflection of money power, muscle power and caste equations. Comparison brings in changes. It is comparison many a times gives us solace.

In India while arriving at marriage alliances comparison of horoscopes generally takes place. While accepting any contracts, offers etc comparison of terms and conditions is invariably needed, to arrive at the best terms conditions that suit us. Psychology of comparison is that when one compares himself or herself with those who are well placed in life than them, he or she generally feels dissatisfied whereas when one compares himself or herself with those who are less privileged than they are, they are satisfied. Similarly, one of the ways of feeling composed when miseries torment us is comparison of our miseries with that of those who have more miseries. As a result, generally we feel that our miseries are trifle or nil. Thus, comparison enables one to bear miseries and brings them solace also. Comparison of a good person with another good person and comparison of same good person with a bad person would have different affects on a common man. The good person would be more impressive in the latter case. Similarly relationship, mood etc play a vital role in comparison. When a person is in angry mood and when his or her relationship with other is a strained one , latter is compared to a devil whereas when relationship is cordial and when former is in jovial mood latter is compared to God .Thus comparison could be made use of for abusing as well as for flattering too. When two are equally good, comparison is not much effective. It is difficult to decide on either side.

Because of comparison only one imitates other cultures and disregards their own culture. As such, we can conclude that comparison is good in some respects and bad in some respects also.There is limit to comparison also. It should be made only as and when it is quite essential only. Comparison is a tool for improvement and development. It should be used for imitation only when it is good. In present day world, there is absolutely no dearth of techniques. Hence, various new techniques of comparison have been not only developed but also they are used extensively. Further, comparison has spread so much that it has not left any field untouched. Countries are compared, economies are compared, standard of livings are compared, and value of currencies are compared. In short everything is compared with intent to spread development to nook and corner of the world.